mensreaMC / Deus-Ex-Machina

Deus Ex Machina: A minecraft tech mod
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Housing Blocks #50

Open mensreaMC opened 10 years ago

mensreaMC commented 10 years ago


This article covers the housing blocks; our mods way of giving players the ability to turn necessities and even luxuries into labor tokens. Labor tokens themselves are representations of a societies ability to utilize its members labor by caring for them or paying them.


I.housing blocks blocks come in 4 different ratings which are determined by the number and type of blocks that empty housing blocks detect in a given area 1.empty housing a.this is the block the player will receive when they craft the housing block b.if a housing block of any rating is broken they drop the empty housing block c.unlike other housing blocks this one has no GUI 2.hovel a.low class housing with minimal requirements. tolerates cramped conditions b.GUI has large input and output grids and a progress bar 3.homestead housing with large space requirements but minimal resource requirements. requires some odds and eds used by its occupants in their daily lives b.GUI has large input and output grids and a progress bar a.middle class housing with moderate requirements. has the highest chance of creating exceptional person tokens b.GUI has large input and output grids and a progress bar 5.apartment a.variable class housing with high material requirements and minimal space requirements. outputs substantial amounts of labor tokens b.GUI has large input and output grids and a progress bar

B.empty housing blocks scan an appropriate area when placed or when a redstone signal is activated. 1.the empty housing blocks themselves are centred in the bottom middle of their scans 2.they check to make sure they are not below level 64 and do not place if they are 3.they check for other specific housing blocks in different sized areas and do not place if they are found a.hovels 15x15x15 b.homestead 41x60x41 41x60x41 41x60x41 4.they check for the number and type of certain blocks in a 21x60x21 area all cases players may use concrete and reinforced concrete in place of brick, cobble, stonebrick, concrete, log and plank requirements and may use reinforced glass and doors instead of their normal versions b.if they find at least 4600 concrete blocks, 200 glass blocks, 800 logs or planks followed by at least 32 beds, 8 furnaces and 12 doors they become an apartment block c.if they find at least 2100 stone bricks or bricks, 100 glass blocks or panes and 600 logs or planks followed by at least 16 beds 8 furnaces and 8 doors they become a house block d.if they find at least 500 cobble, bricks, or stonebricks, 300 logs or planks, 300 fertilized soil blocks, and 300 wheat in any stage of growth followed by at least 4 beds, 4 furnaces and a door they become a homestead block e.if they find at least 300 logs or planks and 500 mudbrick, cobble, brick or stonebrick followed by at least 4 beds, 4 furnaces and a door they become a hovel block 5.they check for the biome they are placed in a.if the biome is a desert/dry biome water requirements are doubled b.if the biome is a taiga/cold biome fuel requirements are doubled c.if the biome is a swamp/festering biome purified water must be provided d.if the biome is a swamp/festering biome labor token output is reduced by 1

C.hovels, homesteads, houses and apartments scan their appropriate areas to determine if they are still intact before they run a reaction. if they are not intact then they become an empty housing block. the housing blocks themselves are centred in the bottom middle of their scans 1.hovels 11x10x11 2.homestead 21x10x21 21x20x21 21x60x21

D.different rated housing blocks will have various resource requirements needed to output labor tokens in their reactions. all reactions take 20 minutes 1.empty housing blocks cannot generate labor tokens and have no GUI

2.hovels a.inputs -6 bread -1 cloth OR 1 leather -1 log OR 1 charcoal OR 1 coal OR 1 natural gas cylinder OR 1 propane cylinder -1 water barrel in dry biomes b.outputs -1 labor token -1 waste -1% chance to generate an exceptional person

3.homestead a.inputs -1 cloth OR 1 leather -1 log OR 1 charcoal OR 1 coal OR 1 natural gas cylinder OR 1 propane cylinder OR 2 kw of electricity during the entire course of the reaction -1 steel ingot -6 planks -1 water barrel in dry biomes b.outputs -2 labor tokens -5% chance: exceptional person token -90% chance: 1 steel ingot a.inputs -10 bread -1 water barrel -2 cloth OR 2 leather -1 log OR 1 charcoal OR 1 coal OR 1 natural gas cylinder OR 1 propane cylinder OR 2 kw of electricity during the entire course of the reaction b.outputs -4 labor tokens -1 waste -10% chance: exceptional person token -1 empty barrel -20 bread -2 water barrels -4 cloth OR leather -2 log OR 2 charcoal OR 2 coal OR 2 natural gas cylinder OR 2 propane cylinder OR 6 kw of electricity during the entire course of the reaction b.outputs -10 labor tokens -2 waste -5% chance: exceptional person token -2 empty barrels

E.certain optional inputs can be used to boost labor token output or allow housing to output other things. these optional inputs fall under several categories and have different effects 1.luxuries a.extra food -2 of any cooked meat will be used to make an extra labor token -2 of any cooked fish will be used to make an extra labor token -2 "meat" pies will be used to make an extra labor token -1 sugar will be used to make an extra labor token -4 watermelons will be used to make an extra labor token -4 pumpkins will be used to make an extra labor token b.alcohol -one vessel of alcohol will be used to make an extra labor token OR two labor tokens if used in the hovel or the apartment goods -luxury goods will be used to make an extra labor token with a 95% chance to return the luxury goods

2.sanitation a.purified water -in swamp biomes purified water will have to be used in place of normal water b.vessel of diluted ammonia -in swamp biomes a vessel of diluted ammonia can be used instead of purified water c.vessel of diluted chlorine -in swamp biomes a vessel of diluted chlorine can be used instead of purified water d.medical goods

3.utility a.consumer goods -consumer goods will be used to make two extra labor tokens with a 95% chance to return the consumer goods b.industrial goods -each industrial goods used in a reaction in a homestead has a 25% chance of producing 10 wheat AND an 99% chance of returning the industrial goods -each industrial goods AND 10 vessels of gasoline OR diesel used in a reaction in a homestead produces 20 wheat AND an 99% chance of returning the industrial goods c.fuel -synergies with industrial goods d.electricity -if housing is receiving electricity instead of solid fuels labor token output is doubled a.weaponry b.ammunition c.military goods

F.certain optional inputs can be used to boost exceptional person output 1.20 paper, papyrus or vellum AND 10 bread -boosts chance of getting an exceptional person to 100%

G.reactions are designed to be as CPU friendly as possible 1.user places inputs in the input grid 2.a redstone signal is provided to the block 3.the block scans an appropriate area to determine if its structural requirements are being met a.if not the reaction does not take place 4.the reaction begins a.all housing block reactions take 20 minutes b.if a housing block can use electricity in lieu of fuel then it uses X kw during the reaction period. if the electricity flow is interrupted the progress bar freezes and the reaction is halted 5.if the block performs one successful operation it will automatically attempt to perform another and 1-5 repeat


-have a minimum height that players can place housing blocks at to prevent "molevilles" composed of stunted, sub humans who blindly feel their way through the dark passages of the earth, hissing and snarling as they skulk the underdark in search of meat and children to kidnap -give gold, silver, platinum, redstone, lapis, emeralds and diamonds a use: shiny rocks/metals used to make very low tech consumer goods (jewellery) -drugs as labor output multipliers that gradually taper off due to addiction and negative health consequences? -weapons and ammo as labor multipliers? armed people are free people, and free people will work harder knowing that they arent being coerced into labor -gasoline and "cars"/"trucks" for massive labor output multipliers -disease mechanics that cause negative status effects in players near labor blocks that are not provided with access to clean water and/or medicine -at some point have houses spawn NPC's that mill about aimlessly to provide some aesthetics -have a small chance of those NPC's being exceptional people (nikola tesla, marie curie, richard astley, etc) who can be right clicked with something to turn into an item that can be used in various reactions to provide bonuses or new inventions via academy -specific figures and general figures, specific figures offer inventions or new ways of doing things while general figures provide broad bonuses to workshop reactions -use the names of donors for the general figures

mensreaMC commented 10 years ago

REVISION 1 -cleaned up article and made it more concise

mensreaMC commented 10 years ago

IDEA -add item then can be used to right click housing blocks to determine quality, which obv will need an admin

mensreaMC commented 9 years ago

REVISION 2 -fixed coords and made the scan areas odd numbers