mempool / electrs

An efficient re-implementation of Electrum Server in Rust
MIT License
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Electrs exits unexpectedly with error code 137 #78

Open jobeirne-nydig opened 9 months ago

jobeirne-nydig commented 9 months ago

While indexing testnet3, the electrs container will exit unexpectedly with code 137.

15:19:56 src/mempool-docker-compose % dc up electrs
[+] Running 2/0
 ✔ Container mempool-docker-compose-bitcoind-1  Running                                                                                                                                              0.0s
 ✔ Container mempool-docker-compose-electrs-1   Recreated                                                                                                                                            0.0s
Attaching to electrs-1
electrs-1  | Config { log: StdErrLog { verbosity: Warn, quiet: false, show_level: true, timestamp: Off, modules: [], writer: "stderr", color_choice: Never }, network_type: Testnet, db_path: "/electrs-db/testnet", daemon_dir: "/.bitcoin/testnet3", blocks_dir: "/.bitcoin/testnet3/blocks", daemon_rpc_addr:, cookie: None, electrum_rpc_addr:, http_addr:, http_socket_file: None, rpc_socket_file: None, monitoring_addr:, jsonrpc_import: false, light_mode: true, main_loop_delay: 500, address_search: false, index_unspendables: false, cors: None, precache_scripts: None, precache_threads: 40, utxos_limit: 500, electrum_txs_limit: 500, electrum_banner: "Welcome to mempool-electrs 3.0.0-dev-f78c07a(dirty)", mempool_backlog_stats_ttl: 10, mempool_recent_txs_size: 10, rest_default_block_limit: 10, rest_default_chain_txs_per_page: 25, rest_default_max_mempool_txs: 50, rest_max_mempool_page_size: 1000 }
electrs-1 exited with code 137

Despite the fact that I have RUST_BACKTRACE set to 1 and am passing the -v flag to the electrs command, no additional information is given.

Restarting the container continues the indexing process (based on a growth of the data directory) but then exits in a similar fashion.

jobeirne-nydig commented 9 months ago

For what it's worth, the docker-compose.yml configuration is here:

junderw commented 9 months ago

In Cargo.toml you can change the panic setting from abort to unwind (or delete the panic setting and the default should be abort), then you can see where the panic is occurring.