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add Bessel function implementation to `sicmutils.numerical` #88

Open sritchie opened 3 years ago

sritchie commented 3 years ago

The goal here is to get the bessel functions J0, Y0, J1 and Y1 into Clojure. Once we do this, we can use the recurrence relations in bessel.scm to implement the binary functions.

I found a nice paper by John Harrison called "Fast and Accurate Bessel Function Computation", with an associated presentation here.

He used a power series approach for part of it, so I spent some time this morning getting that working using our power series library. Too good to pass up, right?

This task is not done, at all, but this is a fast, promising approach that someone should feel free to take on as a challenge. Happy to help stare at the code!

Here's how far I got (also stashed at

(ns sicmutils.numerical.bessel
  (:require [sicmutils.generic :as g]
            [sicmutils.util :as u]
            [ :as us]
            [sicmutils.series :as s]
            [sicmutils.value :as v]))

(defn coef
  "This inefficiently implements `(n, m)` from section 4 (Asymptotic Expansions)
  of the paper, just to check that we have the right idea."
  [n m]
  (let [num (reduce (fn [acc i]
                      (* acc (- (* 4 (* n n))
                                 (dec (* 2 (inc i)))))))
                    (range 0 m))
        den (* (g/expt 2 (* 2 m))
               (g/factorial m))]
    (/ num den)))

  ;; next, these are the example expansions for $P_0(x)$ and $Q_0(x)$, just to
  ;; verify:
  (let [p0-series (-> (s/power-series*
                       (map (fn [m]
                              (* (g/expt (- 1) m)
                                 (/ (coef 0 (* 2 m))
                                    (g/expt 2 (* 2 m)))))
                      (s/inflate 2))
        q0-series (-> (s/power-series*
                       (map (fn [m]
                              (* (g/expt (- 1) m)
                                 (/ (coef 0 (inc (* 2 m)))
                                    (g/expt 2 (inc (* 2 m))))))
                      (s/inflate 2))]

    (= '(1
         (/ -9 128)
         (/ 3675 32768)
         (/ -2401245 4194304)
         (/ 13043905875 2147483648))
       (v/freeze (take 9 p0-series)))

    (= '((/ -1 8)
         (/ 75 1024)
         (/ -59535 262144)
         (/ 57972915 33554432)
       (v/freeze (take 8 q0-series)))))

(defn updater
  "Returns a function that generates $(n, m+2)$ given a triple of the numerator,
  denominator and `m` from the previous evaluation.

  (Returns a triple of the same form.)"
  (let [four*n**2 (* 4 n n)]
    (fn [[num denom m]]
      (let [two-m     (* 2 m)
            num'      (* num
                         (- four*n**2 (g/square (+ two-m 1)))
                         (- four*n**2 (g/square (+ two-m 3))))
            den'      (* denom
                         (+ m 1)
                         (+ m 2))]
        [num' den' (+ 2 m)]))))

(defn nm-seq
  "Given a value of `n` and an optional initial `m` (defaults to 0, only 0 or 1
  accepted), returns an infinite sequence of:

  [(n, m), (n, m+2), (n, m+4), ...]

  Using the definition of (n, m) from the paper."
   (raw-coef** n 0))
  ([n m]
   {:pre [(#{0 1} m)]}
   (let [num (if (zero? m)
               (- (* 4 n n) (g/square (- (* 2 m) 1))))
         den (g/expt 2 (* 2 m))
         m   (u/bigint m)]
     (iterate (updater n) [num den m]))))

(defn p-series
  "Returns the power series $P_n(x)$ from section 4 of the paper."
  (-> (s/power-series*
        (fn [i [num den two-m]]
          (* (g/expt (- 1) i)
             (/ num (* den (g/expt 2 two-m)))))
        (nm-seq n 0)))
      (s/inflate 2)))

(defn q-series
  "Returns the power series $Q_n(x)$ from section 4 of the paper.

