OASIS parser is limited to 8 digits numbers when reading exchanges frequencies.
If defining STATIC exchanges with RUNTIME bigger than 8 digits, OASIS will read truncated values. Leading to synchronicty errors.
For instance:
RUNTIME : 123456789
Revision : do not set STATIC frequency value equal to RUNTIME but a 8 digits constrained value. It means that STATIC exchanges will be performed several time, the idea is to set this value in order to perform STATIC exchange as less as possible.
Keep manual exchange for static variables
Add If condition in Tunnel.send and Tunnel.receive : do nothing if used-static variable and date=0
Add a Tunnel method to perform (for nothing) static sendings and receivings by itself, date as argument, called by loop
Best is to define STATIC frequency with time step, Eophis does'nt know it, chose it as lowest frequency value (except 1) in namcouple (get them during Tunnel registration)
Leave an issue on OASIS gitlab to modify INTEGER length
In oasis3-mct/lib/psmile/src/mod_oasis_namcouple.F90 on main: Replace 'I8' by 'I9' (or higher) at lines 1790, 3305, 3502, 3509 and 3519
OASIS parser is limited to 8 digits numbers when reading exchanges frequencies. If defining STATIC exchanges with RUNTIME bigger than 8 digits, OASIS will read truncated values. Leading to synchronicty errors.
For instance:
Revision : do not set STATIC frequency value equal to RUNTIME but a 8 digits constrained value. It means that STATIC exchanges will be performed several time, the idea is to set this value in order to perform STATIC exchange as less as possible.
on main: Replace 'I8' by 'I9' (or higher) at lines 1790, 3305, 3502, 3509 and 3519