mend / renovate-ce-ee

Mend Renovate Documentation & Examples
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renovate 1.6.0 & renovate OSS #167

Closed emirot closed 2 years ago

emirot commented 2 years ago

In the release notes this is mention:

This release updates Renovate OSS from v25.48.0 to v27.31.10.

However when I look at the changes The whitesource renovate is changed the 1.5.0 If I pull the image docker run --entrypoint=bash -it whitesource/renovate:1.5.0 Then I do cat package.json | grep "renovate"

  "name": "whitesource-renovate",
    "renovate": "25.48.0",

and not v27.31.10 am I missing something?

rarkins commented 2 years ago

You ran on 1.5.0 not 1.6.0. Try the same in whitesource/renovate:1.6.0:

log ``` ❯ docker pull whitesource/renovate:1.6.0 1.6.0: Pulling from whitesource/renovate Digest: sha256:26379457477693e1e7009df7e6a144405b334771fdd6c190092bcdf46c621826 Status: Image is up to date for whitesource/renovate:1.6.0 ❯ docker run --rm -it whitesource/renovate:1.6.0 /bin/bash ubuntu@38b05cc7dd16:/usr/src/app$ cat package.json { "name": "whitesource-renovate", "private": true, "version": "1.0.0", "description": "WhiteSource Renovate", "author": "Rhys Arkins ", "license": "UNLICENSED", "scripts": { "bundle": "node bin/bundle", "lint": "eslint --ignore-path .gitignore .", "lint-fix": "eslint --fix --ignore-path .gitignore .", "prettier": "prettier --list-different \"**/*.{ts,js,mjs,json,md}\"", "prettier-fix": "prettier --write \"**/*.{ts,js,mjs,json,md}\"", "test": "yarn prettier && yarn lint", "webpack": "webpack --config webpack.config.js" }, "dependencies": { "@azure/identity": "1.0.0-preview.2", "@azure/keyvault-secrets": "4.0.0-preview.4", "@sindresorhus/is": "4.0.1", "body-parser": "1.19.0", "buffer-equal-constant-time": "1.0.1", "bunyan": "1.8.15", "child-process-promise": "2.2.1", "cron": "1.8.2", "delay": "5.0.0", "email-addresses": "3.1.0", "express": "4.17.1", "fs-extra": "9.1.0", "github-webhook-handler": "1.0.0", "got": "11.8.2", "jsonwebtoken": "8.5.1", "jsrsasign": "8.0.24", "minimatch": "3.0.4", "p-all": "3.0.0", "parse-link-header": "1.0.1", "proper-url-join": "2.1.1", "renovate": "27.31.10", "semver": "7.3.5", "shortid": "2.2.16", "tunnel": "0.0.6" }, "devDependencies": { "eslint": "7.29.0", "eslint-config-airbnb-base": "14.2.1", "eslint-config-prettier": "8.3.0", "eslint-plugin-import": "2.23.4", "eslint-plugin-prettier": "3.4.0", "eslint-plugin-promise": "4.3.1", "prettier": "2.3.2", "upath": "2.0.1", "webpack": "4.46.0", "webpack-cli": "3.3.12", "webpack-node-externals": "1.7.2" }, "resolutions": { "trim": "^0.0.3" }, "prettier": { "singleQuote": true, "trailingComma": "es5" } } ubuntu@38b05cc7dd16:/usr/src/app$ cat node_modules/renovate/package.json { "name": "renovate", "description": "Automated dependency updates. Flexible so you don't need to be.", "version": "27.31.10", "bin": { "renovate": "dist/renovate.js", "renovate-config-validator": "dist/config-validator.js" }, "scripts": { "build": "run-s clean generate:* compile:*", "clean": "rimraf dist", "clean-cache": "node bin/clean-cache.js", "compile:ts": "tsc -p", "config-validator": "node -r ts-node/register/transpile-only -- lib/config-validator.ts", "create-json-schema": "node -r ts-node/register/transpile-only -- bin/create-json-schema.js && prettier --write \"renovate-schema.json\"", "debug": "node --inspect-brk -r ts-node/register/transpile-only -- lib/renovate.ts", "doc-fix": "run-s markdown-lint-fix prettier-fix", "eslint": "eslint --ext .js,.mjs,.ts lib/ test/ tools/", "eslint-fix": "eslint --ext .js,.mjs,.ts --fix lib/ test/ tools/", "generate": "run-s generate:*", "generate:imports": "node tools/generate-imports.mjs", "git-check": "node tools/check-git-version.mjs", "jest": "cross-env NODE_ENV=test LOG_LEVEL=fatal TZ=UTC node --expose-gc node_modules/jest/bin/jest.js --logHeapUsage", "jest-debug": "cross-env NODE_OPTIONS=--inspect-brk yarn jest", "jest-silent": "cross-env yarn jest --reporters jest-silent-reporter", "lint": "run-s ls-lint eslint prettier markdown-lint git-check", "lint-fix": "run-s eslint-fix prettier-fix markdown-lint-fix", "ls-lint": "ls-lint", "markdown-lint": "markdownlint-cli2", "markdown-lint-fix": "markdownlint-cli2-fix", "prepare": "run-s prepare:*", "prepare:husky": "husky install", "prepare:generate": "run-s generate:*", "prepare:re2": "node tools/check-re2.mjs", "prestart": "run-s generate:* ", "pretest": "run-s generate:* ", "prettier": "prettier --check \"**/*.{ts,js,mjs,json,md}\"", "prettier-fix": "prettier --write \"**/*.{ts,js,mjs,json,md}\"", "release": "node tools/release.mjs", "start": "node -r ts-node/register/transpile-only -- lib/renovate.ts", "test": "run-s lint test-schema type-check jest", "test-dirty": "git diff --exit-code", "test-e2e": "npm pack && cd test/e2e 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", "Sam Bull ", "Sam Neirinck ", "Sourav Das ", "Tanuel ", "Viral Ruparel ", "Vladimir Starkov ", "Mikhail Yakushin ", "Sebastian Poxhofer ", "Henry Sachs ", "Arkadiusz Kosmala " ], "license": "AGPL-3.0", "bugs": { "url": "" }, "homepage": "", "engines": { "node": "^12.22.0 || >=14.15.0", "yarn": "^1.17.0" }, "engines-next": { "description": "Versions other than the below are deprecated and a warning will be logged", "node": ">=14.15.0" }, "dependencies": { "@aws-sdk/client-ecr": "3.25.0", "@breejs/later": "4.0.2", "@iarna/toml": "2.2.5", "@renovate/pep440": "1.0.0", "@renovatebot/ruby-semver": "1.0.0", "@sindresorhus/is": "4.2.0", "@yarnpkg/core": "2.4.0", "@yarnpkg/parsers": "2.4.0", "auth-header": "1.0.0", "azure-devops-node-api": "11.0.1", "bunyan": "1.8.15", "cacache": "15.3.0", "chalk": "4.1.2", "changelog-filename-regex": "2.0.1", "clean-git-ref": "2.0.1", "commander": "8.2.0", "conventional-commits-detector": "1.0.3", "crypto-random-string": "3.3.1", "deepmerge": "4.2.2", 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emirot commented 2 years ago

What I'm saying is that the helm chart renovate-on-prem 1.6.0 is using whitesource/renovate:1.5.0 and v25.48.0 but in the release notes it is said it will use v27.31.10 see

rarkins commented 2 years ago

The helm chart itself still pointed to the 1.5.0 image and hadn't been updated yet. It's now updated.