memphis-iis / cohmetrix-issues

Public Issue Only Repository for Issues and Distrobution of Cohmetrix Core Desktop
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Error in saving data when using the web tool (by a macOS user) #3

Closed karanotsingyu closed 10 months ago

karanotsingyu commented 10 months ago

The web tool returned the metrics normally:


But the downloaded CohMetrixOutput.txt is erroneous, as it missed all the reported digits (the Text column):

Number  Label   Label V2.x  Full description
1   DESPC   READNP  Paragraph count, number of paragraphs
2   DESSC   READNS  Sentence count, number of sentences
3   DESWC   READNW  Word count, number of words
4   DESPL   READAPL Paragraph length, number of sentences in a paragraph, mean
5   DESPLd  n/a Paragraph length, number of sentences in a pragraph, standard deviation
6   DESSL   READASL Sentence length, number of words, mean
7   DESSLd  n/a Sentence length, number of words, standard deviation
8   DESWLsy READASW Word length, number of syllables, mean
9   DESWLsyd    n/a Word length, number of syllables, standard deviation
10  DESWLlt n/a Word length, number of letters, mean
11  DESWLltd    n/a Word length, number of letters, standard deviation
12  PCNARz  n/a Text Easability PC Narrativity, z score
13  PCNARp  n/a Text Easability PC Narrativity, percentile
14  PCSYNz  n/a Text Easability PC Syntactic simplicity, z score
15  PCSYNp  n/a Text Easability PC Syntactic simplicity, percentile
16  PCCNCz  n/a Text Easability PC Word concreteness, z score
17  PCCNCp  n/a Text Easability PC Word concreteness, percentile
18  PCREFz  n/a Text Easability PC Referential cohesion, z score
19  PCREFp  n/a Text Easability PC Referential cohesion, percentile
20  PCDCz   n/a Text Easability PC Deep cohesion, z score
21  PCDCp   n/a Text Easability PC Deep cohesion, percentile
22  PCVERBz n/a Text Easability PC Verb cohesion, z score
23  PCVERBp n/a Text Easability PC Verb cohesion, percentile
24  PCCONNz n/a Text Easability PC Connectivity, z score
25  PCCONNp n/a Text Easability PC Connectivity, percentile
26  PCTEMPz n/a Text Easability PC Temporality, z score
27  PCTEMPp n/a Text Easability PC Temporality, percentile
28  CRFNO1  CRFBN1um    Noun overlap, adjacent sentences, binary, mean
29  CRFAO1  CRFBA1um    Argument overlap, adjacent sentences, binary, mean
30  CRFSO1  CRFBS1um    Stem overlap, adjacent sentences, binary, mean
31  CRFNOa  CRFBNaum    Noun overlap, all sentences, binary, mean
32  CRFAOa  CRFBAaum    Argument overlap, all sentences, binary, mean
33  CRFSOa  CRFBSaum    Stem overlap, all sentences, binary, mean
34  CRFCWO1 CRFPC1um    Content word overlap, adjacent sentences, proportional, mean
35  CRFCWO1d    n/a Content word overlap, adjacent sentences, proportional, standard deviation
36  CRFCWOa CRFPCaum    Content word overlap, all sentences, proportional, mean
37  CRFCWOad    n/a Content word overlap, all sentences, proportional, standard deviation
38  LSASS1  LSAassa LSA overlap, adjacent sentences, mean
39  LSASS1d LSAassd LSA overlap, adjacent sentences, standard deviation
40  LSASSp  LSApssa LSA overlap, all sentences in paragraph, mean
41  LSASSpd LSApssd LSA overlap, all sentences in paragraph, standard deviation
42  LSAPP1  LSAppa  LSA overlap, adjacent paragraphs, mean
43  LSAPP1d LSAppd  LSA overlap, adjacent paragraphs, standard deviation
44  LSAGN   LSAGN   LSA given/new, sentences, mean
45  LSAGNd  n/a LSA given/new, sentences, standard deviation
46  LDTTRc  TYPTOKc Lexical diversity, type-token ratio, content word lemmas
47  LDTTRa  n/a Lexical diversity, type-token ratio, all words
48  LDMTLD  LEXDIVTD    Lexical diversity, MTLD, all words
49  LDVOCD  LEXDIVVD    Lexical diversity, VOCD, all words
50  CNCAll  CONi    All connectives incidence
51  CNCCaus CONCAUSi    Causal connectives incidence
52  CNCLogic    CONLOGi Logical connectives incidence
53  CNCADC  CONADVCONi  Adversative and contrastive connectives incidence
54  CNCTemp CONTEMPi    Temporal connectives incidence
55  CNCTempx    CONTEMPEXi  Expanded temporal connectives incidence
