These issues vary by device and Android SDK version:
The initial snip area is not correct for a device using Android 13 (SDK 33). Also for this device, the selected area is incorrect because it's selecting the area above the snip view. When the nav bar is not visible, the snip view can't be extended to that part.
When the overlay is visible the rest of the app and phone don't respond to click events, it's possible the overlay is consuming the touch events. This happens in a Pixel 5 API 31.
When there is an error when playing TTS the toast is covered by the buttons. Replace with a snackbar.
If no OCR is found the loading keeps going forever when trying to play TTS.
Another problem: The bubble gets stuck at the bottom of the screen, even when the bubble is in the trash view if the user keeps dragging until the bottom the bubble will move and get stuck there.
These issues vary by device and Android SDK version: