mensreaMC / Deus-Ex-Machina

Deus Ex Machina: A minecraft tech mod
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Wind Turbine Plant #8

Open mensreaMC opened 10 years ago

mensreaMC commented 10 years ago


Wind turbines use different sized blades of various materials combined with various generators to produce up to 500 kw of steady power with nothing but clear skies as the resource. Different blades have different properties; the simplest blades and the low capacity generators could be an effective early power source. The wind turbine plants are the most unique of our power sources so far, as they rely entirely on custom blocks rather than the universal plant/machine blocks, with the exception of the mechanism block used to craft them.


I.Wind turbines operate according to different principles A.Power output and placement allowance are determined by 5 factors: generator size, blade size, blade material, blocks between it and level 64 and altitude bonus. 1.Wind turbines first determine if they are at the appropriate height when placed -minimum height is (blade check height) + 64 2.They then make sure the only thing between their underside and level 64 is beam blocks 3.They then scan the appropriate area around them according to blade check size to make sure it is clear of everything except beam blocks and power cables 4.they then apply size and material bonuses by adding (or subtracting) X% of the minimum to the generators minimum -example: a 101-400 kw generator is being used with 36 diameter aluminum blades, so it would be 101 * .5 + 101 * .5 + 101 = 202 kw 5.they then run altitude bonus checks and apply them to the result of the size and material bonus check -lowest hieght they can be is 84 -lvl 106-147 is a 35% bonus -lvl 148-232 is another 35% bonus -lvl 232-max is another 35% bonus -example: the result of the size and material bonus check was 202 and the wind turbine control block is at level 240 so the equation would be 202 * 1.05 (the 3 35% bonuses for being above level 232) + 202 = 414.1 kw B.Produces nothing below sea level (level 64) C.Power is averaged for calculations sake (does not fluctuate; its always a set number determined by generator size, blade size, blade material and altitude bonus)

II.Wind turbine plants consist of the following blocks A.Wind turbine control block (A generator + a mechanism block + steel, stainless steel or titanium mechanism blocks crafted together) 1.Craft blade, generator and mechanism together to make actual wind gen block; block can also be uncrafted to retrieve blade and turbine B.Beam blocks

III.Wind turbine control blocks are built with 5 generator capacities (possibly more in some future update but the user will need neodyminium cause dem bitchez gets heavy, know what im sayin, dawg?) A.1 to 5 kw B.6 to 25 kw 1.will require 2 mechanism blocks C.26 to 100 kw 1.will require 4 mechanism blocks 2.will not work with a blade smaller than size 18 3.checks for steel or aluminum beams D.101 to 500 kw 1.will require 7 mechanism blocks 2.will only work with a blade of size 36 3.checks for steel or aluminum beams

IV.Blades are items; they come in three different materials and three different sizes and you can mix and match (small cloth blades, small aluminum blades, large tin blades, etc.) A.materials 1.Cloth (0% more power; 9 block diameter) -Cloth blades eventually break causing the wind turbine to turn into a wind turbine with broken blade; non functional, must be removed, decrafted, and crafted again with new blade; turbines with cloth blades should break 4 days after being placed above level 84 2.Tin (25% more power; 9-18 block diameter) 3.Aluminum (50% more power; 9-18-36 block diameter) 4.Carbon fibre, nano steel, etc. (future stuff;ignore) B.size 1.9 diameter blade (checks 20x20x20 area; 0% more power) 2.18 diameter blade (checks 40x40x40 area; 25% more power) 3.36 diameter blade (checks 80x80x80 area; 50% more power) 4.X diameter blade (future stuff;ignore)

V.Beams blocks are made with different materials and have many unique properties A.3 types of material 1.wood beam 2.steel beam 3.aluminum beam B.When placed a beam checks down to level 64 and if it detects more than X beam blocks of a specific type it will not place 1.beam blocks don't mix, wood must detect nothing but wood, steel nothing but steel, aluminum nothing but aluminum 2.wood beam (can't stack more than 24 high) 3.steel beam (can't stack more than 84 high) 4.aluminum beam (can't stack more than 192 high) C.When beams are broken they check for wind turbine/other beams up to 192 blocks above them and break them if there D.Beams carry power? Otherwise user will need to run a cable from wind gen block down to ground E.You should be able to scale beams like ladders.


-Example one: Setting up a small turbine with a small cloth blade -You find an area of land at level sixty-four. You start by building your turbine, your blades and twenty-one wood beam blocks. You build upwards in a pole with the wood beam blocks. Once you have a tower that is twenty-one high, you put your 1-5 kw generator, steel mechanism and 9 diameter cloth blade together in a crafting grid. As a result, you get a 1-5 kw cloth wind turbine control block. You place it and it runs its four checks after which you are free to start running power cables to the control block. If the player then breaks a beam block, the beam block checks for a wind turbine and other beam blocks above and below it and breaks all those. This prevents players from recycling beams.

Note that the only time beams run a check is when they are placed or destroyed. Also note that the only time a turbine runs a check is when its placed. Therefore, once everything is placed, it should be lagless. In the configuration that I described, the wind tower would produce 1 kw.

Later on, the player gets enough aluminum to make a small aluminum blade. They can scale the beams, break the turbine, place the turbine in their crafting grid, and receive a small cloth blade, a 1-5 kw generator and a steel mechanism. They may then place the small aluminum blade, the 1-5 kw generator and the steel mechanism in their crafting grid to receive a 1-5 kw small aluminum wind turbine control block. They may then place the wind turbine control block on top of their twenty-one block tall beam pole. In that configuration the turbine would produce 1.5kw. Note that if they try to use a blade bigger than small the turbine block wouldn't place. Likewise, if they tried to place that turbine block on top of a twenty-six block tall tower of wooden beam blocks it would not place because wood beams do not stack that high.

mensreaMC commented 10 years ago

REVISION 1 -completely updated and clarified how things work based off mathematical formulas -formatted things to look purty