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Mentoring Request: Looking to learn ruby and rails better. #19

Closed ghost closed 12 years ago

ghost commented 12 years ago

Hi, my name is Deryl R. Doucette, but you can call me Deryl. My email address is me [at] deryldoucette [dot] com. Over the next two weeks I'm available after 6PM EST/5/EDT any day of the week. (Disabled veteran working from home)

Currently, I am working on and have been writing it using google, The RSpec Book, The Well Grounded Rubyist, and Rails 3 In Action (which i did a technical review of which basically consisted of just building the app in the book and working through the chapters and reporting errors and the like.) I'm currently trying to assess how much I really know of Ruby, and in what areas I'm weak in. I need to know what to study to round out my skillset and strengthen it. I came to Ruby through Rails so my thought process is very Rails-centric at the moment, and I get lost when trying to do stuff like rewrite my bash backup script in Ruby because my grasp on the language seems to be so weak. ANY assistance would be great. is what I'm referring to rewriting but am unable since it seems my grasp on Ruby is so weak. I've since deleted any attempts I've made at rewriting them due to shame at how badly they turned out. :/

semmons99 commented 12 years ago

@deryldoucette Have you attempted to solve any of the problems on PuzzleNode?

ericgj commented 12 years ago

Hi Deryl, have you tried a puzzlenode problem? Even if you weren't able to complete it yet, maybe we could focus the discussion around your code and where you got stuck (once admissions closes). Don't worry about bad code... we all have plenty of it!!

Another idea is you could pick one of the older problems on puzzlenode (< #9) that seemed interesting, and read through a decent solution of it together with a mentor. Reading other people's code has been really helpful for me in picking up ruby (I'm also self-taught).

What do you think?

ghost commented 12 years ago

Gentlemen, I am not ignoring this, I have been beset by nieces unexpectedly. As soon as I can extricate myself, I will attempt one of the puzzles and github my attempt. I will respond to this issue when I've posted that attempt. Or should I be doing this a different way?

semmons99 commented 12 years ago

Sounds good. Keep us informed.

semmons99 commented 12 years ago

@deryldoucette We have just closed admissions and expect quite a few mentoring request to come in over the next few days. Because of this, I will be closing this request. When you're ready, please reopen it.