merbanan / rtl_433

Program to decode radio transmissions from devices on the ISM bands (and other frequencies)
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Acurite 3n1 Wind+Temp+Humidity Sensor #801

Closed vvanders closed 6 years ago

vvanders commented 6 years ago

First off, fantastic work with the project, had this up and running in no time picking off signals from the airwaves.

Looking to contribute Acurite 3n1 to the devices supported list as I just picked one up. It appears to use PWM but I'm not able to determine what set of flags I need to get actual bit data to dump. Looking at the PCM data in Audacity I see a couple things:

  1. Data is repeated 2x.
  2. There's a preamble that's got a different pulse width from the data. Data appears to be 150us period, 100us for 1, 50us for 0(pulse parser confirms this). However the preamble is 600us High, 150us Low, 150us High x3 then 150us followed by the data. If each 150us block is a character this looks like:
  3. I'm able to pick out data bits via Audacity(was able to see wind 3->4 flipping the right binary sets) so I know it's there.

Whenever I run rtl_433 -a -r I get:

*** signal_start = 22676, signal_end = 65537
signal_len = 42861,  pulses = 136
Iteration 1. t: 346    min: 73 (134)    max: 619 (2)    delta 890
Iteration 2. t: 346    min: 73 (134)    max: 619 (2)    delta 0
Pulse coding: Short pulse length 73 - Long pulse length 619

Short distance: 46, long distance: 107, packet distance: 155

p_limit: 346
bitbuffer:: Number of rows: 10
[00] { 1} 80                      : 1
[01] { 1} 00                      : 0
[02] { 1} 00                      : 0
[03] { 1} 00                      : 0
[04] {64} 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
[05] { 1} 80                      : 1
[06] { 1} 00                      : 0
[07] { 1} 00                      : 0
[08] { 1} 00                      : 0
[09] {64} 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Test mode file issued 1 packets

It does seem to detect Acurite when run normally:

@0.000000s Acurite 5n1 sensor 0x0D21 Ch A, Status D4, Unknown message type 0x20
@0.000000s Acurite 5n1 sensor 0x0D21 Ch A, Status D4, Unknown message type 0x20

However I can't get the raw bits to dump out. I tried a couple custom decoders with '-X' option but still just get zeros for the bit rows.

Any hints on what parameters I'm screwing up here or is it going to be easier just to start cracking open acurite.c?

vvanders commented 6 years ago

Also have the raw samples up at if that helps. Happy to spend the effort on my part, I think it's mostly just not being familiar with the various decoding options.

zuckschwerdt commented 6 years ago

I already have a sketch for the device at #720 But the layout of the fields doesn't seem right. Humidity looks ok, but temperature and wind don't. Perhaps you can correlate those values to the bits in the packet?

vvanders commented 6 years ago

Okay, awesome. Happy to grab more captures here later tonight.

For #4 & #5 the values were:


Temp: 58F Hum: 84% Wind: 3mph


Temp: 58F Hum: 84% Wind: 4mph

I can see 3->4 in the tail end of the bit pattern so that should show where the LSB of wind ends. I'll update as I have more data.

rct commented 6 years ago

There have been some email discussions about this device. I'm not sure if the guy who has been working on it has a GitHub id. He's got some experiments using a fan and a hair dryer. and observing console values.

Byte 3 is humidity Byte 4 is temperature Byte 5 is temperature and possibly some wind speed bits. Byte 6 is wind speed.

All of those are 7 bits because there is parity.

If I understand correctly from the guy doing the work, he feels windspeed is in KPH, and is only 7 bits, but the spec says the device tops out at 99 MPH, so that doesn't seem to be a good fit. He's also got an Acurite smarthub, so he's been correlating the output from that and the raw data. His work has been in Excel, so not easy to post here.

merbanan commented 6 years ago

Well 99 is max on a 2 digit display so the limit might just be in the presentation layer. And the accuracy might be tuned to the visible range.

vvanders commented 6 years ago

Okay, another couple samples.

Temp: 52F Hum: 83% Wind: 1mph

Temp: 53F Hum: 81% Wind: 1mph

Since my sensor is installed outside it's hard to get a good adjustment in temp but getting a couple more data points.

