mendsalbert / ai-finance-tracking

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error #28

Open MuskanNazim opened 2 weeks ago

MuskanNazim commented 2 weeks ago

"use client" import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react' import CreateBudget from './CreateBudget' import { db } from '@/utils/dbConfig' import { desc, eq, getTableColumns, sql } from 'drizzle-orm' import { Budgets, Expenses } from '@/utils/schema' import { useUser } from '@clerk/nextjs' import BudgetItem from './BudgetItem'

function BudgetList() { const [budgetList, setBudgetList] = useState([]); const { user } = useUser(); useEffect(() => { user && getBudgetList(); }, [user]);


export default BudgetList

codeautopilot[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

Potential solution

The plan to solve the bug involves addressing potential issues in the database schema, query logic, and user object handling. The primary steps include:

  1. Schema Adjustment: Ensure the amount field in the Budgets table is of a numeric type to avoid issues with numerical operations.
  2. Error Handling and Logging: Add error handling and logging in the getBudgetList function to capture any issues during database query execution.
  3. User Object Check: Ensure the user object is correctly populated before calling getBudgetList.

What is causing this bug?

The bug is likely caused by a combination of factors:

  1. Data Type Mismatch: The amount field in the Budgets table is defined as varchar, which can cause issues when performing numerical operations.
  2. User Object Dependency: The useEffect hook depends on the user object. If user is null or undefined initially, the getBudgetList function will not be called.
  3. Lack of Error Handling: The absence of error handling in the getBudgetList function makes it difficult to diagnose issues during database query execution.


Schema Adjustment

Change the data type of the amount field in the Budgets table from varchar to numeric.

// utils/schema.jsx
export const Budgets = {
  id: 'serial',
  name: 'varchar',
  amount: 'numeric', // Changed from 'varchar' to 'numeric'
  icon: 'varchar',
  createdBy: 'varchar'

export const Expenses = {
  id: 'serial',
  name: 'varchar',
  amount: 'numeric',
  budgetId: 'integer',
  createdAt: 'varchar'

Error Handling and Logging

Add error handling and logging in the getBudgetList function.

// app/(routes)/dashboard/budgets/_components/BudgetList.jsx
const getBudgetList = async () => {
  try {
    const result = await{
      totalSpend: sql `sum(${Expenses.amount})`.mapWith(Number),
      totalItem: sql `count(${})`.mapWith(Number)
    .leftJoin(Expenses, eq(, Expenses.budgetId))
    .where(eq(Budgets.createdBy, user?.primaryEmailAddress?.emailAddress))

  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error fetching budget list:", error);

User Object Check

Ensure the user object is correctly populated before calling getBudgetList.

// app/(routes)/dashboard/budgets/_components/BudgetList.jsx
useEffect(() => {
  if (user && user.primaryEmailAddress && user.primaryEmailAddress.emailAddress) {
}, [user]);

How to replicate the bug

  1. Initial Setup: Ensure the database schema has the amount field in the Budgets table defined as varchar.
  2. User Login: Log in to the application to ensure the useUser hook is triggered.
  3. Budget List Fetch: Navigate to the budget list page to trigger the getBudgetList function.
  4. Observe Errors: If the amount field is not correctly handled or the user object is not populated, errors will occur in the console or the budget list will not be displayed correctly.

By following these steps, the bug can be replicated and subsequently fixed by implementing the proposed solution.

Click here to create a Pull Request with the proposed solution

Files used for this task:

