membermatters / MemberMatters

An open source membership, access and payments portal for makerspaces and community groups.
MIT License
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Support for non-technical makerspace? #254

Closed ergodone closed 2 months ago

ergodone commented 2 months ago

We have a makerspace that is interested in using Member Matters. It checks all the boxes of what we are looking for. We could probably manage to get it running on our own but no one has any experience with Django/python/Stripe APIs etc. Our concern is if we were to start using Member Matters is there any way to get prompt support when something blows up?

@jabelone Are you available for paid support? Are there other options for support - a user group or something that I have not found?

jabelone commented 2 months ago

Heya, I'm not sure if you're JP but based on timing I think so. I just replied to their email with a lot of detail so I'll keep my response here brief. The short answer is no, I would not recommend using Member Matters unless you have someone (preferably two for redundancy :p ) who is comfortable managing Linux servers and docker applications. I'm working on a hosted/managed version in the background, but it won't be ready anytime soon (perhaps next year).

For super urgent issues I'll prioritise them, but as this is an unpaid project I work on in my spare time it's not possible to offer paid or guaranteed support (though I do try my best). I am open to paid support/contract work, but I have inconsistent availability which makes it hard to commit to anything specific.

GitHub issues is kept specifically for bug reports and feature requests. For general support/discussions, you're welcome to join the OZHS Discord here (mainly for Australian hackerspace organisers). It's the unofficial place for Member Matters support and discussions in the #membermatters and #access-control-hw channels. That would be the closest thing we have to a user group and has some nice chats in there.

jabelone commented 2 months ago

I'll close this for now, but if you want to keep chatting please drop into the OZHS discord server.

proffalken commented 2 months ago

@ergodone - whereabouts are you based?

I can't offer paid support or anything like that at the moment either, but I'm in the UK if that's a better timezone for you and happy to help via Discord in getting things setup (which reminds me @jabelone, I've not forgotten that I said months ago I'd see if there were any improvements I could make to the install docs!)

ergodone commented 2 months ago

@proffalken I'm in the USA. I just joined the discord channel - I had not been aware of that till jabelone pointed it out. It looks very useful. I'll continue over there.