Pulled your branch and been running it here for a bit, wind + humidity seem on the mark. Need to narrow down temp somehow. Since I've got a few datapoints going to poke around and see what I can tell.

vnosovsky commented 6 years ago


I've been running 3n1 from #720 successfully for quite some time now (couple of months I think) Temperature, humidity and wind are pretty close to what I see on weather station synched with 3n1 sensor. They also close to Acurite 592TXR Temp/Humidity readings. The only change I made was line 739 in acurite.c should be:

tempf = acurite_getTemp(bb[4], bb[5]) + 96.7;

zuckschwerdt commented 6 years ago

thanks for the feedback. 96.7 sounds somewhat arbitrary, is there any margin so that it could be some reasonable rounded value like 96, 98 or maybe 100?

vnosovsky commented 6 years ago

I played with different values until I started getting same readings as on weather station. I guess 97 is the closest round value will do as well. Let me try running it for some time

zuckschwerdt commented 6 years ago

I don't think 97 is a value a device/protocol designer would choose. Something else is going on. Did you get a good range of values? Could it be some scaling?

vnosovsky commented 6 years ago

Good point. I was running it indoor all the time with temp range 20-24 Celsius. Just put it outdoor next to other sensors. Will let you know in couple of days.

RDK-45 commented 6 years ago

Gentlemen.....I've been communicating with Robert Terzi and Christian since earlier this year about decoding the RTL_433 transmissions for an Acurite 3-in-1 sensor, but never via this GitHub system. Perhaps my comments and analyses have been lost? Regardless, after a recent note from Robert I have taken the time to organize my findings and data into the attached files:

I have algorithms for temperature, humidity, wind and sensor id. For several months now, I have been using these algorithms in a modified version of acurite.c in my RTL_433 installation on two of my Raspberry Pi's and I'm happy with the data I'm getting for all of my sensors (5-in-1, 3-in-1, towers and water temperature probe). Let me know if you have comments or questions....RDK

3n1Data.xlsx 3-in-1_DataAnalysis.docx

zuckschwerdt commented 6 years ago

Very well done research. I'll update the 3n1 with your findings.

(with "Sensor ID “and-ing” byte0 and byte1 … 0x11&0x1e" you really mean concatenation, the and operation is masking. So 0x11<<8|0x1e like in your next code example). The 5n1 id is commented as

5-n-1 sensor ID is the last 12 bits of byte 0 & 1
byte 0     | byte 1

Do you know what the RR would be? It's the data you included in the id for the 3n1. Following your analysis on the channels I'd say channel setting is the same as in 5-n-1, the top 2 bits with

 00 = C
 10 = B
 11 = A

I guess you somehow triggered a power-on reset between channel A and B, maybe? And the next-to top 2 bits (RR) may not be in the ID after all. It's the only difference between B and C setting.

2099  = 0x0833 = 0000 1000 0011 0011
578   = 0x0242 = 0000 0010 0100 0010
12866 = 0x3242 = 0011 0010 0100 0010

0xC8 = 11 00 1000
0x82 = 10 00 0010
0x32 = 00 11 0010
RDK-45 commented 6 years ago

Christian….Thanks for your reply and kind words.

As I’m not real comfortable working with and manipulating HEX and binary numbers, this was not easy and I got more than one headache during the process.

Thanks also for correcting my terminology, and-ing , or-ing, parity bits, etc were pretty foreign concepts before I stated this project.

    5-n-1 sensor ID is the last 12 bits of byte 0 & 1
    byte 0     | byte 1

Do you know what the RR would be? It's the data you included in the id for the 3n1.

Sorry, I saw that too and did not make a connection.

Your hypothesis for the Channel Number makes sense, except that for my reference 3-in-1 (11 1E 60 E1 0F 6F 00 EE) that would say it is on Channel C. I would have thought it would be on “A”. It is not easy to get to right now. Perhaps over the weekend I will climb up to it and change the batteries and check on the channel code.

Finally, “I guess you somehow triggered a power-on reset between channel A and B, maybe?”, I’m not sure what you mean??? If you mean that I had to take out the batteries to change channels, then yes.

zuckschwerdt commented 6 years ago
If you mean that I had to take out the batteries to change channels, then yes.

Yes, usually removing power from a device randomly chooses a new ID. That's probably why the 12 ID bits changed.

