mendicant-original / puzzlenode

Quiz application inspired by Project Euler and the Internet Problem Solving Contest (IPSC)
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Solved checkmark should be brighter and on the right side #38

Closed madebydna closed 12 years ago

madebydna commented 13 years ago

Checkmark icon needs to be changed

gjp commented 13 years ago

Was this already resolved? Checkmark is on the far right. If the goal is to make it pop more, how about some combination of

puzzles .puzzle img.solved {

background: #254980;
border: 2px solid #bbb;
border-radius: 4px;



(I know the site uses SASS, I'm doodling in Firebug)

jordanbyron commented 13 years ago

This wasn't resolved, but you are right the goal is to make it pop. Right now it's easy to miss. I think you've got the right idea.

gjp commented 12 years ago

ouch, I've left this dangling for 3 months! Can we resolve simply by changing the icon?

current solved-original punchy, heavy shadow solved

new icon on page icon-in-situ

jordanbyron commented 12 years ago

@gjp that looks better to my eyes. Care to send that graphic over in a nicely packaged pull request :gift: Pretty Please :smile:

gjp commented 12 years ago

Only because you asked so nicely.

jordanbyron commented 12 years ago

Thank you sir!