Changes on utils/dbConfig.jsx # Analysis Report for `utils/dbConfig.jsx` ## Overview The file `utils/dbConfig.jsx` is responsible for setting up the database connection and configuring the Drizzle ORM to interact with the database. This configuration is crucial for ensuring that the application can correctly query and manipulate data in the database. ## Code Review ### Database Connection Settings ```javascript import { neon } from "@neondatabase/serverless"; import { drizzle } from "drizzle-orm/neon-http"; import * as schema from "./schema"; const sql = neon( "postgresql://" ); export const db = drizzle(sql, { schema }); ``` 1. **Database URL**: The connection string used here is: ``` postgresql:// ``` - **Username**: `finan-smart_owner` - **Password**: `uk3aed9QZotj` - **Host**: `` - **Database**: `finan-smart` - **SSL Mode**: `require` 2. **Neon Configuration**: The `neon` function from `@neondatabase/serverless` is used to create a connection to the database. 3. **Drizzle ORM Configuration**: The `drizzle` function from `drizzle-orm/neon-http` is used to configure the ORM with the provided SQL connection and schema. ### Schema Import - The schema is imported from `./schema` and passed to the `drizzle` function. This ensures that the ORM is aware of the database schema and can generate the necessary SQL queries. ## Potential Issues 1. **Connection String Exposure**: The connection string, including the username and password, is hardcoded in the file. This is a security risk as it exposes sensitive information. It is recommended to use environment variables to store such sensitive information. 2. **Schema Configuration**: Ensure that the schema imported from `./schema` is correctly defined and matches the database structure. Any mismatch can lead to runtime errors when querying the database. 3. **SSL Mode**: The `sslmode=require` parameter ensures that the connection to the database is secure. This is good practice, especially for production environments. ## Recommendations 1. **Use Environment Variables**: Replace the hardcoded connection string with environment variables to enhance security. ```javascript const sql = neon(process.env.DATABASE_URL); ``` 2. **Validate Schema**: Ensure that the schema definitions in `./schema` are up-to-date and correctly reflect the database structure. 3. **Error Handling**: Implement error handling for database connection issues to provide more informative error messages and improve debugging. ## Conclusion The `utils/dbConfig.jsx` file appears to be correctly setting up the database connection and configuring the Drizzle ORM. However, the hardcoded connection string is a significant security risk and should be replaced with environment variables. Additionally, ensure that the schema definitions are accurate and up-to-date. These steps will help in maintaining a secure and robust database connection setup.
Changes on utils/schema.jsx # Analysis Report for `utils/schema.jsx` ## Overview The file `utils/schema.jsx` defines the schema for three tables: `Budgets`, `Incomes`, and `Expenses` using the Drizzle ORM. The relevant tables for the bug in question are `Budgets` and `Expenses`. ## Schema Definitions ### Budgets Table - **id**: Primary key, serial type. - **name**: Non-nullable varchar. - **amount**: Non-nullable varchar. - **icon**: Nullable varchar. - **createdBy**: Non-nullable varchar. ### Expenses Table - **id**: Primary key, serial type. - **name**: Non-nullable varchar. - **amount**: Non-nullable numeric with a default value of 0. - **budgetId**: Integer that references the `id` field in the `Budgets` table. - **createdAt**: Non-nullable varchar. ## Verification with `BudgetList.jsx` ### Fields Used in Queries - **Budgets Table**: The fields `id`, `name`, `amount`, `icon`, and `createdBy` are used. - **Expenses Table**: The fields `id`, `amount`, and `budgetId` are used. ### Matching Fields - The fields used in the `BudgetList.jsx` file match the schema definitions provided in `utils/schema.jsx`. ## Potential Issues 1. **Data Type Mismatch**: - The `amount` field in the `Budgets` table is defined as `varchar`. This could lead to issues if numerical operations are performed on this field. It might be more appropriate to use a numeric type for consistency with the `Expenses` table. 2. **Default Values**: - The `amount` field in the `Expenses` table has a default value of 0. Ensure that this default value is appropriate for all use cases. 3. **Field Usage**: - Ensure that all fields used in the `BudgetList.jsx` file are correctly populated in the database. ## Recommendations 1. **Change Data Type for `amount` in `Budgets` Table**: - Consider changing the data type of the `amount` field in the `Budgets` table from `varchar` to `numeric` to avoid potential issues with numerical operations. 2. **Validation**: - Ensure that the data being inserted into these tables adheres to the schema definitions, especially for non-nullable fields. 3. **Testing**: - Perform thorough testing to ensure that the queries in `BudgetList.jsx` return the expected results and handle edge cases gracefully. ## Conclusion The schema definitions in `utils/schema.jsx` appear to be correctly defined and match the fields used in the `BudgetList.jsx` file. However, the data type of the `amount` field in the `Budgets` table should be reconsidered to ensure consistency and avoid potential issues with numerical operations. Further testing and validation are recommended to ensure the integrity and correctness of the data.
Changes on app/(routes)/dashboard/budgets/_components/BudgetList.jsx ## Analysis Report for `BudgetList.jsx` ### 1. Ensure that the `useUser` hook is correctly imported and used - The `useUser` hook is imported from `@clerk/nextjs` and used to get the current user. - The hook is correctly used to fetch the user object and trigger the `getBudgetList` function when the user is available. ### 2. Verify the database query logic in the `getBudgetList` function - The `getBudgetList` function constructs a query using Drizzle ORM to fetch budget data along with aggregated expense data. - The query selects columns from the `Budgets` table and calculates `totalSpend` and `totalItem` using SQL aggregation functions. - The query joins the `Budgets` and `Expenses` tables on `budgetId`, filters by the user's email address, groups by ``, and orders by `` in descending order. - The query appears to be logically correct, assuming the schema definitions and database configuration are accurate. ### 3. Check the rendering logic to ensure that the budget list is displayed correctly - The component renders a grid layout with a `CreateBudget` component and a list of `BudgetItem` components. - If `budgetList` has items, it maps over the list and renders a `BudgetItem` for each budget. - If `budgetList` is empty, it renders placeholder divs with a loading animation. - The rendering logic seems appropriate for displaying the budget list. ### Potential Issues - **User Object Dependency**: The `useEffect` hook depends on the `user` object. If `user` is `null` or undefined initially, the `getBudgetList` function will not be called. Ensure that the `user` object is correctly populated. - **Database Query**: Ensure that the `db` object and Drizzle ORM are correctly configured to interact with the database. Any misconfiguration could lead to query failures. - **Schema Definitions**: Verify that the `Budgets` and `Expenses` schema definitions match the fields used in the query. Any mismatch could cause errors in the query execution. ### Recommendations 1. **Logging and Error Handling**: Add logging and error handling in the `getBudgetList` function to capture any issues during the database query execution. ```javascript const getBudgetList = async () => { try { const result = await{ ...getTableColumns(Budgets), totalSpend: sql `sum(${Expenses.amount})`.mapWith(Number), totalItem: sql `count(${})`.mapWith(Number) }).from(Budgets) .leftJoin(Expenses, eq(, Expenses.budgetId)) .where(eq(Budgets.createdBy, user?.primaryEmailAddress?.emailAddress)) .groupBy( .orderBy(desc(; setBudgetList(result); } catch (error) { console.error("Error fetching budget list:", error); } } ``` 2. **User Object Check**: Ensure that the `user` object is correctly populated before calling `getBudgetList`. ```javascript useEffect(() => { if (user && user.primaryEmailAddress && user.primaryEmailAddress.emailAddress) { getBudgetList(); } }, [user]); ``` 3. **Schema Verification**: Verify the schema definitions in `utils/schema.jsx` to ensure they match the fields used in the query. ### Conclusion The `BudgetList.jsx` file appears to be correctly implemented in terms of using the `useUser` hook, constructing the database query, and rendering the budget list. However, potential issues related to the user object, database configuration, and schema definitions should be investigated further. Adding error handling and logging will help diagnose any issues during runtime.