RDK-45 commented 6 years ago

Christian….That is not my experience with my other Acurite sensors. I have changed batteries before without getting a new ID. We’ll see what happens when I get up to my 3-in-1 and change the batteries….Rob

vnosovsky commented 6 years ago

I have bunch of different Acurite sensors, and only 3n1 changes channel on power reset.

rct commented 6 years ago

@vnosovsky - That's interesting to know.

The 5n1, 592TXR town, 6045M lightning, and now 3n1 seem to use fairly similar messages. Those devices have fixed, static IDs and physical channel switches. The instructions that I found show the 3n1 has a physical A-B-C- switch so I would expect the encoding to be the same and wouldn't expect it change at power cycles. But I could be wrong.

The 5n1 is only 12 bits of ID because there are two bits after the channel id that are incremented for each message repeat. In other words you can tell whether you are looking at the first, second or third transmission that is part of the burst.

It's been a while since I looked at the log file @RDK-45 provided but it didn't look like those bits incremented like they did with the 5n1. So I'd expect the 3n1 to use 14 bits of ID like the 592TXR.

@zuckschwerdt - FYI - ISTR when I was looking at @RDK-45's log file I seem to recall there was some data that didn't fit, but then when I checked the checksum or parity was wrong. Also I believe @RDK-45 has an Acurite aculink or access, so he can see the decimal integer ID as Acurite is interpreting it. I don't know if his device ID is high enough to tell whether the ID is 12 or 14 bits.

rct commented 6 years ago

@zuckschwerdt -- actually looking back through some old email I found one of the aculink messages @RDK-45 had sent:


So at the time his 3n1 was being interpreted by the aculink receiver as having an ID of 4382 (0x111e) so at least Acurite's aculink thinks the ID is > 12 bits.

RDK-45 commented 6 years ago

In my Word document I comment on three different 3-in-1 sensor unit's id's:

For the following sensor byte strings I get:

  1. 11 1E 60 60 0F F6 00 F4 – 4382
  2. ED 2B 60 22 90 93 00 BD – 11563
  3. C8 33 60 BD 11 AC 00 D5 – 2099

Those ID's agreed with the web interfaces for the smartHUB units.…..RDK

rct commented 6 years ago

Ok good - it's straight forward then -- the ID is 14 bits like the 592TXR/Tower and the 6045M lightning. Channel is the two high order bits.

Just call acurite_txr_getSensorId(bb[0], bb[1])).

// Tower sensor ID is the last 14 bits of byte 0 & 1
// byte 0    | byte 1
static uint16_t acurite_txr_getSensorId(uint8_t hibyte, uint8_t lobyte){
    return ((hibyte & 0x3f) << 8) | lobyte;
RDK-45 commented 6 years ago

Folks.....Christian and Vnosovsky were correct, when removing the batteries to check on the Channel setting, the Sensor ID for this 3-in-1 changed from 4382 to 3650.

ALSO, while I thought this 3-in-1 was set to Channel A, it was actually on Channel C, so the existing 5-in-1 channel decoding works for the 3-in-1....RDK

RDK-45 commented 6 years ago

Regarding the Sensor Id changing, I have changed batteries on both the tower and 5-in-1 sensor units without observing a change in the id. I use those codes in my Python systems for monitoring sensor data from both the RTL_433 functions and the traffic from the smartHUB.

Thus, it is unique to the 3-in-1 in my experience....RDK

zuckschwerdt commented 6 years ago

Support merged with #720. Reopen if anything needs tuning.

RDK-45 commented 6 years ago

Christian…..I have looked at your modifications and I don’t understand your calculation for tempf. Should the -108 really be -148? And I have to go back to my notes to verify if the acurite_getTemp(bb[4], bb[5]) value also needs to be divided by 10?....RDK

zuckschwerdt commented 6 years ago

There is already some conversion in acurite_getTemp(). Maybe it should really be acurite_6045_getTemp() as mentioned, but that would widen the bits to 0x1F 0x7F instead of the 0x0F 0x7F now. I'm not sure about that?

RDK-45 commented 6 years ago

I have revisited my analysis and the Word document I published here 10 days ago. The temperature calculation in the above proposed modification (_*tempf = acurite_getTemp(bb[4], bb[5]) - 108; // regression yields (rawtemp-1480)0.1**_) does NOT correspond to the results of my analysis. At the very least the constant "108" should be "148".

