mensreaMC / Deus-Ex-Machina

Deus Ex Machina: A minecraft tech mod
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Chemical Reactor #40

Open mensreaMC opened 10 years ago

mensreaMC commented 10 years ago


This article covers the chemical reactor, a very generalized machine that covers the multitude of reactions associated with chemicals. At present the chemical reactor is relatively simple. In the future I hope to have it operate more like the refinery and have very specific energy costs associated with controlling and maintaining certain reactions


I.chemical reactor A.gui 1.3x3 input and output grids and a completion bar 1.3x3x4 multiblock machine 2.made of lead, brass, steel, tungsten or titanium components (C), [any metal] casings (A), brass, steel, tungsten or titanium mechanisms (M), a motor block (O), and a control block (X) 3.below is a diagram of how its built. [1] is the bottom level, [2] the second, etc.






.ethanol barrel + carbon disulfide barrel = 2 sodium ethyl xanthate barrels

-5 kw for 5 minutes

.charcoal OR coke + sulfur = carbon disulfide barrel

-6 kw for 5 minutes

.natural gas tank + water barrel = carbon disulfide barrel

-6 kw for 5 minutes -aluminum oxide catalyst

.oxygen tank + sulfur + water barrel = sulfuric acid barrel

-5 kw for 5 minutes -vanadium catalyst

.sulfur dioxide tank + ???? = sulfuric acid barrel

.hydrogen tank + water barrel = ammonia tank

-20 kw for 5 minutes -iron catalyst

.ammonia tank + oxygen tank = nitric acid barrel

-6 kw for 5 minutes -platinum catalyst

.potassium nitrate + hydrochloric acid barrel = nitric acid barrel

-6 kw for 5 minutes

.water barrel + 4 natural gas tanks OR 4 biogas tanks = 4 hydrogen gas tanks

-6 kw for 5 minutes -nickel catalyst

.water barrel + sulfuric acid barrel + nitric acid barrel + sodium ethyl xanthate barrel + ethanol barrel = 5 testing chemical barrels

-6 kw for 5 minutes

.10 ashes OR 1 dirt + water barrel = potassium nitrate

-2 kw for 5 minutes

.ethanol barrel = butadiene tank

-6 kw for 5 minutes -[general ore] dust catalyst

. coal OR coke + lime = calcium carbide

-6 kw for 5 minutes

.calcium carbide + water barrel = acetylene tank

-1 kw for 1 minute

.methanol barrel + oxygen tank = formaldehyde barrel

-6 kw for 5 minutes -silver OR iron catalyst

.ammonia tank + formaldehyde barrel = 2 hexamine barrels

-6 kw for 5 minutes

.potassium hydroxide + carbon dioxide tank = potassium carbonate

-1 kw for 1 minute

.10 potassium carbonate + hydrofluoric acid barrel = 20 potassium fluoride

-6 kw for 5 minutes

.sulfuric acid barrel + 10 fluorite = 2 hydrogen fluoride tanks AND calcium sulfate

-10 kw for 5 minutes

.hydrogen fluoride tank + water barrel = hydrofluoric acid barrel AND an empty tank

-10 kw for 5 minutes

.potassium carbonate + calcium hydroxide = potassium hydroxide AND calcium carbonate

-6 kw for 5 minutes

.10 calcium oxide + water barrel = 10 calcium hydroxide AND an empty barrel

-no energy use

.calcium sulfate + cobblestone + an empty tank = sulfur dioxide tank AND calcium oxide

-6 kw for 5 minutes

.chlorine tank + biogas tank OR natural gas tank = chloroform barrel AND 2 empty tanks

-6 kw for 5 minutes

.hydrogen tank + chlorine tank = 2 hydrogen chloride tanks

-10 kw for 5 minutes

.hydrogen chloride tank + water barrel = hydrochloric acid barrel AND an empty tank


.ammonia tank + nitric acid barrel = 10 ammonium nitrate

-10 kw for 5 minutes

.ammonium nitrate + potassium hydroxide = 2 potassium nitrate

-6 kw for 5 minutes

.10 phosphate + sulfuric acid barrel = phosphoric acid barrel

-10 kw for 5 minutes


.mercury barrel + nitric acid barrel + ethanol barrel = 128 mercury fulminate crystals AND 3 empty barrels

-10 kw for 5 minutes

.10 pine logs + water barrel = pine oil barrel

-10 kw for 5 minutes

.sulfuric acid barrel + nitric acid barrel + glycerin barrel = 3 nitroglycerin barrels

-10 kw for 5 minutes

.nitric acid barrel + glycerin barrel + 32 sawdust OR 32 diatomacious earth = 64 dynamite blocks AND 2 empty barrels

-10 kw for 5 minutes

.toluene barrel + 3 nitric acid barrels + sulfuric acid barrel = 124 TNT blocks AND 6 empty barrels

-10 kw for 5 minutes

.hexamine barrel + nitric acid barrel = 124 RDX blocks AND 2 empty barrels

-10 kw for 5 minutes


.chloroform barrel + hydrogen fluoride tank + 3 tanks = 4 tetrafluoroethylene tanks AND an empty barrel

-10 kw for 5 minutes

.tetrafluoroethylene tank = fluoropolymer block AND an empty tank

-10 kw for 5 minutes

.latex barrel + 8 sulfur OR peroxide barrel = vulcanized rubber blocks AND an empty barrel OR 2 empty barrels

-6 kw for 5 minutes

.ethylene tank + chlorine tank + peroxide barrel = 10 PVC blocks AND 2 empty tanks AND an empty barrel

-10 kw for 5 minutes -iron catalyst

.butadiene tank + chlorine tank = 10 neoprene blocks AND 2 empty tanks

-1 kw for 1 minute


.10 bauxite dust + sodium hydroxide(lye) + calcium oxide OR calcium hydroxide (lime) + carbon dioxide tank OR aluminum hydroxide = 10 aluminum oxide AND red mud barrel AND an empty tank IF carbon dioxide tank was used

-10 kw for 5 minutes -"bayer process"

.red mud barrel = aluminum hydroxide AND calcium silicate AND an empty barrel

-6 kw for 5 minutes

.10 aluminum oxide + hydrofluoric acid barrel + sodium hydroxide = cryolite barrel


-chemical reactor reactions are arbitrary. to figure out exactly what they take would require enormous amounts of research. the following would have to be determined: exothermic/endothermic (does it need heated or cooled and by how much, pressure (does it need pressure and how much), temperature (how much energy it takes to get it to react or prevent run away reactions) -chemical reactor could be made into a complex control block based machine built around the same idea employed by the refinery -chemical reactor should have to be made of certain lead, ceramic or polyethylene parts when processing corrosives -add a specialization system that allows players to make a chemical reactor that can only perform one reaction but do so at increased efficiency/speed or reduced cost

mensreaMC commented 10 years ago

REVISION 1 -gradually fixing up recipes though they are still far from accurate as far as ratios and energy needed to process goes. that kind of stuff can always be done later though (and hopefully with the aid of someone who has intimate knowledge)