mendhak / docker-http-https-echo

Docker image that echoes request data as JSON; listens on HTTP/S, useful for debugging.
MIT License
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Storing Requests and Presenting on a Dashboard #58

Open hirenshah opened 10 months ago

hirenshah commented 10 months ago

Is there any way for this to be extended to store all the requests and present them on a user friendly dashboard (I have users who aren't that tech savvy)?

mendhak commented 8 months ago

Really hard to say because there could be dozens of 'environment' specific constraints that may or may not work for you... eg you redirect all the output from this container to a log file and then find some way of exposing it via a web dashboard like this one?

Another way could be if that was part of this solution itself, but ideally if something exists then it's a middleware that someone else has already implemented (I would not want to have to maintain a middleware), very similar to the recent Prometheus pull request — the Prometheus metrics show up at the /metrics path — so I can imagine some kind of /dashboard endpoint or a /logs endpoint that shows all the requests/responses together. A morgan web log viewer? Not finding many good results on that.

mendhak commented 8 months ago

Maybe this?

Hmm but it would require logging to a file forevermore which introduces disk/space concerns.