Open mevadadhruv opened 5 months ago
Are you able to read the table using AWS glue? Could you compare the glue table path and S3 path? Recently there were issue on that #320
hi @ismailsimsek , thanks for quick response, but we are getting data as above image, but we don't want that way, we expect data as a below attachment. Thank you, Dhruv
@mevadadhruv please check following configs. make sure include exclude list settings are containing the schema you want to replicate.
the table you are querying is just additional metadata table created by following config. since you are able to query it that means everything is working as expected.
hi @ismailsimsek , if you could please check our, in that you will find out that we already provided that parameters. Thank you, Dhruv Mevada
@mevadadhruv please check the value you are using schemaname.tablename
. i recommend trying with regexp *
hi @ismailsimsek, yah we tried actually this before but, that's not our problem, our actual problem is that we are not getting any records of table once we start the debezium server but we are getting the data and metadata folder in the s3 bucket but in that we are also getting schemas and logs of it, not the records of the table(please finds attachments for better understanding).
Thank you, Dhruv Mevada
@mevadadhruv could you attach debezium logs too?
Hi @ismailsimsek , I'm working with @mevadadhruv on this part, the issue we are facing is that, oracle databases contain n number of table and we are trying to get data for particular table, we are getting the schema for the table but not the column and row field , it giving entire schema,
In postgres if we made anything update delete or insert we are getting data for that table like that but in oracle we are getting entire schema not the rows and column for that tables [ { "id": "e1aa0a60-7e65-4aa8-b647-c1eafd40efed", "history_data": "{\"source\":{\"server\":\"tutorial\"},\"position\":{\"snapshot_scn\":\"551361732\",\"snapshot\":true,\"scn\":\"551361732\",\"snapshot_completed\":false},\"ts_ms\":1718010053332,\"databaseName\":\"AMSGCPYPDB1\",\"schemaName\":\"AMOS_PRIV_PRD_1\",\"ddl\":\"\n CREATE TABLE \\"AMOS_PRIV_PRD_1\\".\\"PART\\" \n (\t\\"EXTENDED_STATENO_I\\" NUMBER(12,0), \n\t\\"PARTNO\\" VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL ENABLE, \n\t\\"PARTMATCH\\" VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL ENABLE, \n\t\\"PARTSEQNO_I\\" NUMBER(12,0) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL ENABLE, \n\t\\"DESCRIPTION\\" VARCHAR2(36 CHAR) DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL ENABLE, \n\t\\"REMARKS\\" VARCHAR2(36 CHAR) DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL ENABLE, \n\t\\"SPECIFICATION\\" VARCHAR2(50 CHAR), \n\t\\"ATA_CHAPTER\\" VARCHAR2(12 CHAR) DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL ENABLE, \n\t\\"VENDOR\\" VARCHAR2(12 CHAR) DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL ENABLE, \n\t\\"WEIGHT\\" BINARY_DOUBLE DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL ENABLE, \n\t\\"STORETIME\\" NUMBER(12,0) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL ENABLE, \n\t\\"ALERT_QTY\\" BINARY_DOUBLE DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL ENABLE, \n\t\\"MEASURE_UNIT\\" VARCHAR2(4 CHAR) DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL ENABLE, \n\t\\"WASTE_CODE\\" VARCHAR2(8 CHAR) DEFAULT ' ', \n\t\\"REORD_LEVEL\\" BINARY_DOUBLE DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL ENABLE, \n\t\\"SAFETY_STOCK\\" BINARY_DOUBLE, \n\t\\"MAX_PURCH\\" BINARY_DOUBLE DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL ENABLE, \n\t\\"AC_TYP\\" VARCHAR2(6 CHAR) DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL ENABLE, \n\t\\"MAT_CLASS\\" VARCHAR2(4 CHAR) DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL ENABLE, \n\t\\"MAT_TYPE\\" VARCHAR2(4 CHAR) DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL ENABLE, \n\t\\"COUNTRY_ORIGIN\\" VARCHAR2(4 