meow-edit / meow

Yet another modal editing on Emacs / 猫态编辑
GNU General Public License v3.0
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More documents #10

Closed KiteAB closed 3 years ago

KiteAB commented 3 years ago

Meow has 84 variables and 153 functions now, but I don't want to look at the use of these variables one by one. So can write a detailed document for this package?

KiteAB commented 3 years ago

And ivy-posframe has some bugs when using meow (See the mini-buffer)

DogLooksGood commented 3 years ago

Yes, I can reproduce the bug. I'll investigate and fix.

I think I have developing a lot in dev branch. And the document, I think I need a weekend.

KiteAB commented 3 years ago

Oh thx, I'll close this issue after this weekend and trying dev branch!

KiteAB commented 3 years ago

And how do I display states status in my awesome tray? Or what variable saved current state? So many packages are not compatible with meow, like lispy, awesome-pair.

DogLooksGood commented 3 years ago

Well, for me, meow should be an ultimate solution for all editing requirements, I use meow to editing, navigation, search and etc. But it doesn't mean there's no plan to make meow working with other packages. However, I'm focusing on make it reliable, well-featured, and well-documented.

If you wanna give a try, you probably want to checkout the dev branch, and function meow-minimal-indicator can give you the text which can be used in mode-line. Here's an example:

And this is my whole configuration for meow, and I love it.

KiteAB commented 3 years ago

Well, for me, meow should be an ultimate solution for all editing requirements, I use meow to editing, navigation, search and etc. But it doesn't mean there's no plan to make meow working with other packages. However, I'm focusing on make it reliable, well-featured, and well-documented.

If you wanna give a try, you probably want to checkout the dev branch, and function meow-minimal-indicator can give you the text which can be used in mode-line. Here's an example:

And this is my whole configuration for meow, and I love it.


KiteAB commented 3 years ago

Fixed, so close

DogLooksGood commented 3 years ago

Anyway, I think I finish the job of refactoring and the first version of new document.