  TODO this uses a goofy `cons 0` to do an efficient multiplication by `x`...
  bake this into the power series library."
  (let [unshifted (-> (s/power-series*
                        (fn [i [num den two-m+1]]
                          (* (g/expt (- 1) i)
                             (/ num (* den (g/expt 2 two-m+1)))))
                        (raw-coef** n 1)))
                      (s/inflate 2))]
     (cons 0 unshifted))))

(defn alpha-series
  "Returns the power series $\\alpha(n)$ defined in the 'modified expansions'
  section of the paper."
  (s/compose s/atan-series
             (g// (g/- (q-series n))
                  (p-series n))))

(defn beta-series
  "Returns the power series $\\beta(n)$ defined in the 'modified expansions'
  section of the paper."
  (g/sqrt (g/+ (g/square (p-series n))
               (g/square (q-series n)))))

  ;; Once again, validate that our efficient version calculates the correct
  ;; series from the paper.
  (= '(1
       (/ -9 128)
       (/ 3675 32768)
       (/ -2401245 4194304)
       (/ 13043905875 2147483648))
     (v/freeze (take 9 (p-series 0))))

  (= '((/ -1 8)
       (/ 75 1024)
       (/ -59535 262144)
       (/ 57972915 33554432)
      (take 8 (q-series 0)))))

;; ## Locating the Zeros
;; This doesn't QUITE read like the paper because those power series are in
;; $\frac{1}{x}$, so we need to be a bit careful when trying to multiply both
;; sides by $x$. `identity` here stands for $\frac{1}{x}$.

(def x-factor
  (g/+ 1 (g/* s/identity (g/- (alpha-series 0)))))

(def p-factor
  (g/invert x-factor))

(def one-over-p
  (g/* s/identity p-factor))

(def one-over-x
  (s/revert one-over-p))

(def p-over-x
  (g// one-over-x s/identity))

(def x-over-p
  (g/invert p-over-x))

(defn x-as-fn-of-inv-p
  "This is a little wonky; because the series is in 1/p, we have to evaluate it
  first then add the final p term back on."
  (g/+ (s/series 0 p)
       ((g// (g/- x-over-p 1) s/identity)
        (g/invert p))))

  (= (0 (/ (+ (* 8N (expt p 2)) 1) (* 8N p))
        (/ -31N (* 384N (expt p 3)))
        (/ 3779N (* 15360N (expt p 5)))
        (/ -6277237N (* 3440640N (expt p 7)))
        (/ 2092163573N (* 82575360N (expt p 9))))
     ((g/simplify (take 10 (x-as-fn-of-inv-p 'p))))))
sritchie commented 3 years ago

Here are the recurrence relation implementations from Scheme. Lots of tests live in bessel.scm too.

the implementation of the bessel functions in scmutils comes from Press, it looks like, and is full of magic constants. I'd like to avoid that if we can.

;;;  Although this is implemented with the usual recurrences, it is 
;;; very subtle.

(define (bessj n x)
  (let ((acc 40) (bigno 1.0e10) (bigni 1.0e-10))  
    (cond ((fix:= n 0) (bessj0 x))
          ((fix:= n 1) (bessj1 x))
          ((= x 0.0) 0.0)
          ((< x 0.0)
           (if (even? n) (bessj n (- x)) (- (bessj n (- x)))))
          ((fix:< n 0)
           (if (even? n) (bessj (- n) x) (- (bessj (- n) x))))
           (let* ((ax (magnitude x)) (tox (/ 2.0 ax)))
             (if (> ax n)
                 (let lp ((j 1) (bjm (bessj0 ax)) (bj  (bessj1 ax)))
                   (if (fix:= j n)
                       (if (and (< x 0.0) (odd? n)) (- bj) bj)
                       (lp (fix:+ j 1)
                           (- (* j tox bj) bjm))))
                 (let ((m (round-to-even (+ n (sqrt (* acc n)))))
                       (bj 1.0) (bjp 0.0) (ans 0.0) (sum 0.0))
                   (let lp ((j m))
                     (if (fix:= j 0)
                         (let ((ans (/ ans (- (* 2.0 sum) bj))))
                           (if (and (< x 0.0) (odd? n)) (- ans) ans))
                         (let ((bjm (- (* j tox bj) bjp)))
                           (set! bjp bj)
                           (set! bj bjm)
                           (if (> (magnitude bj) bigno)
                               (begin (set! bj (* bj bigni))
                                      (set! bjp (* bjp bigni))
                                      (set! ans (* ans bigni))
                                      (set! sum (* sum bigni))))
                           (if (odd? j)
                               (set! sum (+ sum bj)))
                           (if (fix:= j n)
                               (set! ans bjp))
                           (lp (fix:- j 1))))))))))))