CHAR) DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL ENABLE, \n\t\\"REORDER\\" VARCHAR2(2 CHAR) DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL ENABLE, \n\t\\"TOOL\\" VARCHAR2(1 CHAR) DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL ENABLE, \n\t\\"REPAIRABLE\\" VARCHAR2(1 CHAR) DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL ENABLE, \n\t\\"AVG_TA_TIME\\" NUMBER(12,0) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL ENABLE, \n\t\\"DEFAULT_SUPPLIER\\" VARCHAR2(12 CHAR) DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL ENABLE, \n\t\\"DEFAULT_REPAIR\\" VARCHAR2(12 CHAR) DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL ENABLE, \n\t\\"SPECIAL_CONTRACT\\" VARCHAR2(2 CHAR) DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL ENABLE, \n\t\\"FIXED_ASSET\\" VARCHAR2(1 CHAR) DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL ENABLE, \n\t\\"REORDER_LAST_MUTATOR\\" VARCHAR2(8 CHAR) DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL ENABLE, \n\t\\"REORDER_LAST_MUTATION\\" NUMBER(12,0) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL ENABLE, \n\t\\"MAX_SHOP_VISIT\\" NUMBER(12,0) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL ENABLE, \n\t\\"SHOP_VISIT_RESET_CONDITION\\" VARCHAR2(8 CHAR) DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL ENABLE, \n\t\\"SPECIAL_MEASURE_UNIT\\" VARCHAR2(4 CHAR) DEFAULT ' ', \n\t\\"MANUFACTURER\\" NUMBER(12,0), \n\t\\"PMA\\" VARCHAR2(1 CHAR) DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL ENABLE, \n\t\\"RESOURCE_TYPE_ID\\" VARCHAR2(20 CHAR), \n\t\\"COUNTER_TEMPLATE_GROUPNO_I\\" NUMBER(12,0), \n\t\\"MUTATION\\" NUMBER(12,0) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL ENABLE, \n\t\\"MUTATOR\\" VARCHAR2(8 CHAR) DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL ENABLE, \n\t\\"STATUS\\" NUMBER(12,0) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL ENABLE, \n\t\\"MUTATION_TIME\\" NUMBER(12,0), \n\t\\"CREATED_BY\\" VARCHAR2(8 CHAR), \n\t\\"CREATED_DATE\\" NUMBER(12,0), \n\t\\"MANUAL_SAFETY_STOCK\\" VARCHAR2(10 CHAR) DEFAULT NULL, \n\t\\"MIN_SAFETY_STOCK\\" BINARY_DOUBLE DEFAULT NULL, \n\t CONSTRAINT \\"U_16020\\" UNIQUE (\\"PARTSEQNO_I\\")\n USING INDEX ENABLE, \n\t CONSTRAINT \\"FK_16026\\" FOREIGN KEY (\\"AC_TYP\\")\n\t REFERENCES \\"AMOS_PRIV_PRD_1\\".\\"AC_TYP\\" (\\"AC_TYP\\") ENABLE NOVALIDATE\n ) ;\n CREATE INDEX \\"AMOS_PRIV_PRD_1\\".\\"I_102365\\" ON \\"AMOS_PRIV_PRD_1\\".\\"PART\\" (\\"PARTNO\\", \\"MUTATION\\", \\"MUTATION_TIME\\") \n ;\nALTER TABLE \\"AMOS_PRIV_PRD_1\\".\\"PART\\" ADD CONSTRAINT \\"PK_16019\\" PRIMARY KEY (\\"PARTNO\\")\n USING INDEX \\"AMOS_PRIV_PRD_1\\".\\"I_102365\\" ENABLE;\",\"tableChanges\":[{\"type\":\"CREATE\",\"id\":\"\\"AMSGCPYPDB1\\".\\"AMOS_PRIV_PRD_1\\".\\"PART\\"\",\"table\":{\"defaultCharsetName\":null,\"primaryKeyColumnNames\":[\"PARTNO\"],\"columns\":[{\"name\":\"EXTENDED_STATENO_I\",\"jdbcType\":2,\"typeName\":\"NUMBER\",\"typeExpression\":\"NUMBER\",\"charsetName\":null,\"length\":12,\"scale\":0,\"position\":1,\"optional\":true,\"autoIncremented\":false,\"generated\":false,\"comment\":null,\"hasDefaultValue\":true,\"enumValues\":[]},{\"name\":\"PARTNO\",\"jdbcType\":12,\"typeName\":\"VARCHAR2\",\"typeExpression\":\"VARCHAR2\",\"charsetName\":null,\"length\":32,\"position\":2,\"optional\":false,\"autoIncremented\":false,\"generated\":false,\"comment\":null,\"hasDefaultValue\":true,\"defaultValueExpression\":\"' ' \",\"enumValues\":[]},{\"name\":\"PARTMATCH\",\"jdbcType\":12,\"typeName\":\"VARCHAR2\",\"typeExpression\":\"VARCHAR2\",\"charsetName\":null,\"length\":32,\"position\":3,\"optional\":false,\"autoIncremented\":false,\"generated\":false,\"comment\":null,\"hasDefaultValue\":true,\"defaultValueExpression\":\"' ' \",\"enumValues\":[]}, sample data we are getiing
@GOVINDARAMTEKKAR97 i recommend checking debezium-server logs, then you can see what is actually happening. having schema changes doesn't means debezium is replicating the table.
