mensreaMC / Deus-Ex-Machina

Deus Ex Machina: A minecraft tech mod
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Labor System and Blocks #21

Closed mensreaMC closed 10 years ago

mensreaMC commented 10 years ago


The labor system is intended to reinforce the idea of the player being an avatar for a civilization. It will use various blocks as abstractions of buildings and services that a civilization would need. The system will use different inputs to generate "labor tokens" which will be spent in certain recipes. So far the labor system is going to be divided into 4 parts: housing, administration, industry and defense. Industry (the workshop system) will be covered under separate articles. Eventually, different "labor models" could be used to imitate capitalist and socialist values, the first using metals/gems as currency to pay for things and the latter using basic necessities (food, fuels, water, etc) to subsidize things.



A.scan an appropriate area when placed and when a redstone signal is activated 1.they scan to determine their structural requirements are being met and if not they become empty housing blocks 2.they check for other housing blocks and do not place if found 3.they check for certain items in their inventories and if they find them they generate X labor tokens

B.the housing blocks themselves are centred in the bottom middle of their scans blocks ratings are as follows, from lowest to highest 1.empty housing 2.hovel 3.homestead 5.apartment

D.different rated house blocks scan areas of different sizes 1.empty housing 20x20x60 2.hovels 10x10x10 3.homesteads 20x20x10 4.houses 20x20x20 20x20x60

E.different blocks in certain volumes will determine the house rating all cases players may use concrete and reinforced concrete in place of brick, cobble, stonebrick, concrete, log and plank requirements and may use reinforced glass and doors instead of their normal versions

2.empty housing blocks -this is the block the player will receive when they craft the housing block -scan looks for the same thing apartments look for, but if it cant detect enough blocks to meet apartment qualifications it looks for the same thing houses look for, but if it cant detect enough blocks to meet house qualifications it looks for the same thing homesteads look for, and so on unless it cant qualify anything as a house at which point it remains an empty housing block and must be placed again to run its scan -if a housing block of any rating is broken they drop the empty housing block -unlike other housing blocks this one has no GUI

3.hovel blocks -at least 800 blocks: 300 of which are logs or planks, the remainder being cobble, brick or stonebrick followed by at least 4 beds, 4 furnaces and a door

4.homestead blocks -at least 1400 blocks: 500 of which are cobble, brick, or stonebrick, 300 being logs or planks, 300 being fertilized land, and 300 being breadwheat in any stage of growth followed by at lest 4 beds, 4 furnaces and a door blocks -at least 2800 blocks: 2100 of which are stone brick or brick, 100 being glass block and 600 being logs or planks followed by at least 16 beds 8 furnaces and 8 doors

6.apartment -at least 5400 blocks: 4600 of which are concrete, 200 being glass block, 800 being logs or planks followed by at least 32 beds, 8 furnaces and 12 doors

