mendsalbert / ai-finance-tracking

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error #25

Open MuskanNazim opened 2 weeks ago

MuskanNazim commented 2 weeks ago

no budgets are showing

codeautopilot[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

Potential solution

The plan to solve the bug involves addressing issues in both the database schema and the data fetching logic. The primary steps include:

  1. Updating the Database Schema: Ensure that the amount fields in the Budgets and Incomes tables are of type numeric to maintain consistency and avoid potential issues with data manipulation.
  2. Improving Data Fetching Logic: Add error handling and user checks in the BudgetList component to ensure that the data fetching logic works correctly and handles edge cases.

What is causing this bug?

The bug is likely caused by a combination of issues:

  1. Inconsistent Data Types: The amount fields in the Budgets and Incomes tables are defined as varchar, while the amount field in the Expenses table is numeric. This inconsistency can lead to issues when performing calculations or comparisons.
  2. User Information Dependency: The BudgetList component relies on the user's primary email address to filter budgets. If the user information is not correctly populated, the query will not return any results.
  3. Lack of Error Handling: The data fetching logic does not include error handling, making it difficult to diagnose issues when the query fails or returns unexpected results.


Schema Update

Update the utils/schema.jsx file to change the amount fields in the Budgets and Incomes tables to numeric.

// utils/schema.jsx
import { pgTable, serial, varchar, numeric } from "drizzle-orm";

export const Budgets = pgTable("budgets", {
  id: serial("id").primaryKey(),
  name: varchar("name").notNull(),
  amount: numeric("amount").notNull(),
  icon: varchar("icon"),
  createdBy: varchar("createdBy").notNull(),

export const Incomes = pgTable("incomes", {
  id: serial("id").primaryKey(),
  name: varchar("name").notNull(),
  amount: numeric("amount").notNull(),
  icon: varchar("icon"),
  createdBy: varchar("createdBy").notNull(),

Data Fetching Logic Update

Update the BudgetList component to include error handling and user checks.

// app/(routes)/dashboard/budgets/_components/BudgetList.jsx
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { useUser } from '@clerk/nextjs';
import { db } from '../../../utils/dbConfig';
import BudgetItem from './BudgetItem';

const BudgetList = () => {
  const { user } = useUser();
  const [budgetList, setBudgetList] = useState([]);
  const [error, setError] = useState(null);

  useEffect(() => {
    const getBudgetList = async () => {
      if (!user || !user.primaryEmailAddress) {
        setError('User information is not available');

      try {
        const budgets = await db.query(`
            SUM(Expenses.amount) AS totalSpend, 
            COUNT( AS totalItem 
          FROM Budgets 
          LEFT JOIN Expenses ON = Expenses.budgetId 
          WHERE Budgets.createdBy = $1 
          GROUP BY 
          ORDER BY DESC
        `, [user.primaryEmailAddress.emailAddress]);

      } catch (err) {
        setError('Failed to fetch budgets');

  }, [user]);

  if (error) {
    return <div>Error: {error}</div>;

  return (
    <div className='grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3 gap-4'>
      {budgetList.length > 0 ? ( => (
          <BudgetItem key={} budget={budget} />
      ) : (

export default BudgetList;

How to replicate the bug

  1. Ensure the database schema has amount fields in the Budgets and Incomes tables defined as varchar.
  2. Run the application and navigate to the "My Budgets" page.
  3. Observe that no budgets are displayed, even if there are entries in the database.


User input/request

Ticket title: error

Ticket Description: no budgets are showing

Click here to create a Pull Request with the proposed solution

Files used for this task:

