Closed NileLEE1 closed 10 months ago
GPU_NUM=1; \ MODEL_PATH=checkpoints/models.laformer.1/model_save/model.50.bin; \ python src/ --future_frame_num 12 --eval_batch_size 128 \ --output_dir ${OUTPUT_DIR} --hidden_size 64 --train_batch_size 32 \ --lane_loss_weight 0.9 --topk 2 --reuse_temp_file --model_recover_path 50 \ --distributed_training ${GPU_NUM} --other_params step_lane_score stage_two \ semantic_lane direction enhance_global_graph subdivide new laneGCN \ point_level-4-3 stage-two-train_recover=${MODEL_PATH} stage-two-epoch=50 \ nuscenes nuscenes_mode_num=5 --do_eval {'add_prefix': None, 'core_num': 1, 'cuda_visible_device_num': None, 'data_dir': 'val/data/', 'data_dir_for_val': 'val/data/', 'debug': False, 'distributed_training': 1, 'do_eval': True, 'do_test': False, 'do_train': False, 'eval_batch_size': 128, 'eval_params': ['mode_num=5'], 'future_frame_num': 12, 'future_test_frame_num': 16, 'global_graph_depth': 1, 'hidden_dropout_prob': 0.1, 'hidden_size': 64, 'historical_steps': 20, 'initializer_range': 0.02, 'lane_loss_weight': 0.9, 'learning_rate': 0.001, 'log_dir': 'checkpoints/models.laformer.nuscenes.1', 'master_port': '12355', 'max_distance': 50.0, 'method_span': [0, 1], 'mode_num': 5, 'model_recover_path': 'checkpoints/models.laformer.nuscenes.1/model_save/model.50.bin', 'model_save_dir': 'checkpoints/models.laformer.nuscenes.1/model_save', 'no_cuda': False, 'num_train_epochs': 16.0, 'other_params': {'step_lane_score': True, 'stage_two': True, 'semantic_lane': True, 'direction': True, 'enhance_global_graph': True, 'subdivide': True, 'new': True, 'laneGCN': True, 'point_level-4-3': True, 'stage-two-train_recover': 'checkpoints/models.laformer.1/model_save/model.50.bin', 'stage-two-epoch': 50, 'nuscenes': True, 'nuscenes_mode_num': 5}, 'output_dir': 'checkpoints/models.laformer.nuscenes.1', 'reuse_temp_file': True, 'seed': 777, 'sub_graph_depth': 3, 'subdivide_length': 5, 'temp_file_dir': 'checkpoints/models.laformer.nuscenes.1/temp_file', 'topk': 2, 'train_all': False, 'train_batch_size': 32, 'train_extra': False, 'train_params': [], 'use_centerline': False, 'use_map': False, 'vector_size': 32, 'visualize': False, 'weight_decay': 0.01, 'z_size': 2}
11/13/2023 06:19:30 - INFO - main - args
output_dir checkpoints/models.laformer.nuscenes.1
other_params ['step_lane_score', 'stage_two', 'semantic_lane', 'direction', 'enhance_global_graph', 'subdivide', 'new', 'laneGCN', 'point_level-4-3', ('stage-two-train_recover', 'checkpoints/models.laformer.1/model_save/model.50.bin'), ('stage-two-epoch', 50), 'nuscenes', ('nuscenes_mode_num', 5)]
11/13/2023 06:19:30 - INFO - main - device: cpu
Loading Evalute Dataset ['val/data/']
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "src/", line 138, in
The reported error looks like you didn't preprocess the nuScenes evaluation set. Or you didn't give the correct path to the preprocessed file. Make sure there are preprocessed files under this path: checkpoints/models.laformer.nuscenes.1/temp_file/eval.ex_list
OK. thank u
i have another question if the model in checkpoint is your sota in
OUTPUT_DIR=checkpoints/models.laformer.nuscenes.1; GPU_NUM=1; MODEL_PATH=checkpoints/models.laformer.1/model_save/model.50.bin; python src/ --future_frame_num 12 --eval_batch_size 128 --output_dir ${OUTPUT_DIR} --hidden_size 64 --train_batch_size 32 --lane_loss_weight 0.9 --topk 2 --reuse_temp_file --model_recover_path 50 --distributed_training ${GPU_NUM} --other_params step_lane_score stage_two semantic_lane direction enhance_global_graph subdivide new laneGCN point_level-4-3 stage-two-train_recover=${MODEL_PATH} stage-two-epoch=50 nuscenes nuscenes_mode_num=5 submission --do_eval i add submission but i dont find the result can u help me
i have another question if the model in checkpoint is your sota in Yes, you can refer to
when i want to evaluate nuscenes, but it is wrong. it seems to do the argoverse evaluate. can u help me. thank you so much