merbanan / rtl_433

Program to decode radio transmissions from devices on the ISM bands (and other frequencies)
GNU General Public License v2.0
6.02k stars 1.31k forks source link

hackrf detection problem on windows #2757

Closed danyhm closed 8 months ago

danyhm commented 8 months ago


same as #1530 , i have problems detecting hackrf in windows 10.

copying rtl_433-rtlsdr-soapysdr.exe to PothosSDR\bin installation solves the problem , however I just wanted to point out this problem so a solution can be found so we can use the rtl_433-rtlsdr-soapysdr.exe without PothosSDR installation.

zuckschwerdt commented 8 months ago

We are using Pothos 2021.07.25-vc16 to build. Which version did you install? Maybe it's just a different major version and thus the modules can't be loaded.

danyhm commented 8 months ago

I'm using the same version. I even replaced the DLL's from pothos but nothing changed

zuckschwerdt commented 8 months ago

Placing rtl_433-rtlsdr-soapysdr.exe in PothosSDR\bin works, but copying the bin/SoapySDR.dll to the rtl_433-rtlsdr-soapysdr.exe dir does not? Strange. Not sure how to debug that.

danyhm commented 8 months ago

yes that is exactly what is happening. if i run the default release of rtl_433 i get the following:

rtl_433 version 23.11 branch  at 202311281352 inputs file rtl_tcp RTL-SDR SoapySDR
[SDR] No supported devices found.

C:\Users\xxx\Desktop\rtl>rtl_433-rtlsdr-soapysdr.exe -d "driver=hackrf"
rtl_433 version 23.11 branch  at 202311281352 inputs file rtl_tcp RTL-SDR SoapySDR
[sdr_open_soapy] Failed to open sdr device matching 'driver=hackrf'.

and if i copy everything from pothos/bin to rtl directory i get no errors but again nothing happens

C:\Users\xxx\Desktop\rtl>rtl_433-rtlsdr-soapysdr.exe -d "driver=hackrf"
rtl_433 version 23.11 branch  at 202311281352 inputs file rtl_tcp RTL-SDR SoapySDR
Reading conf from "C:\Users\xxx\Desktop\rtl\rtl_433.conf".
Use "-F log" if you want any messages, warnings, and errors in the console.


and if i copy from rtl_433 to pothos bin it works

C:\Program Files\PothosSDR\bin>rtl_433-rtlsdr-soapysdr.exe -d driver=hackrf
rtl_433 version 23.11 branch  at 202311281352 inputs file rtl_tcp RTL-SDR SoapySDR
Reading conf from "C:\Program Files\PothosSDR\bin\rtl_433.conf".
Use "-F log" if you want any messages, warnings, and errors in the console.
Using device HackRF One: clock source=internal part id=a000cb3c006c4f56 serial=0000000000000000909864c8378229cf version=2023.01.1
Found 1 antenna(s): TX/RX
Found 3 gain(s): LNA 0 - 116 (step 0) AMP 0 - 116 (step 0) VGA 0 - 116 (step 0)
Found 1 frequencies: RF
Found 1 frequency range(s): 0 - 7250000000 (step 0)
Found 20 sample rate range(s): 1000000 2000000 3000000 4000000 5000000 6000000 7000000 8000000 9000000 10000000 11000000 12000000 13000000 14000000 15000000 16000000 17000000 18000000 19000000 20000000
Found 16 bandwidth range(s): 1750000 - 1750000 (step 0) 2500000 - 2500000 (step 0) 3500000 - 3500000 (step 0) 5000000 - 5000000 (step 0) 5500000 - 5500000 (step 0) 6000000 - 6000000 (step 0) 7000000 - 7000000 (step 0) 8000000 - 8000000 (step 0) 9000000 - 9000000 (step 0) 10000000 - 10000000 (step 0) 12000000 - 12000000 (step 0) 14000000 - 14000000 (step 0) 15000000 - 15000000 (step 0) 20000000 - 20000000 (step 0) 24000000 - 24000000 (step 0) 28000000 - 28000000 (step 0)
Found current bandwidth 0
Found 4 stream format(s): CS8 CS16 CF32 CF64
Found native stream format: CS8 (full scale: 128.0)
Signal caught, exiting!
{"time" : "2023-12-21 14:12:31.647734", "enabled" : 8, "since" : "2023-12-21T14:12:29", "frames" : {"count" : 0, "fsk" : 0, "events" : 0}, "stats" : []}

C:\Program Files\PothosSDR\bin>
zuckschwerdt commented 8 months ago

Can you run SoapySDRUtil --info in both dirs (needs to be copied to rtl_433 dir)? Is the Search Path maybe different?

danyhm commented 8 months ago
C:\Users\xxx\Desktop\rtl>SoapySDRUtil.exe --info
##     Soapy SDR -- the SDR abstraction library     ##