F.different rated housing blocks will have various resource requirements needed to output labor tokens 1.empty housing blocks: cannot generate labor tokens, have no inventory or GUI 2.hovels -need 6 bread, 1 cloth and 1 log or 1 charcoal or 1 coal or 1 small tank of natural gas -provide 1 labor token -generates 1 "waste" in addition to labor tokens which can be used in biogas reactors, incinerators, and as fertilizer 3.homesteads -need 1 cloth and 1 log or 1 charcoal or 1 coal or 1 small tank of natural gas -provides 1 labor token 4.houses -need 6 bread, 2 meat or fish, 2 cloth and 1 log or 1 charcoal or 1 coal or 1 small tank of natural gas or 1 kw of electricity at all times -provides 2 labor tokens -generates 1 "waste" in addition to labor tokens which can be used in biogas reactors, incinerators, and as fertilizer -need 16 bread, 6 meat or fish, 4 cloth, 1 barrel of water and 2 charcoal or 2 coal or 2 small tanks of natural gas or 4 kw of electricity at all times -provides 5 labor tokens -return empty barrels and tanks -generates 2 "waste" in addition to labor tokens which can be used in biogas reactors, incinerators, and as fertilizer 6.block must be loaded with resources and activated with a redstone signal to begin a 20 minute reaction, the end of which deposits the labor token(s) in the GUI's output slot or an inventory attached to the blocks side -all resources in the input grid will be used up at this point, including consumer goods -durable goods, like guns or empty tanks/barrels, will be returned 7.if the block performs one successful operation it will automatically attempt to perform another, first running its structural scan and if successful using appropriate resources to produce the appropriate product 8.if an automatic operation cannot be performed because a scan or item check fails, block then must wait for a redstone signal before operating again 9.if the electricity feed is cut off from a house any progress in generating labor tokens is rescinded -alternatively, the progress bar could begin rolling backward rather than completely resetting 10.diverse resource input can boost labor token output -adding luxury goods such as sugar, paper, consumer goods, alcohol, drugs, etc can boost output by a % based on number and type of luxury inputs -redstone, which otherwise will not be incorporated into the mods crafting systems due to it having no basis in anything realistic, will be interpreted as being a drug of sorts, and as such should boost labor token output by 100% -lapis lazuli, which has no industrial use, will be used to make primitive consumer goods (jewellery) which will be able to boost labor token output -natural diamonds, which have very few industrial uses, will be used to make primitive consumer goods (jewellery) which will be able to boost labor token output -using electricity instead of solid fuels increases labor token output by 20% -tanks of ammonia, chlorine or ethanol/methanol increase labor token output by 20% -purified water tanks instead of normal water tanks increase output by 20% -precious metals, gems and fancy stone blocks detected as part of the structure will grant a small bonus to labor token output (~.1 per fancy stone block, .5 for metal, 1 for gem blocks)


I.administration block A.scans a 40x20x20 area for the following -housing, administration, academy and fortress blocks which prevent it from being placed if found -4000 brick, stone brick, concrete or reinforced concrete blocks which prevent it from being placed if not found -if the scan fails then no reactions can be performed and no resources will be used -the administration block itself will be centred in the bottom middle of the scan

B.primary function is to use labor tokens, tools, fuel and various resources to produce other resources (work gang system) 1.uses labor tokens, peoples tools, fuel, and gold/silver/gems/coins to produce raw materials such as logs, ores, stone, cobble, rubber, hemp, switch grass, wheat, meat, fish and dirt (capitalist labor model) -tools are returned 2.uses labor tokens, peoples tools, fuel, lots of food, and cloth to produce raw materials such as logs, ores, stone, cobble, rubber, hemp, switch grass, wheat, meat, fish and dirt (socialist labor model) -tools are returned

C.secondary function is to multiply labor tokens, creating organized labor tokens 1.combines labor tokens, skilled labor tokens, weaponry/ammunition, food, water barrels, fuels, and cloth to create 10% more labor tokens than it began with -to prevent players from abusing this mechanic it will output organized labor tokens which are interchangeable with labor tokens -can use a steady supply of electricity instead of solid fuels

D.tertiary function is to provide players with the ability to trade finished goods for raw materials 1.inputs are industrial goods, consumer goods and military goods which yield raw materials like minerals and biologicals

E.block must be loaded with resources and activated with a redstone signal to begin a 20 minute countdown, the end of which deposits the output in the GUI's output slot or an inventory attached to the blocks side -all resources in the input grid will be used up at this point -durable goods, like gunsm tools or empty tanks/barrels, will be returned

F.if the block performs one operation it will automatically attempt to perform another, first running its structural scan and if successful using appropriate resources to produce the appropriate product

G.if an automatic operation cannot be performed because a scan or item check fails, block then must wait for a redstone signal before operating again

ACADEMY DETAILS block A.scans a 40x20x20 area for 4000 brick, stone brick, concrete or reinforced concrete blocks, 200 logs or planks and 100 bookshelves in order to be placed and when a redstone signal is activated 1.if the scan fails then no reactions can be performed and no resources will be used 2.the academy block itself will be centred in the bottom middle of the scan

