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增强现实近几年的文章或者相关资料特别是关于PTAM的资料 #212

Closed haoawesome closed 9 years ago

haoawesome commented 9 years ago

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haoawesome commented 9 years ago

概念 Augmented reality (AR) is a live direct or indirect view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented (or supplemented) by computer-generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics or GPS data. PTAM (Parallel Tracking and Mapping) is a camera tracking system for augmented reality. ● Use dense map (of low-quality features) ● Don't update the map every frame: Keyframes ● Split the tracking and mapping into two threads Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) is a technique used by digital machines to construct a map of an unknown environment (or to update a map within a known environment) while simultaneously keeping track of the machine's location in the physical environment.

haoawesome commented 9 years ago

PTAM Parallel Tracking and Mapping Visual SLAM Tutorial (CVPR tutorial 2014)

related work RSLAM: A System for Large-Scale Mapping in Constant-Time using Stereo (IJCV 2010) KinectFusion: Real-time dense surface mapping and tracking (ISMAR, 2011) SLAM++: Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping at the Level of Objects (CVPR 2013)

" In SLAM (Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping), building an internally consistent map in real-time from a moving sensor enables drift-free localisation during arbitrarily long periods of motion. ... Sparse feature filtering methods like [5] were improved on by ‘keyframe SLAM’ systems like PTAM [8] which used bundle adjustment in parallel with tracking to enable high feature counts and more accurate tracking."

haoawesome commented 9 years ago

问: 增强现实近几年的文章或者相关资料特别是关于PTAM的资料? 答: 资料汇总 PTAM是"即时定位与地图构建" (Simultaneous localization and mapping, SLAM, 机器人视觉的研究方向)的重要进展, 概念于2007年ISMAR最佳论文中提出。2014 CVPR 有一组段教程涉及相关研究 欢迎补充指正

haoawesome commented 9 years ago

Augmented Reality 综述 Augmented Reality: An Overview (2011) Julie Carmigniani and Borko Furht A Survey of Augmented Reality Technologies, Applications and Limitations (2010) D.W.F. van Krevelen and R. Poelman

Augmented Reality 分领域综述 Mobile augmented reality survey: a bottom-up approach (2013) Zhanpeng Huang, Pan Hui, Christoph Peylo, Dimitris Chatzopoulos 移动计算 AUGMENTED REALITY IN LOGISTICS (2014) 物流 Augmented Reality Teaching and Learning (2013) Dunleavy, M., & Dede, C. (in press). Augmented reality teaching and learning. In J.M. Spector, M.D Merrill, J. Elen, & M.J. Bishop (Eds.), The Handbook of Research for Educational Communications and Technology (4th ed.). 教学与学习