mentiflectax / 50web

Sinatra websites using a50c gem
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Add Twitter Bootstrap (better-looking UI) #9

Open mentiflectax opened 8 years ago

mentiflectax commented 7 years ago

@guywarburg I've migrated your changes from bootstrapIssue to issue9 branch. issue9 is deployed on my dev. machine.

mentiflectax commented 7 years ago

On the main page, we can remove the second login panel (see below).


mentiflectax commented 7 years ago

If you give yourself organizer permissions, there will be a link Contests at the top of the page.


It's part of issue #31. You can place the link to another place, if you wish. Note that the contests page will be used by far less people than song submission and listening pages.

guywarburg commented 7 years ago

Added basic bootstrap layout to all screens. Restored main.erb to initial layout. ** Still need to test stats.erb and contest.erb