• Temperature in degrees F involves using parts of byte4 and byte5: o int highbits = (bb[4] & 0x7F) << 7 ; // remove parity bit int lowbits = bb[5] & 0x7F; // add results to get rawtemp int rawtemp = highbits | lowbits; here using the code terminology in the acurite.c module o Then rawtemp is converted to temperature F using the relationship shown in the below figure. This figure shows the results of the above data transformation algorithm Decimal(byte4)*128 + decimal(byte5) yielding rawtemp which was plotted against the data captured from the 3-in-1 via the smartHUB system. There are 952 points on this plot. The linear regression fit yield this equation: TempF = (rawtemp-1480.3)/10.004. o I suspect the real relationship used by the developer engineers was TempF=(rawtemp-1500)/10, each bit change being 0.1 degrees F.


zuckschwerdt commented 6 years ago

Quite possible that I got that wrong. Doesn't the -40 in the getTemp and the -108 add to the 148 from your regression? Also are you sure there is 14 bits? The other devices there use 11 or 12 bits for a -40 to 164 (-40 C to 73 C) and -150 to 259.6 ( -101 C to 126 C) range. 14 bits would be up to 1638.4 (892 C) which seems excessive -- I'd say the top bits are some status.

RDK-45 commented 6 years ago

OK, yes that is reasonable, although to split up the formula like that is a bit awkward, IMHO.

Regarding the choice of bits and bytes, you folks are more expert than I am. If your decoding works with my data then I have no problems with it....RDK

vnosovsky commented 6 years ago

@zuckschwerdt, not sure what's going on but your algorithm works fine with 97 for 13 days in temperature range 14-27 degrees Celsius. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

RDK-45 commented 5 years ago

Folks….I’ve been using the new Acurite 3-in-1 algorithm now for 5- months. It works correctly 99+ % of the time. However, every now and again, it throws out a seriously wrong temperature. The humidity and the rest the values appear ok.

I think it has something to do with byte 2 (Battery and Message Type). Normally this byte is “60”. However, in my original regression data package there was an instance of three readings:

08/21/2018 13:52:35 11 1E E2 95 99 2B 01 6B 11 1E E2

08/21/2018 13:52:54 11 1E E2 95 99 2B 01 6B 11 1E E2

08/21/2018 13:53:13 11 1E E2 95 99 2B 01 6B 11 1E E2

which had byte 2 as “E2” and the associated temperature calculation was out of range. I discarded these reading when I did my regression analysis.

I’m wondering if we should modify the 3-in-1 code to check for byte 2 not equal to “60” and discard the reading? Right now I’m doing something like that when I post process the data.

Thanks again for your help getting the Acurite 3-in-1 sensor supported by RTL_433……Rob

zuckschwerdt commented 5 years ago

Don't we already check this? There is a message_type == ACURITE_MSGTYPE_WINDSPEED_TEMP_HUMIDITY_3N1 condition with message_type = bb[2] & 0x3f and ACURITE_MSGTYPE_WINDSPEED_TEMP_HUMIDITY_3N1 = 0x20. The message_type for b[2]=0xe2 would be 0x22.

RDK-45 commented 5 years ago

Christian….You are probably right. But, somehow there are occasionally bad temperatures being reported. I see the bad numbers in my data, but unfortunately I do not have/save the raw data when this happens. Perhaps I should add a trap for this issue to the code which is using the RTL_443 functions?

That won’t happen soon but I will put it on my list….Rob

zuckschwerdt commented 5 years ago

If you just have a bad value and the good values next to it we could perhaps figure out if it is just a single (flag?) bit.

RDK-45 commented 5 years ago

Christian….My 3-in-1 has been giving bad temperature data off and on for the past few days. Last evening I was able to capture some raw data records (rtl_433 -R 40 -F json -D &> debug030419.txt) when it was reporting -140F temperature values. This morning it was working correctly so I captured more records when it was reporting correct temperatures (mid 50’s F). In both cases the Acurite Dashboard was reporting correct temperatures during those periods.

Note the attached files also have outdoor data for a 5-in-1 unit. The units are about 50 m apart and depending on time of day (morning or evening) one will be in the sunlight but not the other. The tower unit being also reported in not outside.

Perhaps the attached files will help identify the issue??


