mendsalbert / ai-finance-tracking

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error #12

Open MuskanNazim opened 2 weeks ago

MuskanNazim commented 2 weeks ago

Build Error Failed to compile

Next.js (14.2.2) out of date (learn more) ./app/(routes)/dashboard/expenses/page.jsx:6:1 Module not found: Can't resolve './ExpenseListTable' 4 | import { desc, eq } from 'drizzle-orm'; 5 | import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'

6 | import ExpenseListTable from './ExpenseListTable'; | ^ 7 | import { useUser } from '@clerk/nextjs'; 8 | 9 | function ExpensesScreen() {

codeautopilot[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

Potential solution

The plan to solve the bug involves correcting the import path for the ExpenseListTable component in the page.jsx file. The error message indicates that the module ExpenseListTable cannot be found, which suggests that the import path is incorrect. By updating the import statement to the correct path, we should be able to resolve the build error.

What is causing this bug?

The bug is caused by an incorrect import path for the ExpenseListTable component in the page.jsx file. The current import statement is:

import ExpenseListTable from './ExpenseListTable';

However, the correct path should be:

import ExpenseListTable from './_components/ExpenseListTable';

This discrepancy is causing the module not to be found, leading to the build error.


To fix the bug, we need to update the import statement in the app/(routes)/dashboard/expenses/page.jsx file. Here is the corrected code snippet:

// app/(routes)/dashboard/expenses/page.jsx

import { desc, eq } from 'drizzle-orm';
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import ExpenseListTable from './_components/ExpenseListTable'; // Corrected import path
import { useUser } from '@clerk/nextjs';

function ExpensesScreen() {
  // Component implementation

export default ExpensesScreen;

Additionally, ensure that the ExpenseListTable.jsx file exists in the app/(routes)/dashboard/expenses/_components/ directory and exports the ExpenseListTable component correctly:

// app/(routes)/dashboard/expenses/_components/ExpenseListTable.jsx

import React from 'react';

function ExpenseListTable({ expensesList, refreshData }) {
  const deleteExpense = async (id) => {
    // Function to delete expense

  return (
      {/* Table structure to display expenses */}

export default ExpenseListTable;

How to replicate the bug

To replicate the bug, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure you have the Next.js project set up with the specified file structure.
  2. In the app/(routes)/dashboard/expenses/page.jsx file, use the incorrect import path for the ExpenseListTable component:
    import ExpenseListTable from './ExpenseListTable';
  3. Attempt to build or run the project using npm run build or npm run dev.
  4. Observe the build error indicating that the module ExpenseListTable cannot be found.

By following these steps, you should encounter the same build error described in the ticket.

By correcting the import path as outlined in the solution, the build error should be resolved, and the project should compile successfully.

Click here to create a Pull Request with the proposed solution

Files used for this task:

Changes on app/(routes)/dashboard/expenses/page.jsx # Analysis Report for `app/(routes)/dashboard/expenses/page.jsx` ## Summary The file `app/(routes)/dashboard/expenses/page.jsx` is responsible for rendering the `ExpensesScreen` component, which fetches and displays a list of expenses. The issue reported is a build error due to a missing module, specifically `ExpenseListTable`. ## Findings 1. **Import Path Issue**: - The import statement for `ExpenseListTable` is currently: ```javascript import ExpenseListTable from './ExpenseListTable'; ``` - According to the plan, the correct import path should be: ```javascript import ExpenseListTable from './_components/ExpenseListTable'; ``` 2. **Component Existence**: - The error message indicates that the module `ExpenseListTable` cannot be found. This suggests that either the file `ExpenseListTable.jsx` does not exist in the specified path or the import path is incorrect. ## Recommendations 1. **Correct the Import Path**: - Update the import statement in `app/(routes)/dashboard/expenses/page.jsx` to: ```javascript import ExpenseListTable from './_components/ExpenseListTable'; ``` 2. **Verify Component File**: - Ensure that the file `ExpenseListTable.jsx` exists in the directory `app/(routes)/dashboard/expenses/_components/`. - Verify that `ExpenseListTable.jsx` exports a valid React component named `ExpenseListTable`. ## Next Steps - **File Verification**: - Check the existence and implementation of `ExpenseListTable.jsx` in the specified directory. - If the file is missing, create it with the appropriate component implementation. By following these steps, the build error related to the missing module should be resolved.
Changes on app/(routes)/dashboard/expenses/_components/ExpenseListTable.jsx # Analysis Report for `app/(routes)/dashboard/expenses/_components/ExpenseListTable.jsx` ## File Existence and Component Export The file `app/(routes)/dashboard/expenses/_components/ExpenseListTable.jsx` exists and exports a valid React component named `ExpenseListTable`. This component is responsible for displaying a list of expenses and providing functionality to delete an expense. ## Component Implementation The `ExpenseListTable` component is implemented correctly with the following key features: - It accepts `expensesList` and `refreshData` as props. - It defines an asynchronous function `deleteExpense` to delete an expense from the database and refresh the data upon successful deletion. - It renders a table-like structure to display the list of expenses, including columns for name, amount, date, and an action to delete the expense. ## Potential Issues 1. **Import Path Issue**: The error message in the issue description indicates that the module `ExpenseListTable` cannot be found. This suggests that the import path in `page.jsx` might be incorrect. 2. **Database Operation**: The `deleteExpense` function performs a database operation. If there are issues with the database connection or the `Expenses` schema, it could cause runtime errors, but this is not related to the compilation error mentioned. ## Recommendations 1. **Verify Import Path in `page.jsx`**: Ensure that the import statement in `app/(routes)/dashboard/expenses/page.jsx` correctly points to `ExpenseListTable`. The correct import statement should be: ```javascript import ExpenseListTable from './_components/ExpenseListTable'; ``` 2. **Check for Typos**: Ensure there are no typos in the file name or the import path. ## Conclusion The `ExpenseListTable.jsx` file is correctly implemented and exports the `ExpenseListTable` component as expected. The likely cause of the bug is an incorrect import path in `page.jsx`. The next step is to verify and correct the import statement in `app/(routes)/dashboard/expenses/page.jsx`.