GQLAlchemy is a library developed with the purpose of assisting in writing and running queries on Memgraph. GQLAlchemy supports high-level connection to Memgraph as well as modular query builder.
Python: `match().node(variable='n').to().node(variable='m').where(item='', operator=Operator.IS_NOT_NULL).return_()`
Cypher: `MATCH (n)-[]->(m) WHERE IS NOT NULL RETURN *;`
Currently, there is no operator IS_NOT_NULL in Operator Enum and where() necessarily requires three arguments (literal or expression as third), while in this case there would be 2 args)
Below should work:
Currently, there is no operator IS_NOT_NULL in Operator Enum and where() necessarily requires three arguments (literal or expression as third), while in this case there would be 2 args)