Rob Koller Sr

From: Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2019 5:49 PM To: 'merbanan/rtl_433'; 'merbanan/rtl_433' Cc: 'RDK'; 'Mention' Subject: RE: [merbanan/rtl_433] Acurite 3n1 Wind+Temp+Humidity Sensor (#801)

Christian….You are probably right. But, somehow there are occasionally bad temperatures being reported. I see the bad numbers in my data, but unfortunately I do not have/save the raw data when this happens. Perhaps I should add a trap for this issue to the code which is using the RTL_443 functions?

That won’t happen soon but I will put it on my list….Rob

Rob Koller Sr

From: Christian W. Zuckschwerdt < > Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2019 5:12 PM To: merbanan/rtl_433 < > Cc: RDK < >; Mention < > Subject: Re: [merbanan/rtl_433] Acurite 3n1 Wind+Temp+Humidity Sensor (#801)

Don't we already check this? There is a message_type == ACURITE_MSGTYPE_WINDSPEED_TEMP_HUMIDITY_3N1 condition with message_type = bb[2] & 0x3f and ACURITE_MSGTYPE_WINDSPEED_TEMP_HUMIDITY_3N1 = 0x20. The message_type for b[2]=0xe2 would be 0x22.

— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread.

Registering protocol [1] "Acurite 592TXR Temp/Humidity, 5n1 Weather Station, 6045 Lightning" Registered 1 out of 100 device decoding protocols Found 1 device(s)

