meowistic / discord-token-nuker

A discord token nuker, for bots and accounts
MIT License
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Suggestions #2

Closed FBSANAKONDA closed 1 year ago

FBSANAKONDA commented 1 year ago

a) Make some new commands, like !admin - makes the @-d user moderator on the server

b) !troll <ránk name/username/ if left blank everyone> dm-s the selected person/rank/everyone the spam massages it is spamming in the chat

c) !create creates a new text channel with the name, when dm-d to the bot (Incase they delete the channels, but leave the bot in.)

d) !token pings an user and creates a long randomized text after it, to look like it is their discord token

e) make a feature, that saves configs in a file, so if you boot the nuker up you can select 1- loads config/if more configs select after 1 or 2

Or 2- make new config

That is for now, good luck

meowistic commented 1 year ago

Thanks a lot, I will make the !token command send the token-like message in the user's DMs, since when the server is getting spammed, theres a big chance that the person will not see the message with their "token".

Could you add more description on the !create command? I think i understand, however I cannot make the command work because discord bots do not accept DM commands.

I will definitely add the !admin command, however since the bot deletes all roles, I will have it make a new role with the "administrator" permission.

configs would be a little bit harder to code so I will most likely add configs but a little bit later.

Thanks a lot for the suggestions!

FBSANAKONDA commented 1 year ago

Maybe we could have the !create command in the terminal it is running in. The bots accept DM-S, I have used untitlednuker in the DM-S, maybe you should check out how he did it (you can dm the bot !settings or !help and it responds) so I tought you could dm this command, or if it's somehow easy to make I would recommend adding it to every comment. That is for it, bye!IMG_20230227_215907.jpg

FBSANAKONDA commented 1 year ago

So there is a chance discord has a limit for channels without categories, because I set a really big number, and its only generating the same amount as before the update, so maybe you should do like creating a category named NUKED BY and put 100 channels into it, then make another category named the same and so on

I ofc get this error, beacuse we are nuking a server: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/myname/.local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/discord/", line 409, in _run_event await coro(*args, **kwargs) File "/home/myname/gr/kurvagyors nuker/discord-token-nuker/", line 160, in on_guild_channel_create await channel.send(r) File "/home/myname/.local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/discord/", line 1538, in send data = await state.http.send_message(, params=params) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2023-02-27

File "/home/myname/.local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/discord/", line 759, in request raise HTTPException(response, data) discord.errors.HTTPException: 429 Too Many Requests (error code: 0): You are being rate limited.

So maybe you should try adding in the category thingy I said, but that is what I noticed

since github only supports .zips, I recorded a video and wrapped it, you can watch it if you wanna see what im talking about

meowistic commented 1 year ago

Okay ill take that in note. Could you add me on discord by the way? It'd be easier for you to suggest things and I could edit them faster.

I can invite you to a server with other projects that i edit daily!

FBSANAKONDA commented 1 year ago

ohh and one more thing. maybe add a !continue so if I want to continue the nuking not start over sur ill add you