Running rtl_433 with default values (e.g. no cmdline options) the sensor is picked up together with my other temperature sensors but was mis-identified as a TFA-TwinPlus. Also the humidity value is bonkers and does not actually show the volume of rain measured.
I am "pretty sure" it is this sensor/signal, because it only appeared after I activated the rain sensor and the outside temperature was also a proper match.
I own the TFA rain sensor 30.3161 (
Running rtl_433 with default values (e.g. no cmdline options) the sensor is picked up together with my other temperature sensors but was mis-identified as a TFA-TwinPlus. Also the humidity value is bonkers and does not actually show the volume of rain measured.
I am "pretty sure" it is this sensor/signal, because it only appeared after I activated the rain sensor and the outside temperature was also a proper match.
Do I need any special handling for this sensor?