trying device 0: Realtek, RTL2838UHIDIR, SN: 00000001 Detached kernel driver Found Rafael Micro R820T tuner Using device 0: Generic RTL2832U OEM Exact sample rate is: 250000.000414 Hz [R82XX] PLL not locked! Sample rate set to 250000. Bit detection level set to 0 (Auto). Tuner gain set to Auto. Reading samples in async mode... Tuned to 433920000 Hz. acurite_txr Parity: 10000000 Acurite 5n1 raw msg: CE 42 60 9C 90 30 03 CF {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:37:38", "model" : "Acurite 3n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 3650, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 0, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 32, "wind_speed_mph" : 3.000, "temperature_F" : -143.200, "humidity" : 28} acurite_txr Parity: 10000000 Acurite 5n1 raw msg: CE 42 60 9C 90 30 03 CF {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:37:38", "model" : "Acurite 3n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 3650, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 0, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 32, "wind_speed_mph" : 3.000, "temperature_F" : -143.200, "humidity" : 28} acurite_txr Parity: 0000001 {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:37:40", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 11824, "sensor_id" : 11824, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 20.300, "humidity" : 52, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0000001 {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:37:40", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 11824, "sensor_id" : 11824, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 20.300, "humidity" : 52, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0000001 {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:37:40", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 11824, "sensor_id" : 11824, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 20.300, "humidity" : 52, "battery_low" : 0} pulse_demod_pwm_precise(): Acurite 592TXR Temp/Humidity, 5n1 Weather Station, 6045 Lightning bitbuffer:: Number of rows: 3 [00] {57} ee 30 44 b4 09 33 52 00 [01] {57} ee 30 44 b4 09 33 52 00 [02] {57} ee 30 44 b4 09 33 52 00 acurite_txr Parity: 0100001 {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:37:41", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 15602, "sensor_id" : 15602, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 15.800, "humidity" : 31, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0100001 {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:37:41", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 15602, "sensor_id" : 15602, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 15.800, "humidity" : 31, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0100001 {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:37:41", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 15602, "sensor_id" : 15602, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 15.800, "humidity" : 31, "battery_low" : 0} pulse_demod_pwm_precise(): Acurite 592TXR Temp/Humidity, 5n1 Weather Station, 6045 Lightning bitbuffer:: Number of rows: 3 [00] {57} fc f2 44 9f 09 06 e0 00 [01] {57} fc f2 44 9f 09 06 e0 00 [02] {57} fc f2 44 9f 09 06 e0 00 acurite_txr Parity: 0000000 {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:37:45", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 2606, "sensor_id" : 2606, "channel" : "C", "temperature_C" : 15.800, "humidity" : 63, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0000000 {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:37:45", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 2606, "sensor_id" : 2606, "channel" : "C", "temperature_C" : 15.800, "humidity" : 63, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0000000 {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:37:45", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 2606, "sensor_id" : 2606, "channel" : "C", "temperature_C" : 15.800, "humidity" : 63, "battery_low" : 0} pulse_demod_pwm_precise(): Acurite 592TXR Temp/Humidity, 5n1 Weather Station, 6045 Lightning bitbuffer:: Number of rows: 3 [00] {57} 0a 2e 44 3f 09 06 ca 00 [01] {57} 0a 2e 44 3f 09 06 ca 00 [02] {57} 0a 2e 44 3f 09 06 ca 00 acurite_txr Parity: 01000000 Acurite 5n1 raw msg: C5 51 71 82 63 9F E8 F3 2019-03-04 18:37:49 Acurite 5n1 sensor 0x0551 Ch A, Total rain fall since last reset: 40.72 {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:37:49", "model" : "Acurite 5n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 1361, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 0, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 49, "wind_speed_mph" : 11.938, "wind_dir_deg" : 270.000, "wind_dir" : "W", "rainfall_accumulation_inch" : 0.000, "raincounter_raw" : 4072} acurite_txr Parity: 11000000 Acurite 5n1 raw msg: D5 51 71 82 63 9F E8 03 {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:37:49", "model" : "Acurite 5n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 1361, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 1, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 49, "wind_speed_mph" : 11.938, "wind_dir_deg" : 270.000, "wind_dir" : "W", "rainfall_accumulation_inch" : 0.000, "raincounter_raw" : 4072} acurite_txr Parity: 11000001 Acurite 5n1 raw msg: E5 51 71 82 63 9F E8 13 {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:37:49", "model" : "Acurite 5n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 1361, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 2, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 49, "wind_speed_mph" : 11.938, "wind_dir_deg" : 270.000, "wind_dir" : "W", "rainfall_accumulation_inch" : 0.000, "raincounter_raw" : 4072} acurite_txr Parity: 10000000 Acurite 5n1 raw msg: CE 42 60 9C 90 30 06 D2 {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:37:56", "model" : "Acurite 3n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 3650, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 0, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 32, "wind_speed_mph" : 6.000, "temperature_F" : -143.200, "humidity" : 28} acurite_txr Parity: 10000000 Acurite 5n1 raw msg: CE 42 60 9C 90 30 06 D2 {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:37:56", "model" : "Acurite 3n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 3650, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 0, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 32, "wind_speed_mph" : 6.000, "temperature_F" : -143.200, "humidity" : 28} acurite_txr Parity: 0000001 {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:37:57", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 11824, "sensor_id" : 11824, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 20.300, "humidity" : 52, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0000001 {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:37:57", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 11824, "sensor_id" : 11824, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 20.300, "humidity" : 52, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0000001 {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:37:57", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 11824, "sensor_id" : 11824, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 20.300, "humidity" : 52, "battery_low" : 0} pulse_demod_pwm_precise(): Acurite 592TXR Temp/Humidity, 5n1 Weather Station, 6045 Lightning bitbuffer:: Number of rows: 3 [00] {57} ee 30 44 b4 09 33 52 00 [01] {57} ee 30 44 b4 09 33 52 00 [02] {57} ee 30 44 b4 09 33 52 00 acurite_txr Parity: 0100000 {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:37:58", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 15602, "sensor_id" : 15602, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 15.800, "humidity" : 30, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0100000 {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:37:58", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 15602, "sensor_id" : 15602, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 15.800, "humidity" : 30, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0100000 {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:37:58", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 15602, "sensor_id" : 15602, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 15.800, "humidity" : 30, "battery_low" : 0} pulse_demod_pwm_precise(): Acurite 592TXR Temp/Humidity, 5n1 Weather Station, 6045 Lightning bitbuffer:: Number of rows: 3 [00] {57} fc f2 44 1e 09 06 5f 00 [01] {57} fc f2 44 1e 09 06 5f 00 [02] {57} fc f2 44 1e 09 06 5f 00 acurite_txr Parity: 0000000 {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:38:00", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 2606, "sensor_id" : 2606, "channel" : "C", "temperature_C" : 15.800, "humidity" : 63, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0000000 {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:38:00", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 2606, "sensor_id" : 2606, "channel" : "C", "temperature_C" : 15.800, "humidity" : 63, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0000000 {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:38:00", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 2606, "sensor_id" : 2606, "channel" : "C", "temperature_C" : 15.800, "humidity" : 63, "battery_low" : 0} pulse_demod_pwm_precise(): Acurite 592TXR Temp/Humidity, 5n1 Weather Station, 6045 Lightning bitbuffer:: Number of rows: 3 [00] {57} 0a 2e 44 3f 09 06 ca 00 [01] {57} 0a 2e 44 3f 09 06 ca 00 [02] {57} 0a 2e 44 3f 09 06 ca 00 acurite_txr Parity: 01000000 Acurite 5n1 raw msg: C5 51 78 82 B7 F9 9C 5C {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:38:08", "model" : "Acurite 5n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 1361, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 0, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 56, "wind_speed_mph" : 10.394, "temperature_F" : 61.700, "humidity" : 28} acurite_txr Parity: 11000000 Acurite 5n1 raw msg: D5 51 78 82 B7 F9 9C 6C {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:38:08", "model" : "Acurite 5n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 1361, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 1, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 56, "wind_speed_mph" : 10.394, "temperature_F" : 61.700, "humidity" : 28} acurite_txr Parity: 11000001 Acurite 5n1 raw msg: E5 51 78 82 B7 F9 9C 7C {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:38:08", "model" : "Acurite 5n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 1361, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 2, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 56, "wind_speed_mph" : 10.394, "temperature_F" : 61.700, "humidity" : 28} acurite_txr Parity: 0000001 {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:38:14", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 11824, "sensor_id" : 11824, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 20.300, "humidity" : 52, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0000001 {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:38:14", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 11824, "sensor_id" : 11824, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 20.300, "humidity" : 52, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0000001 {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:38:14", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 11824, "sensor_id" : 11824, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 20.300, "humidity" : 52, "battery_low" : 0} pulse_demod_pwm_precise(): Acurite 592TXR Temp/Humidity, 5n1 Weather Station, 6045 Lightning bitbuffer:: Number of rows: 3 [00] {57} ee 30 44 b4 09 33 52 00 [01] {57} ee 30 44 b4 09 33 52 00 [02] {57} ee 30 44 b4 09 33 52 00 2019-03-04 18:38:15 Acurite bad checksum: 0x94 0xd2 0x44 0x1e 0x09 0x06 0x5f acurite_txr Parity: 0000000 {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:38:17", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 2606, "sensor_id" : 2606, "channel" : "C", "temperature_C" : 15.800, "humidity" : 63, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0000000 {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:38:17", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 2606, "sensor_id" : 2606, "channel" : "C", "temperature_C" : 15.800, "humidity" : 63, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0000000 {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:38:17", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 2606, "sensor_id" : 2606, "channel" : "C", "temperature_C" : 15.800, "humidity" : 63, "battery_low" : 0} pulse_demod_pwm_precise(): Acurite 592TXR Temp/Humidity, 5n1 Weather Station, 6045 Lightning bitbuffer:: Number of rows: 3 [00] {57} 0a 2e 44 3f 09 06 ca 00 [01] {57} 0a 2e 44 3f 09 06 ca 00 [02] {57} 0a 2e 44 3f 09 06 ca 00 acurite_txr Parity: 01000000 Acurite 5n1 raw msg: C5 51 71 82 84 9F E8 14 {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:38:26", "model" : "Acurite 5n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 1361, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 0, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 49, "wind_speed_mph" : 8.851, "wind_dir_deg" : 337.500, "wind_dir" : "NNW", "rainfall_accumulation_inch" : 0.000, "raincounter_raw" : 4072} acurite_txr Parity: 11000000 Acurite 5n1 raw msg: D5 51 71 82 84 9F E8 24 {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:38:26", "model" : "Acurite 5n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 1361, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 1, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 49, "wind_speed_mph" : 