menahishayan / TP-Link-Archer-C50-API

HTTP based python script for API access and router management of the TP-Link Archer C50
GNU General Public License v3.0
36 stars 2 forks source link

Archer C80 #1

Closed AnthonMS closed 3 years ago

AnthonMS commented 3 years ago

I have documented what I clicked and did in order. I have attached a compressed file with a couple images of the interface, to give a view of what it looks like. Hope this helps, let me know if I need to do anything else.

Navigating around The Web Interface:

Logged in Clicked wireless Tab Clicked Advanced Tab

Clicked Network Clicked Status Clicked Internet Clicked LAN Clicked DHCP Server Clicked Dynamic DNS Clicked Routing

Clicked Wireless Settings Clicked Guest Network Clicked Wireless Schedule Clicked WPS Clicked Additional Settings

Clicked NAT Forwarding Clicked Port Forwarding Clicked Port Triggering Clicked UPnP Clicked DMZ

Clicked Parental Controls

Clicked QoS

Clicked Security Clicked Firewall Clicked Access Control Clicked IP & MAC Binding Clicked ALG

Clicked IPv6

Clicked System Clicked Firmware Upgrade Clicked Backup & Restore Clicked Administration Clicked System Log Clicked Diagnostics Clicked Time & Language Clicked Reboot Clicked LED Control

Changing settings and saving after each change:

Disabled 5Ghz and saved Enabled 5GHz and saved Hide 5GHz SSID and saved Unhide 5GHz SSID and saved Enabled 2.4GHz guest network without security and saved Disable 2.4GHz guest network without security and saved Enabled 5GHz guest network without security and saved Disable 5GHz guest network without security and saved Enabled 2.4GHz guest network with security and saved Disable 2.4GHz guest network with security and saved Enabled 5GHz guest network with security and saved Disable 5GHz guest network with security and saved Disabled WPS (Did not need saving) Enabled WPS (Did not need saving) Added port forwarding rule to forward external port 80 TCP & UDP to internal port 80 TCP & UDP to internal IP Disabled that port forwarding rule Enabled that port forwarding rule Deleted rule Disabled SPI Firewall Enabled SPI Firewall Disabled Repond to Pings from LAN Enabled Repond to Pings from LAN Enabled Repond to Pings from WAN Disabled Repond to Pings from WAN Disabled Access Control Enabled Access Control Added Access Control rule to blacklist device with MAC C0-EE-FB-D5-56-09 Deleted that ACL rule again

Logged out of the router Logged in again Rebooted device

Exported .HAR file

menahishayan commented 3 years ago

It looks like this model is using HTTP Signed Authentication to encrypt the data. Would you mind doing the following:

  1. Go to the login page
  2. Inspector > Network
  3. Enable "Preserve Log"
  4. Filter for XHR
  5. Log in
  6. Search all the items for any response that may contain some sort of encryption key or related data.

Additionally, run this test script that attempts to fetch the encryption key and attach the output here

AnthonMS commented 3 years ago

@menahishayan I couldn't get the script working on Windows. But I booted up a Linux VM and ran the script and I get this response (Yes I changed the password string at the bottom of the script):

[VR600] Loading wireless clients...
Retrieving PublicKey...
Pub key fetch failed
Failed to get AuthTokens. Retrying in 3 secs.
Retrieving PublicKey...
Pub key fetch failed

So I guess it couldn't retrieve the key.

Regarding searching the responses I get after logging in. In every request there is something that looks like this: ?code=7&asyn=0&id=WbX%3EZqOZ%2CGk4V%2CmFxb4y%2B03DEEO3%2CbsF I'm guessing it's not the string after 'id='? In one of the first POST requests after starting to use that id, it sends this request payload: set 5b9ce938b2603bbe2c94eb7d621a90e60ddbd5b0ab508d8135cff4edfba822c9127e38adbae50460f1d2503c404489d8c45a33678c049831408213872d2ee920

After requesting all the javascripts, css files and json files it sends a POST request to this URI: ?code=2&asyn=1&id=WbX%3EZqOZ%2CGk4V%2CmFxb4y%2B03DEEO3%2CbsF In this request it sends the payload:


And it gets this response:


It sends this POST request a lot of times sometimes to code=2, sometimes code=0 and a couple times code=8. It sends different sign values and data values in the request payload and it gets different values in the responses on each request. Some of it looks like Base64 encoded values, but I can't seem to decode it to anything that does not look encrypted.

I have attached the .HAR file, so you can take a look if you want. This is only for logging in. after login was successful, I stopped recording.

menahishayan commented 3 years ago

Can you get a hold of the following files and add them here:

AnthonMS commented 3 years ago

Here you go

menahishayan commented 3 years ago

Replicating the authentication process via code seems tedious, given the complexity of these encryption files.

I would suggest trying out the solution provided in this StackOverflow thread to see if you're able to retrieve the auth token.

Once we have the auth token, replicating the commands should be pretty straightforward.

menahishayan commented 3 years ago

The auth flow used by this model is unusual so it's highly unlikely that this model will be supported unless someone is willing to do some tedious reverse engineering on these files.

If you use Home Assistant, you could give home-assistant-tplink_router a shot. If that works with your model then that would provide some reassurance that this could work, otherwise, this issue should best be closed.

asyba commented 2 years ago

Here you go

did you manage to find some API for tp-link Archer C80?

AnthonMS commented 2 years ago

did you manage to find some API for tp-link Archer C80?

No I didn't get it to work, and didn't find anything that worked. But I also couldn't make firewall rules on that router, so ended up buying a Ubiquiti EdgeRouter. And there are integrations to get that router into HA and it's so much better than using the TP-Link as router. So I'm only using the AP mode on all my TP-Link routers now.