mental32 /

🌐 API wrapper for Spotify 🎶
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Spotify Register Problem #43

Closed HALLOWe3n closed 4 years ago

HALLOWe3n commented 4 years ago

Hi, @mental32 ! thanks for the fantastic work, your library is beautiful, I am using it to the fullest extent in my project) However, there is a problem in registering the Spotify client Calling the following code:

spotify.User.from_code (              code = code,              client = spotify_cl,              redirect_uri = self.redirect_uri, ) I came across the following problem in the init method of the User class: /spotify/models/, 88 line of code self.url = data.poprecently ("external_urls"). get ("spotify", None) -> AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'poprecently'

If you comment out this line, then everything is in order and everything works, please correct this moment. Sincerely, Roman Demyanchuk!

mental32 commented 4 years ago

@HALLOWe3n Nice to hear you're enjoying the library :)

I can't reproduce this issue, and the source agrees with me, data.poprecently is not part of the checked in code.

What version of the library did you install? Did you install the library from pypi or github?

HALLOWe3n commented 4 years ago

@mental32 I downloaded the library from pypi, and there were problems in getting the tokens in the documentation. I think it's worth pumping a library from Github, how best to do this?

mental32 commented 4 years ago

@HALLOWe3n I just tested a pypi release 0.8.2 and it looks fine, perhaps try reinstalling it? If not you can always install it through git pip install git+

HALLOWe3n commented 4 years ago

@mental32 I just tested the git version, everything is just fine! Thanks for the great work, you make life and coding better! :)