mendicant-original / puzzlenode

Quiz application inspired by Project Euler and the Internet Problem Solving Contest (IPSC)
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ActiveAdmin integration #9

Closed andresf closed 13 years ago

andresf commented 13 years ago

Added ActiveAdmin to PuzzleNode, with the following default credentials:

* User:
* Password: password

There's a "todo" file with a few things that need to be decided, along with 2 tests that are marked pending and need to be redone. Basically, the most important thing now is deciding whether there should be separate models for User and AdminUser or not; merging them would imply adding code to User to make it play nice with Devise.

I would personally lean towards keeping them separate, as there's no overlap between the two.

There's also quite a bit of customization that could be done, but that's probably best done after experimenting with the interface and understanding the current needs.

Please let me know if there's anything you need from me, I would like to repay my time in RbMU with more community service.

jordanbyron commented 13 years ago

Hey Andres,

First off congratulations on passing the core course and thanks so much for getting active admin working for this project. I had to do a bunch of tweaking, but I think it's working well now. Rather than using devise I decided to stick with our simple User#admin model since we really don't need much more. It works pretty well.

User sorting is still a problem, so if you have time request access to PuzzleNode's pivotal tracker and assign that ticket to yourself.

Thanks again!
