mendhak / gpslogger

:satellite: Lightweight GPS Logging Application For Android.
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Log file is not properly created #670

Open blairfancy opened 5 years ago

blairfancy commented 5 years ago

Hi, Apps is not able to store log file properly. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><gpx version="1.0" creator="GPSLogger 95 -" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><time>2018-08-15T12:14:47.000Z</time><trk><trkseg><trkpt lat="45.23903667" lon="0.58538319"><ele>254.0</ele><time>2018-08-15T12:14:47.000Z</time><speed>0.0</speed><geoidheight>49.0</geoidheight><src>gps</src><sat>10</sat><hdop>1.2</hdop><vdop>0.9</vdop><pdop>1.5</pdop></trkpt> <trkpt lat="45.238980

After that no more point where saved on file.

I suspect adoptable storage the reason of this issue

mendhak commented 5 years ago

I missed this post. That looks like an interrupted log - perhaps the service was killed. If you start again does the app continue logging? Normally if I see something like that it could mean the service was killed. Got any battery savers/task managers - they tend to be aggressive towards background services (and Android OS is also aggressive).

blairfancy commented 5 years ago

Apps continue to log position on main interface and all informations are properly updated. It ils only an issue with storage on file

blairfancy commented 5 years ago

For information i use lineageos 14 on y550 huawei phone