Lib Version: v0.8.1-PothosSDR-2021.07.25-vc16-x64
API Version: v0.8.0
ABI Version: v0.8
Install root: C:\Users\xxx\Desktop
Search path:  C:\Users\xxx\Desktop/lib/SoapySDR/modules0.8 (missing)
No modules found!
Available factories... No factories found!
Available converters...
 -  CF32 -> [CF32, CS16, CS8, CU16, CU8]
 -  CS16 -> [CF32, CS16, CS8, CU16, CU8]
 -  CS32 -> [CS32]
 -   CS8 -> [CF32, CS16, CS8, CU16, CU8]
 -  CU16 -> [CF32, CS16, CS8]
 -   CU8 -> [CF32, CS16, CS8]
 -   F32 -> [F32, S16, S8, U16, U8]
 -   S16 -> [F32, S16, S8, U16, U8]
 -   S32 -> [S32]
 -    S8 -> [F32, S16, S8, U16, U8]
 -   U16 -> [F32, S16, S8]
 -    U8 -> [F32, S16, S8]



C:\Program Files\PothosSDR\bin>SoapySDRUtil.exe --info
##     Soapy SDR -- the SDR abstraction library     ##

Lib Version: v0.8.1-PothosSDR-2021.07.25-vc16-x64
API Version: v0.8.0
ABI Version: v0.8
Install root: C:\Program Files\PothosSDR
Search path:  C:\Program Files\PothosSDR/lib/SoapySDR/modules0.8
Module found: C:\Program Files\PothosSDR/lib/SoapySDR/modules0.8/airspyhfSupport.dll (0.2.0-d682533)
Module found: C:\Program Files\PothosSDR/lib/SoapySDR/modules0.8/airspySupport.dll   (0.2.0-411f73e)
Module found: C:\Program Files\PothosSDR/lib/SoapySDR/modules0.8/audioSupport.dll    (0.1.1-91080cb)
Module found: C:\Program Files\PothosSDR/lib/SoapySDR/modules0.8/bladeRFSupport.dll  (0.4.1-70505a5)
Module found: C:\Program Files\PothosSDR/lib/SoapySDR/modules0.8/HackRFSupport.dll   (0.3.3-8d2e7be)
Module found: C:\Program Files\PothosSDR/lib/SoapySDR/modules0.8/IrisSupport.dll     (2020.02.0.1-f100723)
Module found: C:\Program Files\PothosSDR/lib/SoapySDR/modules0.8/LMS7Support.dll     (20.10.0-a45e482d)
Module found: C:\Program Files\PothosSDR/lib/SoapySDR/modules0.8/miriSupport.dll     (0.2.6-585c012)
Module found: C:\Program Files\PothosSDR/lib/SoapySDR/modules0.8/netSDRSupport.dll   (0.1.0-51516db)
Module found: C:\Program Files\PothosSDR/lib/SoapySDR/modules0.8/osmosdrSupport.dll  (0.2.6-585c012)
Module found: C:\Program Files\PothosSDR/lib/SoapySDR/modules0.8/PlutoSDRSupport.dll (0.2.1-c880222)
Module found: C:\Program Files\PothosSDR/lib/SoapySDR/modules0.8/RedPitaya.dll       (0.1.1-3d576f8)
Module found: C:\Program Files\PothosSDR/lib/SoapySDR/modules0.8/remoteSupport.dll   (0.6.0-c09b2f1)
Module found: C:\Program Files\PothosSDR/lib/SoapySDR/modules0.8/rtlsdrSupport.dll   (0.3.2-53ee8f4)
Module found: C:\Program Files\PothosSDR/lib/SoapySDR/modules0.8/sdrPlaySupport.dll  (0.3.0-206b241)
Module found: C:\Program Files\PothosSDR/lib/SoapySDR/modules0.8/uhdSupport.dll      (0.4.1-9a738c3)
Module found: C:\Program Files\PothosSDR/lib/SoapySDR/modules0.8/volkConverters.dll[WARNING] SoapyVOLKConverters: no VOLK config file found. Run volk_profile for best performance.
Available factories... airspy, airspyhf, audio, bladerf, hackrf, iris, lime, miri, netsdr, osmosdr, plutosdr, redpitaya, remote, rtlsdr, sdrplay, uhd
Available converters...
 -  CF32 -> [CF32, CF64, CS16, CS32, CS8, CU16, CU8]
 -  CF64 -> [CF32, CS16, CS32, CS8]
 -  CS16 -> [CF32, CF64, CS16, CS8, CU16, CU8]
 -  CS32 -> [CF32, CF64, CS32]
 -   CS8 -> [CF32, CF64, CS16, CS8, CU16, CU8]
 -  CU16 -> [CF32, CS16, CS8]
 -   CU8 -> [CF32, CS16, CS8]
 -   F32 -> [F32, F64, S16, S32, S8, U16, U8]
 -   F64 -> [F32, S16, S32, S8]
 -   S16 -> [F32, F64, S16, S8, U16, U8]
 -   S32 -> [F32, F64, S32]
 -    S8 -> [F32, F64, S16, S8, U16, U8]
 -   U16 -> [F32, S16, S8]
 -    U8 -> [F32, S16, S8]

C:\Program Files\PothosSDR\bin>

the search path is relative to the current directory. it searches ../lib/SoapySDR/modules0.8 folder. so I created that folder one level above rtl_433 and the results became the same and modules are detected however hackrf is still not detected.

