meraki-analytics / cassiopeia

An all-inclusive Python framework for the Riot Games League of Legends API. Cass focuses on making the data easy and fun to work with, while providing all the tools necessary to create a website or do data analysis.
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AttributeError: 'Participant' object has no attribute '_lazy__champion' #454

Open jasonz2526 opened 1 month ago

jasonz2526 commented 1 month ago

I've seen this error been requested to be fixed in the past, but it's still cropping up for me. Here's the full code:

AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last) File ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/merakicommons/, in lazy..wrapper(self) 14 try: ---> 15 return getattr(self, s) 16 except AttributeError:

AttributeError: 'Participant' object has no attribute '_lazy__champion'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

JSONDecodeError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In[85], line 2 1 # Example usage ----> 2 get_matches_with_champion("Evelynn")

Cell In[83], line 9, in get_matches_with_champion(champion_name) 7 for participant in match.participants: 8 if participant.summoner == a_summoner: ----> 9 print(f"Match ID: {}, Champion: {participant.champion}, Kills: {participant.stats.kills}")

File ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/merakicommons/, in lazy..wrapper(self) 15 return getattr(self, s) 16 except AttributeError: ---> 17 value = method(self) 18 setattr(self, s, value) 19 return value

File ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/cassiopeia/core/, in load_match_onattributeerror..wrapper(self, *args, kwargs) 53 @functools.wraps(method) 54 def wrapper(self, *args, *kwargs): 55 try: ---> 56 return method(self, args, kwargs) 57 except AttributeError: # teamId 58 # The match has only partially loaded this participant and it doesn't have all it's data, so load the full match 59 match = getattr(self, "{}match".format(self.class.name__))

File ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/cassiopeia/core/, in Participant.champion(self) 1775 @lazy_property 1776 @load_match_on_attributeerror 1777 def champion(self) -> "Champion": 1778 # See ParticipantStats for info -> 1779 version = _choose_staticdata_version(self.__match) 1780 return Champion( 1781 id=self._data[ParticipantData].championId, 1782 version=version, 1783 region=self.__match.region, 1784 )

File ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/cassiopeia/core/, in _choose_staticdata_version(match) 95 return None # Rather than pick the latest version here, let the obj handle it so it knows which endpoint within the realms data to use 97 if configuration.settings.version_from_match == "version" or hasattr( 98 match._data[MatchData], "version" 99 ): --> 100 majorminor = match.patch.major + "." + match.patch.minor 101 elif configuration.settings.version_from_match == "patch": 102 patch = Patch.from_date(match.creation, region=match.region)

File ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/cassiopeia/core/, in Match.patch(self) 2071 if hasattr(self._data[MatchData], "version"): 2072 version = ".".join(self.version.split(".")[:2]) -> 2073 patch = Patch.from_str(version, region=self.region) 2074 else: 2075 date = self.creation

File ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/cassiopeia/core/, in Patch.from_str(cls, string, region) 50 @classmethod 51 def from_str(cls, string: str, region: Union[Region, str]) -> "Patch": 52 if not cls.patches: ---> 53 cls.load__() 54 if not isinstance(region, Region): 55 region = Region(region)

File ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/cassiopeia/core/, in Patch.load(cls) 83 @classmethod 84 def load(cls): ---> 85 data = configuration.settings.pipeline.get(PatchListDto, query={}) 86 patches = data["patches"] 87 shifts = data["shifts"]

File ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/datapipelines/, in DataPipeline.get(self, type, query) 457 for handler in handlers: 458 try: --> 459 return handler.get(query, context) 460 except NotFoundError: 461 pass

File ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/datapipelines/, in _SourceHandler.get(self, query, context) 170 def get(self, query: Mapping[str, Any], context: PipelineContext = None) -> T: 171 """Gets a query from the data source. 172 173 1) Extracts the query from the data source. (...) 183 The requested object. 184 """ --> 185 result = self._source.get(self._source_type, deepcopy(query), context) 186"Got result \"{result}\" from query \"{query}\" of source \"{source}\"".format(result=result, query=query, source=self._source)) 188"Sending result \"{result}\" to sinks before converting".format(result=result))

File ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/datapipelines/, in DataSource.dispatch..wrapper(self, type, query, context) 67 call = dispatcher.dispatch(type) 68 try: ---> 69 return call(self, query, context=context) 70 except TypeError: 71 raise DataSource.unsupported(type)

File ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/cassiopeia/datastores/, in MerakiAnalyticsCDN.get_patch_list(self, query, context) 58 try: 59 body = self._client.get(url)[0] ---> 60 body = json.decode(body) 61 except HTTPError as e: 62 raise NotFoundError(str(e)) from e

JSONDecodeError: Expected object or value

jasonz2526 commented 1 month ago

This also occurs with the following: Participant.summoner_spell_d, Participant.summoner_spell_f, and Participant.runes