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Mentoring Request #28

Closed PragTob closed 12 years ago

PragTob commented 12 years ago

Hello RMU Alumnis,

My name is Tobi and my email is

I would very much like a review of the solutions I submitted in my application to RMU. I solved #9 Turtle Tracks and #12 Secret Messages. I guess you can get the solutions from RMU otherwise I'll upload them on github or somewhere else (currently I'm in kind of a hurry, more on that later).

I am looking for flaws in my code or improvements that make it more concise and clear. I especially dislike my mapping from orientation to directions in my turtle tracks solution. The code wasn't tested by me back then which is a real shame - however given the time I might write some tests (I'll most likely use RSpec if I do so). Otherwise I would also like get information about what being an RMU student is like.

Talking about time: Time is sparse, tomorrow is my birthday and a big party is planned. Additionally I'll move to Sweden on the 4th of August in order to study my first semester in the Masters program in Software Engineering there. I still have to clear my room, pack my things, say goodbye to some friends and all those other time consuming things... So I guess that I might have some time on the second and third of August and sixth and seventh of August (my first weekend in Sweden) if Internet works in my room (it should). I'll be able to tell you more once I packed my things and cleared my room (which hopefully will be Monday/Tuesday). Or concerning the time in Sweden, I will be able to give a precise estimation once I arrive there (which is planned on the 5th of August).

Sorry for the inconveniences concerning my unclear schedule.

Oh and I am from Germany, so my timezone might be a different :-) It's GMT +2 (thanks afcapel!).

Thank you very much! Kind Regards, Tobi

semmons99 commented 12 years ago

@PragTob Let's wait until you're settled in Sweden for your mentoring session. That way you're hopefully more focused and won't be worrying about anything.

PragTob commented 12 years ago

@semmons99 Yeah I kind of agree, I'll post something here once I'm settled there. Just wanted to declare my interest in a session asap.

afcapel commented 12 years ago

@PragTob Just one clarification, maybe I'm wrong but I think Germany uses GMT+2 on Summer for daylight savings.

Timezones are a mess :)

PragTob commented 12 years ago

@afcapel You are totally right, at least that's what my mobile says and that's the time I usually use. So GMT +2 it is. Thanks for the hint!

semmons99 commented 12 years ago

@PragTob to eliminate confusion, I'm going to close this request. Please reopen it when you're settled and we'll find you a mentor ASAP.

PragTob commented 12 years ago

Hey there, unfortunately I don't have sufficient rights to reopen this ticket :( I arrived in Sweden today and my room is set up so far. I guess tomorrow we'll be exploring the city a bit, however I should have free time in the evening (say 15:00 till 20:00). On Sunday I should be available for nearly the whole day (we haven't made plans yet). The other days are a little vague right now since I only know that the intensive language course starts at 13:00 this Monday.

If you got other proposals please mention them, I'll be trying to clear time then.

Thank you.

semmons99 commented 12 years ago

@afcapel do any of these times work for you?

afcapel commented 12 years ago

Tomorrow Sunday I will be traveling most of the day so I won't be a available. I can do a session any other day next week in the afternoon. What about Tuesday 9 at 16:00 GMT+2?

PragTob commented 12 years ago

@afcapel I'll reserve that time spot. Unfortunately I don't know if my intensive language course takes place at that time, all I know is that it starts tomorrow at 13:00 and it should run for about 5 hours each day. I'll post an update tomorrow after our introductory meeting.

Sorry for all the trouble!

afcapel commented 12 years ago

@PragTob Don't worry. Start your course and let us know your availability. I have a quite flexible schedule next week so I am sure will find a time slot convenient for both of us.

PragTob commented 12 years ago

@afcapel So we received somewhat of a schedule today. The course will take place every day starting this Wednesday from 10:00 to 15:00. But that's not the end of it, afterwards events are often planned, not attending these incurs Punishments*.

So I am free tomorrow from 10:45 till 14:30 and for the others days I'll know when they tell us more about the events. But generally I should be free every evening starting ~21:00 or 20:00 (updates on that may follow). My weekend is also totally free.

We could also do a session early in the morning (like 8:00) and heck if necessary I'd even get up at night :D

All times in GMT +2

afcapel commented 12 years ago

It seems that having a session on the weekend will be less stressful for you and it is perfectly fine for me. What about Saturday 13 at 18:00?

PragTob commented 12 years ago

Locked into my schedule! So where are we meeting up, in the normal rmu IRC channel or somewhere else? Did you already get my code or shall I upload it into a github repository?

Thank you so much!

afcapel commented 12 years ago

We can met at the #rmu-study-hall-1 irc channel on freenode.

An yes, please, upload the code you want to review to github. Having it in Github make easier to point to a specific fragment of the code.

See you on Saturday!

PragTob commented 12 years ago

I created a repo for my puzzle node solutions. It's

If I get to it I'll try to add specs and remove common styling mistakes (like block variables on a new line and 4 space indention) - but well the intensive language course is pretty intense and there is kind of a festival in this town starting today ;-)

See you Saturday!

afcapel commented 12 years ago

Don't worry about that and enjoy the festival. See you on Saturday!

afcapel commented 12 years ago

Yeah, here is the session log,

I close the issue.