(define (bessy n x)
  (cond ((fix:= n 0) (bessy0 x))
        ((fix:= n 1) (bessy1 x))
        ((not (> x 0))
         (error "Argument out of range -- Bessel Y" n x))
        ((fix:< n 0)
         (if (even? n) (bessy (- n) x) (- (bessy (- n) x))))    
         (let lp ((i 1) (yn (bessy1 x)) (yn-1 (bessy0 x)))
           (if (fix:= i n)
               (lp (fix:+ i 1)
                   (- (/ (* 2 i yn) x) yn-1)

(define (bessh n x)
  (+ (bessj n x) (* +i (bessy n x))))
sritchie commented 2 years ago

Here is the scheme version:

#| -*- Scheme -*-

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Massachusetts Institute of Technology

This file is part of MIT scmutils.

MIT scmutils is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
your option) any later version.

MIT scmutils is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with MIT scmutils; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,

;;;; Bessel functions of integer order.

;;; This file may be compiled with the Scheme compiler.
;;;  It does not depend upon any other code to work.
(declare (usual-integrations))
;;; The following three are redundant with nscmutils/kernel/udefs

(define pi/4 (atan 1 1))
(define pi/2 (* 2 pi/4))
(define pi (* 4 pi/4))

(define 2/pi (/ 1 2 pi/4))
(define 3pi/4 (* 3 pi/4))

;;; Utilities for special functions

(define (round-to-even x)
  (let ((xn (inexact->exact (round x))))
    (if (odd? xn)
        (fix:+ xn 1)

(define (poly-by-coeffs->value x . coeffs)
  (let lp ((coeffs coeffs))
    (if (null? (cdr coeffs))
        (car coeffs)
        (+ (car coeffs)
           (* x
              (lp (cdr coeffs)))))))

;;; From John F. Hart,, Computer Approximations, QA297.C64 1968
;;;           These are all good to at least 15 digits.
(define (bessj0 x)
  (let ((ax (magnitude x)))
    (if (< ax 8.0)
        (let ((y (* x x)))    ;Jzero 5845
          (/ (poly-by-coeffs->value y
             (poly-by-coeffs->value y
        (let* ((z (/ 8.0 ax))   
               (y (* z z))
               (xx (- ax pi/4))
               (p0      ;Pzero 6546
                (/ (poly-by-coeffs->value y
                   (poly-by-coeffs->value y
               (q0      ;Qzero 6946
                (/ (poly-by-coeffs->value y
                   (poly-by-coeffs->value y
          (* (sqrt (/ 2/pi ax))
             (- (* (cos xx) p0)
                (* z (sin xx) q0)))))))
(define (bessj1 x)
  (let ((ax (magnitude x)))
    (if (< ax 8.0)      ;Jone 6045
        (let ((y (* x x)))
          (/ (* x
                (poly-by-coeffs->value y
             (poly-by-coeffs->value y
        (let* ((z (/ 8.0 ax))
               (y (* z z))
               (xx (- ax 3pi/4))
               (p1      ;Pone 6747
                (/ (poly-by-coeffs->value y
                   (poly-by-coeffs->value y
               (q1      ;Qone 7147
                (/ (poly-by-coeffs->value y
                                        ;+.14465282874995208675225e+3        ;This line or the next is in error
                   (poly-by-coeffs->value y
                (* (sqrt (/ 2/pi ax))
                   (- (* (cos xx) p1)
                      (* z (sin xx) q1)))))
          (if (< x 0.0)
              (- ans)
;;;  Although this is implemented with the usual recurrences, it is 
;;; very subtle.