Changes on utils/dbConfig.jsx ## Analysis Report ### File: `utils/dbConfig.jsx` #### Overview This file is responsible for setting up the database connection using the `neon` and `drizzle-orm` libraries. It imports the database schema from the `schema` file and establishes a connection to a PostgreSQL database hosted on Neon. #### Code Review ```javascript import { neon } from "@neondatabase/serverless"; import { drizzle } from "drizzle-orm/neon-http"; import * as schema from "./schema"; const sql = neon( "postgresql://" ); export const db = drizzle(sql, { schema }); ``` #### Key Points 1. **Database Connection String**: The connection string is hardcoded and includes credentials for accessing the PostgreSQL database. 2. **SSL Mode**: The connection string specifies `sslmode=require`, which is necessary for secure connections. 3. **Schema Import**: The schema is imported from the `schema` file and passed to the `drizzle` function. #### Potential Issues 1. **Hardcoded Credentials**: The database credentials are hardcoded in the source code, which is a security risk. These should be stored in environment variables. 2. **Connection Errors**: If the connection string is incorrect or the database server is down, it could prevent the application from fetching budgets. 3. **Schema Mismatch**: If the schema defined in `schema.jsx` does not match the actual database schema, it could lead to issues in fetching and displaying data. #### Recommendations 1. **Environment Variables**: Move the database connection string to environment variables to enhance security. ```javascript const sql = neon(process.env.DATABASE_URL); ``` 2. **Error Handling**: Implement error handling to catch and log any connection issues. 3. **Schema Verification**: Ensure that the schema defined in `schema.jsx` matches the actual database schema. ### Conclusion The database connection setup in `utils/dbConfig.jsx` appears to be straightforward, but there are potential issues related to hardcoded credentials and schema mismatches. These should be addressed to ensure secure and reliable database connections. Further investigation is needed in the other files to pinpoint the exact cause of the "no budgets are showing" issue.
Changes on app/(routes)/dashboard/budgets/page.jsx ## Analysis Report ### File: `app/(routes)/dashboard/budgets/page.jsx` #### Overview This file defines a React component named `Budget` that is responsible for rendering the "My Budgets" page. The component includes a heading and a `BudgetList` component, which is presumably responsible for displaying the list of budgets. #### Code Review ```jsx import React from 'react' import BudgetList from './_components/BudgetList' function Budget() { return (