B.primary function is to generate blueprints which will be inputs in certain sophisticated workshop recipes 1.skilled labor tokens, books and paper will be used as inputs

C.secondary function is to turn labor tokens into skilled labor tokens which be be needed to construct certain advanced things in the workshop and the town halls labor token multiplication reaction 1.labor tokens, paper and books will be used as inputs

D.tertiary function is to copy blueprints and books 1.labor tokens, paper and the blueprint the player wishes to copy will be used as inputs -4 copies of the original blueprint will be the output 2.a blank book and the book the player wants to copy will be used as inputs -9 copies of the the book will be the output

E.block must be loaded with resources and activated with a redstone signal to begin a 20 minute countdown, the end of which deposits the output in the GUI's output slot or an inventory attached to the blocks side 1.all resources in the input grid will be used up at this point

F.if the block performs one operation it will automatically attempt to perform another, first running its structural scan and if successful using appropriate resources to produce the appropriate product

G.if an automatic operation cannot be performed because a scan or item check fails, block then must wait for a redstone signal before operating again


I.fortress block A.scans a 40x20x20 area for 4000 stone brick, concrete or reinforced concrete blocks, 200 logs or planks, 100 iron bars and 6 sticky pistons in order to be placed and when a redstone signal is activated 1.if the scan fails then no reactions can be performed and no resources will be used 2.the fortress block itself will be centred in the bottom middle of the scan 3.should have a config setting that makes this block a chunk loader -chunk loading could then be contingent upon reactions running

B.scans a much larger area for other fortress blocks 1.100x100x256 2.if any other fortress blocks are found it will not place -this is to prevent players from using fortress blocks offensively -also prevents players from overlapping fields to an extent

B.primary function is to emit an attrition field 1.attrition fields use resources to damage all hostile mobs and/or players from an opposing team in a large area -area should be very large, at least 100x100x256 -deals tremendous damage on an infrequent basis or smaller amounts more frequently, depending on which is easier to program and produces less lag (could potentially be configurable)

C.secondary function is to allow the player to initiate invasion reactions 1.halts or instantly destroys invader class mobs in a very large area around it for several dozen hours -alternatively, can be used as a way to force invasion class mobs to spawn in an opposing teams attrition field with greater frequency 2.uses large amounts of labor tokens, skilled labor tokens and military goods as well as food, water and fuel 3.chance to return military goods 4.chance for the reaction to fail -could result in even more invader class mobs spawning 5.for further info consult "The DXM Experience" article -"military of world conquest proportions"

D.tertiary function is to allow the player to initiate a shadow war 1.spawns terrorists near a chosen teams fortress blocks 2.uses large amounts of labor tokens, skilled labor tokens, military goods as well as money 3.chance for the reaction to fail -could result in even more invader class mobs spawning 4.for further info consult "The DXM Experience" article -"military of world conquest proportions"

E.block must be loaded with resources and activated with a redstone signal to begin a 20 minute countdown, the end of which deposits the output in the GUI's output slot or an inventory attached to the blocks side 1.all resources in the input grid will be used up at this point

F.if the block performs one operation it will automatically attempt to perform another, first running its structural scan and if successful using appropriate resources to produce the appropriate product

G.if an automatic operation cannot be performed because a scan or item check fails, block then must wait for a redstone signal before operating again

H.fortress blocks can be crafted with a "banner" and "rank" dye to attain the ability to damage potentially hostile players or players below a certain rank 1.banner items are unique to teams, player created organizations -for further info consult "The DXM Experience" article, competitive multi player section 2.rank items are arbitrary dyes that let players build teams within their teams -for further info consult "The DXM Experience" article, competitive multi player section, ranks are designated with different colored dyes 3.fortress blocks crafter with banners, once placed, can only then be destroyed or accessed by the player who placed them


