menyifang / DCT-Net

Official implementation of "DCT-Net: Domain-Calibrated Translation for Portrait Stylization", SIGGRAPH 2022 (TOG); Multi-style cartoonization
Apache License 2.0
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how to train keypoints model #31

Closed kitterive closed 1 year ago

kitterive commented 1 year ago

I convert keypoints from tf pb model to onnx, and found the result is not same pb model result.

kitterive commented 1 year ago

可能是由于keypoints和 detect 两个模型都有traning flag的原因,在导出模型时,能去掉training flag这个输入吗,设为固定值False, 这样就一个输入,比较适合推理

kitterive commented 1 year ago


cv-nlp commented 1 year ago