(define (bessj n x)
  (let ((acc 40) (bigno 1.0e10) (bigni 1.0e-10))  
    (cond ((fix:= n 0) (bessj0 x))
          ((fix:= n 1) (bessj1 x))
          ((= x 0.0) 0.0)
          ((< x 0.0)
           (if (even? n) (bessj n (- x)) (- (bessj n (- x)))))
          ((fix:< n 0)
           (if (even? n) (bessj (- n) x) (- (bessj (- n) x))))
           (let* ((ax (magnitude x)) (tox (/ 2.0 ax)))
             (if (> ax n)
                 (let lp ((j 1) (bjm (bessj0 ax)) (bj  (bessj1 ax)))
                   (if (fix:= j n)
                       (if (and (< x 0.0) (odd? n)) (- bj) bj)
                       (lp (fix:+ j 1)
                           (- (* j tox bj) bjm))))
                 (let ((m (round-to-even (+ n (sqrt (* acc n)))))
                       (bj 1.0) (bjp 0.0) (ans 0.0) (sum 0.0))
                   (let lp ((j m))
                     (if (fix:= j 0)
                         (let ((ans (/ ans (- (* 2.0 sum) bj))))
                           (if (and (< x 0.0) (odd? n)) (- ans) ans))
                         (let ((bjm (- (* j tox bj) bjp)))
                           (set! bjp bj)
                           (set! bj bjm)
                           (if (> (magnitude bj) bigno)
                               (begin (set! bj (* bj bigni))
                                      (set! bjp (* bjp bigni))
                                      (set! ans (* ans bigni))
                                      (set! sum (* sum bigni))))
                           (if (odd? j)
                               (set! sum (+ sum bj)))
                           (if (fix:= j n)
                               (set! ans bjp))
                           (lp (fix:- j 1))))))))))))

;;; Assymptotic formulae, for testing:

(define (fact n)
(if (< n 2)
(* n (fact (- n 1)))))

(define (bessj:0<x<<n n x)
(/ (expt (/ x 2) n) (fact n)))

(define (bessj:n<<x n x)
(* (sqrt (/ 2 pi x))
(cos (- x (* pi/2 n) pi/4))))
(define (bessy0 x)
  (let ((ax (magnitude x)))
    (if (< ax 8.0)
        (let* ((y (* x x))    ;Yzero 6243
                (poly-by-coeffs->value y
                                       -.122848349966864707119444888e+8  ;p00
                                       +.2950673961329634647867906439e+8 ;p01
                                       -.2540763578168434015208700066e+7 ;p02
                                       +.7768806299511773765193176993e+5 ;p03
                                       -.1193299661108745921129349868e+4 ;p04
                                       +.10753556131901778914962135e+2   ;p05
                                       -.6186687126256085875960782886e-1 ;p06
                                       +.2379830688791742855598085169e-3 ;p07
                                       -.6227852796374134180786140767e-6 ;p08
                                       +.1091804574277522610752537393e-8 ;p09
                                       -.119120749069566983004259626e-11 ;p10
                                       +.6321369945552678896098605e-15   ;p11
                (poly-by-coeffs->value y
                                       +.1664514914558198835968659363e+9 ;q00
                                       +.75939734950276133884153062e+6   ;q01
                                       +.137072109013171838997378226e+4  ;q02
                                       +1.0                  ;q03
          (+ (/ r0 s0)
             (* 2/pi (bessj0 x) (log x))))
        (let* ((z (/ 8.0 ax))   
               (y (* z z))
               (xx (- ax pi/4))
               (p0      ;Pzero 6546
                (/ (poly-by-coeffs->value y
                   (poly-by-coeffs->value y
               (q0      ;Qzero 6946
                (/ (poly-by-coeffs->value y
                   (poly-by-coeffs->value y
          (* (sqrt (/ 2/pi ax))
             (+ (* (sin xx) p0)
                (* z (cos xx) q0)))))))
(define (bessy1 x)
  (let ((ax (magnitude x)))
    (if (< ax 8.0)
        (let* ((y (* x x))    ;Yone 6442
                (poly-by-coeffs->value y
                                       -.2493247725431151099221863985e+8  ;p00
                                       +.678814979608784027013965029e+7   ;p01
                                       -.3418758685257648961162234201e+6  ;p02
                                       +.731876663732252704384675659e+4   ;p03
                                       -.8477929772037826827977473917e+2  ;p04
                                       +.5973109455969101918912869725e+0  ;p05
                                       -.2723714918114737334647812804e-2  ;p06
                                       +.8253358475754237969740284405e-5  ;p07
                                       -.1645797675540583390670878295e-7  ;p08
                                       +.2013974632712911344982964612e-10 ;p09
                                       -.118503924369772697029706524e-13  ;p10
                (poly-by-coeffs->value y
                                       +.1271694748306711445338693265e+9  ;q00
                                       +.6291245810783959009675422035e+6  ;q01
                                       +.1241151964683171602676430057e+4  ;q02
                                       +1.0                               ;q03
          (+ (/ (* x r0) s0)
             (* 2/pi
                (- (* (bessj1 x) (log x))
                   (/ 1.0 x)))))
        (let* ((z (/ 8.0 ax))   
               (y (* z z))
               (xx (- ax 3pi/4))
               (p1      ;Pone 6747
                (/ (poly-by-coeffs->value y
                   (poly-by-coeffs->value y
               (q1      ;Qone 7147
                (/ (poly-by-coeffs->value y
                   (poly-by-coeffs->value y
          (* (sqrt (/ 2/pi ax))
             (+ (* (sin xx) p1)
                (* z (cos xx) q1)))))))
;;; These coefficients are from Numerical Recipes... not so good... 7digits.

