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Mentoring session request after 8th August #24

Closed edzhelyov closed 12 years ago

edzhelyov commented 12 years ago


I want to apply for mentoring session and discuss the solutions to the two problems I've submitted: 'Turtle tracks' and 'Wired Up'.

I'm interested in the design of the solutions and the TDD approach about them. I want to discuss the cohesion and the coupling and what test should be written to ensure working code and good design.

For the 'Turtle' problem I would like to discuss how one would implement the part that parses the input file and create/execute the corresponding commands. What logic will you put into the Turtle object and in the Grid one and how they are supposed to communicate without tight coupling ? Should the turtle knows about it's coordinates ?

Some interesting question for the 'Wired Up' problem are:

Because I didn't have much time for this puzzle I have parts that can be improved, like replacing the case/if statements with polymorphism, improving the naming of the parsing methods. Again I'm curious how would you approach testing and how would you implement some form of logging into the code, so you can later inspect what is going on when you run it on complex inputs, which I had to do for the complex one and it's really frustrating experience.

I'm from Sofia, Bulgaria and this is +3 UTC (Because of Daylight saving time). I will be on vacation until 8th of August, so we can arrange meeting after that date and between 16 UTC and 19 UTC every day.

In the end I want to say thanks to all the folks who are behind the Ruby Mendicant University, you are great!

P.S I can put the code into Github if you need

semmons99 commented 12 years ago

Sounds good. We'll work on pairing you up with a mentor.

ignacy commented 12 years ago

Hi Evgeni,

I'm on vacation myself till 9th of August, and I would be happy to meet with you after that date. How does 19 UTC on 10th of August sound?

edzhelyov commented 12 years ago

@ignacy, sounds good. Lets arrange it for 19 UTC on 10th of August, I'll post here to confirm on 9th.

Have a great holiday!

ignacy commented 12 years ago

Great, I'm looking forward to our session. Best of luck.

edzhelyov commented 12 years ago

Hey @ignacy, I'm available for tomorrow, waiting for your confirmation.

ignacy commented 12 years ago

Hi @edzhelyov, sorry for a late response but I got from my vacation a bit later then planned, and unfortunately I got back sick. I have to take antibiotics and anty alergic meds which makes my head dizzy, and it would make this session very difficult for me. I will ask someone to take this session instead of me, but I'm affraid it will have to be rescheduled. I'm very sorry for the inconvinience.

edzhelyov commented 12 years ago

It's sad that you got sick after a vacation :/ Wish you quick recovery!

madebydna commented 12 years ago

Hi @edzhelyov,

I would like to schedule the session with you. The problem is that I'm in a timezone UTC - 4 and I was wondering whether your availability changes on the weekend, so that we can schedule the session a little earlier? Any start time up to UTC 1400/1500 would work for me.

Let me know whether you have any flexibility in your schedule?



edzhelyov commented 12 years ago

Hi, I won't be available for the weekend, but we can schedule something for tomorrow, between 0900-1300 UTC. I have some meetings after work until the end of the week and if you can't tomorrow let me know when you are available next week.

madebydna commented 12 years ago

Tomorrow would work for me, but next week is also wide open. If we were to schedule it for tomorrow, then 1300 UTC would work best for me. Let me know if you prefer tomorrow or some time next week.

~ Andrea

edzhelyov commented 12 years ago

Hey @madebydna, sorry for the late response I didn't have internet connection yesterday. I'm ok to start the session in 40 minutes, I know it's very late response, but could answer faster

edzhelyov commented 12 years ago

Oopx I didn't read it correctly, I'm ok for 1300 UTC

madebydna commented 12 years ago

I will be there :)

madebydna commented 12 years ago

Really enjoyed this first one of our two sessions. You can reference the logs from our session here. As discussed, we'll have the next session on Monday. PS. Either this time or next, you can give some feedback on this survey to help us improve our sessions. Thanks!