Hi @ismailsimsek ok if I do ./ i will showing the process which parameter need to set on so I can see details log, can you provide me please. debezium.source.database.hostname=localhost debezium.source.database.port=1521 debezium.source.database.user=user debezium.source.database.password=password$1234 debezium.source.database.dbname=db debezium.source.table.include.list=schemaname.tablename snapshot.include.collection.list=schemaname.tablename
debezium.sink.type=iceberg debezium.sink.iceberg.table-prefix=debeziumcdc_ debezium.sink.iceberg.upsert=false debezium.sink.iceberg.upsert-keep-deletes=false debezium.sink.iceberg.write.format.default=parquet debezium.sink.iceberg.catalog-name=iceberg
debezium.format.value.schemas.enable=true debezium.format.key.schemas.enable=true debezium.format.value=json debezium.format.key=json
debezium.transforms=unwrap debezium.transforms.unwrap.type=io.debezium.transforms.ExtractNewRecordState debezium.transforms.unwrap.add.fields=op,table,source.ts_ms,db debezium.transforms.unwrap.delete.handling.mode=rewrite debezium.transforms.unwrap.drop.tombstones=true
quarkus.log.level=INFO quarkus.log.console.json=false quarkus.log.category."org.apache.hadoop".level=WARN quarkus.log.category."org.apache.parquet".level=WARN quarkus.log.category."org.eclipse.jetty".level=WARN
debezium.source.schema.history.internal=io.debezium.server.iceberg.history.IcebergSchemaHistory debezium.source.schema.history.internal.iceberg.table-name=debezium_database_history_storage_test
debezium.sink.batch.batch-size-wait=MaxBatchSizeWait debezium.sink.batch.batch-size-wait.max-wait-ms=180000 debezium.sink.batch.batch-size-wait.wait-interval-ms=120000,context=snapshot,server=testc,context=streaming,server=testc debezium.source.max.batch.size=15 debezium.source.max.queue.size=45 debezium.sink.iceberg.s3.access-key-id= debezium.sink.iceberg.s3.secret-access-key= debezium.sink.iceberg.warehouse=s3://path AWS_REGION=eu-west-1
we are using this things in file
hello @ismailsimsek Good Morning, and also like if possible than can we connect for this through ZULIP or any bridge so you can get better understanding on this.
hi @ismailsimsek , so we are using debezium as a part of our architecture where we are using Oracle db as a source and destination as a dremio. in that we are trying to access the initial and incremental load of the table from the database through CDC events. the process which we are following is oracle -> aws iceberg tables -> aws s3 bucket (where data and metadata are stored) -> dremio (configured iceberg tables and s3 bucket), for this we have provided parameters ( for which I have attached a file for better understanding. now the problem which we are facing is that, we are not able to get any of the data from the table. we are just getting the metadata of that in dremio and in dremio I have configured both still i'm not able to get data from any of it. application_properties.txt