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Commit #4604

Closed KESEU closed 2 years ago

KESEU commented 2 years ago

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My Issue/Suggestion


I'm kind of new to this low-code app so I was doing the "Become a Rapid Developper" Course,

And managed to get this error on 7.7.6 (Commit your work using Mendix App Pro)

{ Mendix.Modeler.VersionControl.VersionControlException: An error occurred while checking for changes on disk. ---> SharpSvn.SvnRepositoryIOException: Unable to connect to a repository at URL '' ---> SharpSvn.SvnRepositoryIOForbiddenException: Access to '/60388532-b2b9-4954-ad63-59f21e734616/trunk' forbidden --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at SharpSvn.SvnClientArgs.HandleResult(SvnClientContext client, SvnException error, Object targets) at SharpSvn.SvnClient.Status(String path, SvnStatusArgs args, EventHandler1 statusHandler) at SharpSvn.SvnClient.GetStatus(String path, SvnStatusArgs args, Collection1& statuses) at Mendix.Modeler.VersionControl.SvnClientAdapter.GetStatus(String path, SvnStatusArgs args, Collection1& statuses) in C:\Users\Autobuild\workspace\AppStudio4.0-Build\modeler\Mendix.Modeler.VersionControl\Svn\SvnClientAdapter.cs:line 47 at Mendix.Modeler.VersionControl.Windows.SvnConnector.<>c__DisplayClass13_0.<GetChanges>b__0(ISvnClient c) in C:\Users\Autobuild\workspace\AppStudio4.0-Build\modeler\Mendix.Modeler.VersionControl.Windows\Svn\SvnConnector.cs:line 160 at Mendix.Modeler.VersionControl.Windows.SvnConnector.PathClientDo(String workingCopyPath, Action1 action) in C:\Users\Autobuild\workspace\AppStudio4.0-Build\modeler\Mendix.Modeler.VersionControl.Windows\Svn\SvnConnector.cs:line 339 at Mendix.Modeler.VersionControl.Windows.SvnConnector.GetChanges(String localDir, Boolean retrieveRemoteChanges, Boolean retrieveAllEntries) in C:\Users\Autobuild\workspace\AppStudio4.0-Build\modeler\Mendix.Modeler.VersionControl.Windows\Svn\SvnConnector.cs:line 160 --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Mendix.Modeler.VersionControl.Windows.SvnConnector.GetChanges(String localDir, Boolean retrieveRemoteChanges, Boolean retrieveAllEntries) in C:\Users\Autobuild\workspace\AppStudio4.0-Build\modeler\Mendix.Modeler.VersionControl.Windows\Svn\SvnConnector.cs:line 166 at Mendix.Modeler.VersionControl.Operations.Svn.SvnCheckWorkingCopyOperation.CheckWorkingCopy(String projectDirectory) in C:\Users\Autobuild\workspace\AppStudio4.0-Build\modeler\Mendix.Modeler.VersionControl\Operations\Svn\SvnCheckWorkingCopyOperation.cs:line 45 }

Thank you even if you can't help me on this :)

johannahemminger commented 2 years ago

Hi @KESEU , thanks for raising this issue. Did you find a solution for it? There might be some related information the Mendix forums (, or you can raise a ticket with Support if you are a paying customer.

johannahemminger commented 2 years ago

Hi @KESEU , I haven't heard back from you, so I hope you have resolved your error. I'm going to mark this as closed, but please feel free to open another issue if you have any suggestions for improvement for our documentation, or check out the Mendix Forum or Mendix support if you run into other issues. Thanks again!