My Budgets

) } export default Budget ``` #### Key Points 1. **Component Structure**: The `Budget` component is a simple functional component that renders a heading and the `BudgetList` component. 2. **BudgetList Component**: The actual logic for fetching and displaying the budgets is likely contained within the `BudgetList` component, which is imported and used here. #### Potential Issues - **Data Fetching**: There is no data fetching logic in this file. The responsibility for fetching the budget data seems to be delegated to the `BudgetList` component. - **Data Passing**: Since no props are being passed to `BudgetList`, it is assumed that `BudgetList` handles its own data fetching internally. #### Conclusion This file itself does not contain any logic for fetching or displaying budgets. The issue of "no budgets are showing" is likely not caused by this file directly. The problem is more likely to be found in the `BudgetList` component or in the data fetching and database configuration. ### Next Steps - **Review `BudgetList` Component**: Check the `BudgetList` component to ensure it correctly fetches and renders the budget data. - **Database Configuration**: Verify the database connection and query logic in `utils/dbConfig.jsx`. - **Schema Verification**: Ensure that the budget schema in `utils/schema.jsx` matches the structure of the data being fetched. This file appears to be functioning as intended, serving as a container for the `BudgetList` component. Further investigation should focus on the `BudgetList` component and the related database configuration and schema files.
Changes on app/(routes)/dashboard/budgets/_components/BudgetList.jsx # Analysis Report for `BudgetList.jsx` ## Overview The `BudgetList.jsx` component is responsible for fetching and displaying a list of budgets. It uses the `useUser` hook from `@clerk/nextjs` to get the current user and fetches the budget data from the database using the `drizzle-orm` library. The fetched data is then displayed using the `BudgetItem` component. ## Key Areas to Investigate 1. **Fetching Data**: Ensure that the data fetching logic is correct and that the database query returns the expected results. 2. **User Dependency**: Verify that the user information is correctly obtained and used in the query. 3. **Rendering Logic**: Check if the component correctly renders the fetched data. ## Detailed Analysis ### 1. Fetching Data The `getBudgetList` function is responsible for fetching the budget data from the database. The query includes: - Selecting columns from the `Budgets` table. - Calculating `totalSpend` and `totalItem` using SQL functions. - Joining the `Expenses` table to get related expenses. - Filtering budgets by the `createdBy` field, which is matched with the user's primary email address. - Grouping by `` and ordering by `` in descending order. ### 2. User Dependency The `useEffect` hook ensures that the `getBudgetList` function is called whenever the `user` object changes. The query filters budgets based on the `user?.primaryEmailAddress?.emailAddress`. ### 3. Rendering Logic The component renders a grid of budget items. If `budgetList` has items, it maps over them and renders `BudgetItem` components. If `budgetList` is empty, it shows placeholder elements with a loading animation. ## Potential Issues ### 1. User Information - **Issue**: The query filters budgets by `user?.primaryEmailAddress?.emailAddress`. If `user` or `user.primaryEmailAddress` is `null` or `undefined`, the query will not work as expected. - **Solution**: Ensure that `user` and `user.primaryEmailAddress` are correctly populated before making the query. ### 2. Data Fetching - **Issue**: If the database query fails or returns an empty result, `budgetList` will remain empty, and no budgets will be displayed. - **Solution**: Add error handling for the database query to catch and log any issues. Verify that the query is correct and returns the expected data. ### 3. Rendering Logic - **Issue**: The component relies on `budgetList?.length` to determine if budgets are available. If `budgetList` is `null` or `undefined`, it will show the loading placeholders indefinitely. - **Solution**: Initialize `budgetList` as an empty array and ensure it is always an array. ## Recommendations 1. **User Check**: Add a check to ensure `user` and `user.primaryEmailAddress` are available before making the query. 2. **Error Handling**: Implement error handling in the `getBudgetList` function to catch and log any issues with the database query. 3. **Default State**: Ensure `budgetList` is always an array to avoid rendering issues. ## Conclusion The `BudgetList.jsx` component has potential issues related to user information and data fetching. Addressing these issues should help resolve the problem of budgets not showing. Further investigation into the database configuration and schema might also be necessary to ensure data integrity.
Changes on utils/schema.jsx # Analysis Report for `utils/schema.jsx` ## Overview The file `utils/schema.jsx` defines the database schema for the application using the `drizzle-orm` library. It includes the schema definitions for three tables: `Budgets`, `Incomes`, and `Expenses`. ## Schema Definitions 1. **Budgets Table** - `id`: Primary key, auto-incremented. - `name`: Non-nullable string. - `amount`: Non-nullable string. - `icon`: Nullable string. - `createdBy`: Non-nullable string. 2. **Incomes Table** - `id`: Primary key, auto-incremented. - `name`: Non-nullable string. - `amount`: Non-nullable string. - `icon`: Nullable string. - `createdBy`: Non-nullable string. 3. **Expenses Table** - `id`: Primary key, auto-incremented. - `name`: Non-nullable string. - `amount`: Non-nullable numeric with a default value of 0. - `budgetId`: Foreign key referencing ``. - `createdAt`: Non-nullable string. ## Potential Issues 1. **Data Type for `amount` in Budgets and Incomes Tables**: - The `amount` field in both the `Budgets` and `Incomes` tables is defined as a `varchar`. This could lead to issues if the application expects this field to be a numeric type for calculations or comparisons. 2. **Consistency in Data Types**: - The `amount` field in the `Expenses` table is defined as `numeric`, which is more appropriate for financial data. However, the `amount` fields in the `Budgets` and `Incomes` tables are defined as `varchar`. This inconsistency could lead to bugs, especially if the application performs operations assuming all `amount` fields are numeric. ## Recommendations 1. **Change Data Type of `amount` in Budgets and Incomes Tables**: - Update the schema to use `numeric` for the `amount` field in both the `Budgets` and `Incomes` tables to ensure consistency and to avoid potential issues with data manipulation. ```jsx export const Budgets = pgTable("budgets", { id: serial("id").primaryKey(), name: varchar("name").notNull(), amount: numeric("amount").notNull(), icon: varchar("icon"), createdBy: varchar("createdBy").notNull(), }); export const Incomes = pgTable("incomes", { id: serial("id").primaryKey(), name: varchar("name").notNull(), amount: numeric("amount").notNull(), icon: varchar("icon"), createdBy: varchar("createdBy").notNull(), }); ``` 2. **Verify Data Fetching Logic**: - Ensure that the logic for fetching data from the database correctly handles the data types, especially if changes are made to the schema. ## Conclusion The schema definitions in `utils/schema.jsx` are mostly correct but have potential issues with the data type of the `amount` field in the `Budgets` and `Incomes` tables. Changing these fields to `numeric` will likely resolve inconsistencies and potential bugs related to financial data handling. Further investigation into the data fetching and rendering logic is recommended to ensure these changes are correctly integrated. This file is relevant to the bug and should be updated as recommended.