C:\Users\xxx\Desktop\rtl>SoapySDRUtil.exe --info
##     Soapy SDR -- the SDR abstraction library     ##

Lib Version: v0.8.1-PothosSDR-2021.07.25-vc16-x64
API Version: v0.8.0
ABI Version: v0.8
Install root: C:\Users\xxx\Desktop
Search path:  C:\Users\xxx\Desktop/lib/SoapySDR/modules0.8
Module found: C:\Users\xxx\Desktop/lib/SoapySDR/modules0.8/airspyhfSupport.dll (0.2.0-d682533)
Module found: C:\Users\xxx\Desktop/lib/SoapySDR/modules0.8/airspySupport.dll   (0.2.0-411f73e)
Module found: C:\Users\xxx\Desktop/lib/SoapySDR/modules0.8/audioSupport.dll    (0.1.1-91080cb)
Module found: C:\Users\xxx\Desktop/lib/SoapySDR/modules0.8/bladeRFSupport.dll  (0.4.1-70505a5)
Module found: C:\Users\xxx\Desktop/lib/SoapySDR/modules0.8/HackRFSupport.dll   (0.3.3-8d2e7be)
Module found: C:\Users\xxx\Desktop/lib/SoapySDR/modules0.8/IrisSupport.dll     (2020.02.0.1-f100723)
Module found: C:\Users\xxx\Desktop/lib/SoapySDR/modules0.8/LMS7Support.dll     (20.10.0-a45e482d)
Module found: C:\Users\xxx\Desktop/lib/SoapySDR/modules0.8/miriSupport.dll     (0.2.6-585c012)
Module found: C:\Users\xxx\Desktop/lib/SoapySDR/modules0.8/netSDRSupport.dll   (0.1.0-51516db)
Module found: C:\Users\xxx\Desktop/lib/SoapySDR/modules0.8/osmosdrSupport.dll  (0.2.6-585c012)
Module found: C:\Users\xxx\Desktop/lib/SoapySDR/modules0.8/PlutoSDRSupport.dll (0.2.1-c880222)
Module found: C:\Users\xxx\Desktop/lib/SoapySDR/modules0.8/RedPitaya.dll       (0.1.1-3d576f8)
Module found: C:\Users\xxx\Desktop/lib/SoapySDR/modules0.8/remoteSupport.dll   (0.6.0-c09b2f1)
Module found: C:\Users\xxx\Desktop/lib/SoapySDR/modules0.8/rtlsdrSupport.dll   (0.3.2-53ee8f4)
Module found: C:\Users\xxx\Desktop/lib/SoapySDR/modules0.8/sdrPlaySupport.dll  (0.3.0-206b241)
Module found: C:\Users\xxx\Desktop/lib/SoapySDR/modules0.8/uhdSupport.dll      (0.4.1-9a738c3)
Module found: C:\Users\xxx\Desktop/lib/SoapySDR/modules0.8/volkConverters.dll[WARNING] SoapyVOLKConverters: no VOLK config file found. Run volk_profile for best performance.
Available factories... airspy, airspyhf, audio, bladerf, hackrf, iris, lime, miri, netsdr, osmosdr, plutosdr, redpitaya, remote, rtlsdr, sdrplay, uhd
Available converters...
 -  CF32 -> [CF32, CF64, CS16, CS32, CS8, CU16, CU8]
 -  CF64 -> [CF32, CS16, CS32, CS8]
 -  CS16 -> [CF32, CF64, CS16, CS8, CU16, CU8]
 -  CS32 -> [CF32, CF64, CS32]
 -   CS8 -> [CF32, CF64, CS16, CS8, CU16, CU8]
 -  CU16 -> [CF32, CS16, CS8]
 -   CU8 -> [CF32, CS16, CS8]
 -   F32 -> [F32, F64, S16, S32, S8, U16, U8]
 -   F64 -> [F32, S16, S32, S8]
 -   S16 -> [F32, F64, S16, S8, U16, U8]
 -   S32 -> [F32, F64, S32]
 -    S8 -> [F32, F64, S16, S8, U16, U8]
 -   U16 -> [F32, S16, S8]
 -    U8 -> [F32, S16, S8]

C:\Users\xxx\Desktop\rtl>rtl_433-rtlsdr-soapysdr.exe -d "driver=hackrf"
rtl_433 version 23.11 branch  at 202311281352 inputs file rtl_tcp RTL-SDR SoapySDR
Reading conf from "C:\Users\Danial\Desktop\rtl\rtl_433.conf".
Use "-F log" if you want any messages, warnings, and errors in the console.
zuckschwerdt commented 8 months ago

So the module search path is relative to the Soapy library. That explains it. The only way then is to copy the rtl_433 executable to the Pothos bin path.

I should add a note to the bundled release note.