2023-08-04 16:13:47 meraki: INFO > Meraki dashboard API session initialized with these parameters: {'version': '1.34.0', 'api_key': '****', 'base_url': 'https://api.meraki.com/api/v1', 'single_request_timeout': 60, 'certificate_path': '', 'requests_proxy': '', 'wait_on_rate_limit': True, 'nginx_429_retry_wait_time': 60, 'action_batch_retry_wait_time': 60, 'retry_4xx_error': False, 'retry_4xx_error_wait_time': 60, 'maximum_retries': 2, 'simulate': False, 'be_geo_id': None, 'caller': None, 'use_iterator_for_get_pages': False, 'python_version_warning_string': 'This library requires Python 3.7 at minimum. Python versions 3.6 and below are end of life and end of support per the Python maintainers, and your interpreter version is 3.10.0 (default, Jul 5 2023, 11:20:09) [GCC 7.5.0]. Please consult the readme at your convenience: https://github.com/meraki/dashboard-api-python'}
Thanks for reporting this, @Glenn-NL3. There is a fix in v1.34.2 for this if you'd like to manually clone the repo. When the next version is published to PyPI you'll have the fix.
2023-08-04 16:13:47 meraki: INFO > Meraki dashboard API session initialized with these parameters: {'version': '1.34.0', 'api_key': '****', 'base_url': 'https://api.meraki.com/api/v1', 'single_request_timeout': 60, 'certificate_path': '', 'requests_proxy': '', 'wait_on_rate_limit': True, 'nginx_429_retry_wait_time': 60, 'action_batch_retry_wait_time': 60, 'retry_4xx_error': False, 'retry_4xx_error_wait_time': 60, 'maximum_retries': 2, 'simulate': False, 'be_geo_id': None, 'caller': None, 'use_iterator_for_get_pages': False, 'python_version_warning_string': 'This library requires Python 3.7 at minimum. Python versions 3.6 and below are end of life and end of support per the Python maintainers, and your interpreter version is 3.10.0 (default, Jul 5 2023, 11:20:09) [GCC 7.5.0]. Please consult the readme at your convenience: https://github.com/meraki/dashboard-api-python'}