(define (bessy0 x)
(let ((ax (magnitude x)))
(if (< ax 8.0)
(let* ((y (* x x))
(poly-by-coeffs->value y
(poly-by-coeffs->value y
(+ (/ r0 s0)
(* 2/pi (bessj0 x) (log x))))
(let* ((z (/ 8.0 ax))   
(y (* z z))
(xx (- ax pi/4))
(poly-by-coeffs->value y
(poly-by-coeffs->value y
(* (sqrt (/ 2/pi ax))
(+ (* (sin xx) p0)
(* z (cos xx) q0)))))))
(define (bessy1 x)
(let ((ax (magnitude x)))
(if (< ax 8.0)
(let* ((y (* x x))
(poly-by-coeffs->value y
(poly-by-coeffs->value y
(+ (/ (* x r0) s0)
(* 2/pi
(- (* (bessj1 x) (log x))
(/ 1.0 x)))))
(let* ((z (/ 8.0 ax))   
(y (* z z))
(xx (- ax 3pi/4))
(poly-by-coeffs->value y
(poly-by-coeffs->value y
(* (sqrt (/ 2/pi ax))
(+ (* (sin xx) p0)
(* z (cos xx) q0)))))))
(define (bessy n x)
  (cond ((fix:= n 0) (bessy0 x))
        ((fix:= n 1) (bessy1 x))
        ((not (> x 0))
         (error "Argument out of range -- Bessel Y" n x))
        ((fix:< n 0)
         (if (even? n) (bessy (- n) x) (- (bessy (- n) x))))  
         (let lp ((i 1) (yn (bessy1 x)) (yn-1 (bessy0 x)))
           (if (fix:= i n)
               (lp (fix:+ i 1)
                   (- (/ (* 2 i yn) x) yn-1)

(define (bessh n x)
  (+ (bessj n x) (* +i (bessy n x))))


(define (bessh:n<<x n x)
(* (sqrt (/ 2 pi z))
(exp (* +i (- z (* pi/2 n) pi/4)))))

;;; Consistency check based on Wronskian:

;;; J_{n+1}(x) Y_n(x) - J_n(x) Y_{n+1}(x) = 2/(pi x)

(define (bessel-check n x)
(/ (- (* (bessj (+ n 1) x) (bessy n x))
(* (bessj n x) (bessy (+ n 1) x))
(/ 2 (* pi x)))
(/ 2 (* pi x))))

(let lp ((x .0001) (worstx 0.0) (relerr 0.0))
(if (> x 20)
(list `(worst-x ,worstx relative-error ,relerr))
(let ((err (bessel-check 0 x)))
(if (> (magnitude err) (magnitude relerr))
(lp (+ x .0001) x err)
(lp (+ x .0001) worstx relerr)))))
;Value: ((worst-x 7.950999999994808 relative-error -1.1214144656680372e-13)) ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

;;; Interestingly, there appears to be a problem just below 8.0, because 
;;; except near here the errors are close to roundoff noise.

(define win
(frame 7.90 8.00 -2e-13 2e-13))

(plot-function win
(lambda (x)
(bessel-check 0 x))

(graphics-clear win)
(graphics-close win)

(define win
(frame 0.0 20.0 -2e-13 2e-13))

(plot-function win
(lambda (x)
(bessel-check 0 x))

;;; Graph is stored in bessel-error.jpg

(define (foo z)       ;Approx to J0 9.1.18 A&S
(/ (integrate-closed-closed
(lambda (theta)
(cos (* z (sin theta))))

(define win
(frame 0.0 20.0 -2e-15 2e-15))