56  CNCAdd  CONADDi Additive connectives incidence
57  CNCPos  n/a Positive connectives incidence
58  CNCNeg  n/a Negative connectives incidence
59  SMCAUSv CAUSV   Causal verb incidence
60  SMCAUSvp    CAUSVP  Causal verbs and causal particles incidence
61  SMINTEp INTEi   Intentional verbs incidence
62  SMCAUSr CAUSC   Ratio of casual particles to causal verbs
63  SMINTEr INTEC   Ratio of intentional particles to intentional verbs
64  SMCAUSlsa   CAUSLSA LSA verb overlap
65  SMCAUSwn    CAUSWN  WordNet verb overlap
66  SMTEMP  TEMPta  Temporal cohesion, tense and aspect repetition, mean
67  SYNLE   SYNLE   Left embeddedness, words before main verb, mean
68  SYNNP   SYNNP   Number of modifiers per noun phrase, mean
69  SYNMEDpos   MEDwtm  Minimal Edit Distance, part of speech
70  SYNMEDwrd   MEDawm  Minimal Edit Distance, all words
71  SYNMEDlem   MEDalm  Minimal Edit Distance, lemmas
72  SYNSTRUTa   STRUTa  Sentence syntax similarity, adjacent sentences, mean
73  SYNSTRUTt   STRUTt  Sentence syntax similarity, all combinations, across paragraphs, mean
74  DRNP    n/a Noun phrase density, incidence
75  DRVP    n/a Verb phrase density, incidence
76  DRAP    n/a Adverbial phrase density, incidence
77  DRPP    n/a Preposition phrase density, incidence
78  DRPVAL  AGLSPSVi    Agentless passive voice density, incidence
79  DRNEG   DENNEGi Negation density, incidence
80  DRGERUND    GERUNDi Gerund density, incidence
81  DRINF   INFi    Infinitive density, incidence
82  WRDNOUN NOUNi   Noun incidence
83  WRDVERB VERBi   Verb incidence
84  WRDADJ  ADJi    Adjective incidence
85  WRDADV  ADVi    Adverb incidence
86  WRDPRO  DENPRPi Pronoun incidence
87  WRDPRP1s    n/a First person singular pronoun incidence
88  WRDPRP1p    n/a First person plural pronoun incidence
89  WRDPRP2 PRO2i   Second person pronoun incidence
90  WRDPRP3s    n/a Third person singular pronoun incidence
91  WRDPRP3p    n/a Third person plural pronoun incidence
92  WRDFRQc FRCLacwm    CELEX word frequency for content words, mean
93  WRDFRQa FRCLaewm    CELEX Log frequency for all words, mean
94  WRDFRQmc    FRCLmcsm    CELEX Log minimum frequency for content words, mean
95  WRDAOAc WRDAacwm    Age of acquisition for content words, mean
96  WRDFAMc WRDFacwm    Familiarity for content words, mean
97  WRDCNCc WRDCacwm    Concreteness for content words, mean
98  WRDIMGc WRDIacwm    Imagability for content words, mean
99  WRDMEAc WRDMacwm    Meaningfulness, Colorado norms, content words, mean
100 WRDPOLc POLm    Polysemy for content words, mean
101 WRDHYPn HYNOUNaw    Hypernymy for nouns, mean
102 WRDHYPv HYVERBaw    Hypernymy for verbs, mean
103 WRDHYPnv    HYPm    Hypernymy for nouns and verbs, mean
104 RDFRE   READFRE Flesch Reading Ease
105 RDFKGL  READFKGL    Flesch-Kincaid Grade level
106 RDL2    L2  Coh-Metrix L2 Readability
JRustyHaner commented 10 months ago

@karanotsingyu could you confirm for me that you are using the cohmetrix tool with the blue banner at the top? Thanks

karanotsingyu commented 10 months ago

Oops... sorry, here's a new screenshot:


The "Error: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it" appears again. What's more, the newly downloaded txt file contains the "Text" column now, though their values are the error messages.

I can't reproduce the error of missing "Text" columns now......

It seems that some things are unstable......

JRustyHaner commented 10 months ago

@karanotsingyu The university shuts down the server almost weekly and I have to manually restart it for now. It should be back up for you and available for text downloads. Please try again.

karanotsingyu commented 10 months ago

New case of error when trying to save data...



I am eager for MacOS version :)

JRustyHaner commented 10 months ago

@karanotsingyu We are too. We have the Linux desktop version working, so it's only a matter of time. Please resend your query and if you can't get the results again, please email the corpus to me - and I will run it for you.

karanotsingyu commented 10 months ago
