mendix / AppStoreWidgetBoilerplate

A boilerplate for creating a brand new Widget for Mendix 5.6.0 and up
Apache License 2.0
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multipleDefine error #27

Closed vietduc1441 closed 8 years ago

vietduc1441 commented 8 years ago


I just find and replace "WidgetName" by "myWidget", create mpk package and place it in the test project.

In the console of Chrome, I see: Error: multipleDefine

/*jslint white:true, nomen: true, plusplus: true */
/*global mx, define, require, browser, devel, console, document, jQuery */
/*mendix */

    @file      : WidgetName.js
    @version   : {{version}}
    @author    : {{author}}
    @date      : {{date}}
    @copyright : {{copyright}}
    @license   : {{license}}

    Describe your widget here.

// Required module list. Remove unnecessary modules, you can always get them back from the boilerplate.
    'dojo/_base/declare', 'mxui/widget/_WidgetBase', 'dijit/_TemplatedMixin',
    'mxui/dom', 'dojo/dom', 'dojo/query', 'dojo/dom-prop', 'dojo/dom-geometry', 'dojo/dom-class', 'dojo/dom-style', 'dojo/dom-construct', 'dojo/_base/array', 'dojo/_base/lang', 'dojo/text', 'dojo/html', 'dojo/_base/event',
    'beautifulsunday/lib/jquery-1.11.2.min', 'dojo/text!beautifulsunday/widget/template/beautifulsunday.html'
], function (declare, _WidgetBase, _TemplatedMixin, dom, dojoDom, domQuery, domProp, domGeom, domClass, domStyle, domConstruct, dojoArray, lang, text, html, event, _jQuery, widgetTemplate) {
    'use strict';

    var $ = jQuery.noConflict(true);

    // Declare widget's prototype.
    return declare('beautifulsunday.widget.beautifulsunday', [_WidgetBase, _TemplatedMixin], {

        // _TemplatedMixin will create our dom node using this HTML template.
        templateString: widgetTemplate,

        // Parameters configured in the Modeler.
        mfToExecute: "",
        messageString: "",
        backgroundColor: "",

        // Internal variables. Non-primitives created in the prototype are shared between all widget instances.
        _handles: null,
        _contextObj: null,
        _alertDiv: null,

        // dojo.declare.constructor is called to construct the widget instance. Implement to initialize non-primitive properties.
        constructor: function () {
            this._handles = [];

        // dijit._WidgetBase.postCreate is called after constructing the widget. Implement to do extra setup work.
        postCreate: function () {
            console.log( + '.postCreate');

        // mxui.widget._WidgetBase.update is called when context is changed or initialized. Implement to re-render and / or fetch data.
        update: function (obj, callback) {
            console.log( + '.update');

            this._contextObj = obj;


        // mxui.widget._WidgetBase.enable is called when the widget should enable editing. Implement to enable editing if widget is input widget.
        enable: function () {},

        // mxui.widget._WidgetBase.enable is called when the widget should disable editing. Implement to disable editing if widget is input widget.
        disable: function () {},

        // mxui.widget._WidgetBase.resize is called when the page's layout is recalculated. Implement to do sizing calculations. Prefer using CSS instead.
        resize: function (box) {},

        // mxui.widget._WidgetBase.uninitialize is called when the widget is destroyed. Implement to do special tear-down work.
        uninitialize: function () {
            // Clean up listeners, helper objects, etc. There is no need to remove listeners added with this.connect / this.subscribe / this.own.

        // We want to stop events on a mobile device
        _stopBubblingEventOnMobile: function (e) {
            if (typeof document.ontouchstart !== 'undefined') {

        // Attach events to HTML dom elements
        _setupEvents: function () {

            this.connect(this.colorSelectNode, 'change', function (e) {
                // Function from mendix object to set an attribute.
                this._contextObj.set(this.backgroundColor, this.colorSelectNode.value);

            this.connect(this.infoTextNode, 'click', function (e) {

                // Only on mobile stop event bubbling!

                // If a microflow has been set execute the microflow on a click.
                if (this.mfToExecute !== '') {
                        params: {
                            applyto: 'selection',
                            actionname: this.mfToExecute,
                            guids: [this._contextObj.getGuid()]
                        callback: function (obj) {
                            //TODO what to do when all is ok!
                        error: lang.hitch(this, function (error) {
                            console.log( + ': An error occurred while executing microflow: ' + error.description);
                    }, this);



        // Rerender the interface.
        _updateRendering: function () {

            this.colorSelectNode.disabled = this.readOnly;
            this.colorInputNode.disabled = this.readOnly;

            if (this._contextObj !== null) {
                domStyle.set(this.domNode, 'display', 'block');

                var _colorValue = this._contextObj.get(this.backgroundColor);

                this.colorInputNode.value = _colorValue;
                this.colorSelectNode.value = _colorValue;

                html.set(this.infoTextNode, this.messageString);
                domStyle.set(this.infoTextNode, 'background-color', _colorValue);
            } else {
                domStyle.set(this.domNode, 'display', 'none');

            // Important to clear all validations!

        // Handle validations.
        _handleValidation: function (_validations) {

            var _validation = _validations[0],
                _message = _validation.getReasonByAttribute(this.backgroundColor);

            if (this.readOnly) {
            } else {
                if (_message) {

        // Clear validations.
        _clearValidations: function () {
            this._alertdiv = null;

        // Show an error message.
        _showError: function (message) {
            if (this._alertDiv !== null) {
                html.set(this._alertDiv, message);
                return true;
            this._alertDiv = domConstruct.create("div", {
                'class': 'alert alert-danger',
                'innerHTML': message
  , this._alertdiv);

        // Add a validation.
        _addValidation: function (message) {

        // Reset subscriptions.
        _resetSubscriptions: function () {
            var _objectHandle = null,
                _attrHandle = null,
                _validationHandle = null;

            // Release handles on previous object, if any.
            if (this._handles) {
                this._handles.forEach(function (handle, i) {
                this._handles = [];

            // When a mendix object exists create subscribtions. 
            if (this._contextObj) {

                _objectHandle = this.subscribe({
                    guid: this._contextObj.getGuid(),
                    callback: lang.hitch(this, function (guid) {

                _attrHandle = this.subscribe({
                    guid: this._contextObj.getGuid(),
                    attr: this.backgroundColor,
                    callback: lang.hitch(this, function (guid, attr, attrValue) {

                _validationHandle = this.subscribe({
                    guid: this._contextObj.getGuid(),
                    val: true,
                    callback: lang.hitch(this, this._handleValidation)

                this._handles = [_objectHandle, _attrHandle, _validationHandle];
require(['beautifulsunday/widget/beautifulsunday'], function () {
    'use strict';
vietduc1441 commented 8 years ago

After I remove jquery in lib/, i see no error

Andries-Smit commented 8 years ago

Don't worry, about it. its an issue in the Boilerplate that does not occur anymore in later version of Mendix. Probably caused that the widget code is loaded twice; via 'widgetName.js' and 'widgets.js'