-have a minimum height that players can place housing blocks at to prevent "molevilles" composed of stunted, sub humans who blindly feel their way through the dark passages of the earth, hissing and snarling as they skulk the underdark in search of meat -give gold, silver, platinum, redstone, lapis, emeralds and diamonds a use: shiny rocks/metals used to make very low tech consumer goods (jewellery), redstone regarded as "the spice", a potent stimulant -better food and a variety of food are labor token multipliers -consumer goods are labor token multipliers -extra power is a labor token multiplier and can inspire cottage industry, perhaps outputting a small amount of consumer goods in turn -drugs as labor output multipliers that gradually taper off due to addiction and negative health consequences? -weapons and ammo as labor multipliers? armed people are free people, and free people will work harder knowing that they arent being coerced into labor -leather instead of cloth -gasoline and "cars"/"trucks" for massive labor output multipliers -"social models" which involved producing social model tokens (in single player) or using team banner blocks (competitive multiplayer), combining them with various labor blocks and then receiving buffs/penalties based off the nature of various social systems -tribal: increases all reaction costs and is the default social model for all labor blocks -caste: much greater malcontent class mob spawns, work gang reactions much cheaper, workshop block % chance to fail outright, increases workshop production times and electricity costs -capitalist: greater malcontent class mob spawns that increases with currency debasement, can use currency derived from PM stocks to fund labor token reactions -administration block + capitalist social model token lets players turn PM's into currency at rates which are dependent on the number of nearby housing blocks; can also print fiat for only cost of paper and ink, but use of fiat in labor transactions grossly increases malcontent spawns, eventually even spawning invaders if fiat is used too much (fuck you ben bernanke/janet yellen). does so by changing housing block meta id's to reflect # of transactions conducted with unbacked fiat. use of PM backed currency reduces meta ID # to reflect stabilization of economy -socialist: increases workshop production times and electricity costs, increases output of oil/gas pumps (historically high capital-low labor industries benefited from nationalization due to economies of scale an lower costs of transaction) reduces material cost of workshop reactions (justified by the fact that the means of production have been nationalized. invisible hand of the market, bitchez!) -i have considered adding a forced labor mechanic that is historically accurate mostly because forced labor was a MAJOR part of history (and still is). further it gives users insight into the inhuman savagery of the oppressor and the valour and tenacity of the oppressed -disease mechanics that cause negative status effects in players near labor blocks that are not provided with access to clean water and/or medicine -water pipe network blocks next to administration block makes it so players dont need to provide housing blocks water? -ranches, farms mines and quarries that can output raw materials with various capital/fuel and building requirements -at some point have houses spawn NPC's that mill about aimlessly to provide some aesthetics -have a small chance of those NPC's being exceptional people (nikola tesla, marie curie, richard astley, etc) who can be right clicked with something to turn into an item that can be used in various reactions to provide bonuses or new inventions via academy -specific figures and general figures, specific figures offer inventions or new ways of doing things while general figures provide broad bonuses to workshop reactions -use the names of donors for the general figures -have housing blocks check for biomes and require more fuel in cold ones, more water in dry ones and generally just suffer a penalty in swamps

mensreaMC commented 10 years ago

REVISION 1 -added a sub section on future ideas. we could really have all kinds of differet aspects to rate housing on. weigh in via comments here to give me ideas

mensreaMC commented 10 years ago

REVISION 2 -added ideas on luxury resources and electricity usage -added "academy" administration building -clarified intro -clarified other topics -incorporated all ideas into the design, ideas section eliminated. still, if you have ideas weigh in via comments

mensreaMC commented 10 years ago

REVISION 3 -added ability to trade at administration -added ability to copy blueprints at the academy -removed resource cost of academy reactions other than labor tokens; was redundant

mensreaMC commented 10 years ago

REVISION 4 -cleaned up more things -added fortress block -changed town hall block to administration block -added book copying feature to academy block

mensreaMC commented 10 years ago

REVISION 5 -added safe fortress blocks for teams, will need an invasion block to be destroyed by anyone but the player that placed them -added ideas section -housing blocks should have a minimum height placement requirement to prevent players from simply building everything deep underground (possibly a config thing)

mensreaMC commented 10 years ago

NOTICE -this article was getting too big so I split it into 4 separate articles. as such, this is no longer relevant and thus is closed