8.851, "wind_dir_deg" : 337.500, "wind_dir" : "NNW", "rainfall_accumulation_inch" : 0.000, "raincounter_raw" : 4072} acurite_txr Parity: 11000001 Acurite 5n1 raw msg: E5 51 71 82 84 9F E8 34 {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:38:26", "model" : "Acurite 5n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 1361, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 2, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 49, "wind_speed_mph" : 8.851, "wind_dir_deg" : 337.500, "wind_dir" : "NNW", "rainfall_accumulation_inch" : 0.000, "raincounter_raw" : 4072} acurite_txr Parity: 0000001 {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:38:30", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 11824, "sensor_id" : 11824, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 20.300, "humidity" : 52, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0000001 {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:38:30", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 11824, "sensor_id" : 11824, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 20.300, "humidity" : 52, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0000001 {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:38:30", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 11824, "sensor_id" : 11824, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 20.300, "humidity" : 52, "battery_low" : 0} pulse_demod_pwm_precise(): Acurite 592TXR Temp/Humidity, 5n1 Weather Station, 6045 Lightning bitbuffer:: Number of rows: 3 [00] {57} ee 30 44 b4 09 33 52 00 [01] {57} ee 30 44 b4 09 33 52 00 [02] {57} ee 30 44 b4 09 33 52 00 acurite_txr Parity: 0100000 {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:38:31", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 15602, "sensor_id" : 15602, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 15.800, "humidity" : 30, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0100000 {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:38:31", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 15602, "sensor_id" : 15602, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 15.800, "humidity" : 30, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0100000 {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:38:31", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 15602, "sensor_id" : 15602, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 15.800, "humidity" : 30, "battery_low" : 0} pulse_demod_pwm_precise(): Acurite 592TXR Temp/Humidity, 5n1 Weather Station, 6045 Lightning bitbuffer:: Number of rows: 3 [00] {57} fc f2 44 1e 09 06 5f 00 [01] {57} fc f2 44 1e 09 06 5f 00 [02] {57} fc f2 44 1e 09 06 5f 00 acurite_txr Parity: 10000000 Acurite 5n1 raw msg: CE 42 60 9C 90 AF 05 50 {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:38:32", "model" : "Acurite 3n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 3650, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 0, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 32, "wind_speed_mph" : 5.000, "temperature_F" : -143.300, "humidity" : 28} acurite_txr Parity: 10000000 Acurite 5n1 raw msg: CE 42 60 9C 90 AF 05 50 {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:38:32", "model" : "Acurite 3n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 3650, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 0, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 32, "wind_speed_mph" : 5.000, "temperature_F" : -143.300, "humidity" : 28} acurite_txr Parity: 01000000 Acurite 5n1 raw msg: C5 51 78 81 87 F9 9C 2B {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:38:45", "model" : "Acurite 5n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 1361, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 0, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 56, "wind_speed_mph" : 4.736, "temperature_F" : 61.700, "humidity" : 28} acurite_txr Parity: 11000001 Acurite 5n1 raw msg: D5 51 78 81 87 F9 9C 3B {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:38:45", "model" : "Acurite 5n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 1361, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 1, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 56, "wind_speed_mph" : 4.736, "temperature_F" : 61.700, "humidity" : 28} acurite_txr Parity: 11000000 Acurite 5n1 raw msg: E5 51 78 81 87 F9 9C 4B {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:38:45", "model" : "Acurite 5n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 1361, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 2, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 56, "wind_speed_mph" : 4.736, "temperature_F" : 61.700, "humidity" : 28} acurite_txr Parity: 0000001 {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:38:47", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 11824, "sensor_id" : 11824, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 20.300, "humidity" : 52, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0000001 {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:38:47", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 11824, "sensor_id" : 11824, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 20.300, "humidity" : 52, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0000001 {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:38:47", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 11824, "sensor_id" : 11824, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 20.300, "humidity" : 52, "battery_low" : 0} pulse_demod_pwm_precise(): Acurite 592TXR Temp/Humidity, 5n1 Weather Station, 6045 Lightning bitbuffer:: Number of rows: 3 [00] {57} ee 30 44 b4 09 33 52 00 [01] {57} ee 30 44 b4 09 33 52 00 [02] {57} ee 30 44 b4 09 33 52 00 acurite_txr Parity: 0100000 {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:38:48", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 15602, "sensor_id" : 15602, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 15.800, "humidity" : 30, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0100000 {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:38:48", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 15602, "sensor_id" : 15602, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 15.800, "humidity" : 30, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0100000 {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:38:48", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 15602, "sensor_id" : 15602, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 15.800, "humidity" : 30, "battery_low" : 0} pulse_demod_pwm_precise(): Acurite 592TXR Temp/Humidity, 5n1 Weather Station, 6045 Lightning bitbuffer:: Number of rows: 3 [00] {57} fc f2 44 1e 09 06 5f 00 [01] {57} fc f2 44 1e 09 06 5f 00 [02] {57} fc f2 44 1e 09 06 5f 00 acurite_txr Parity: 0000000 {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:38:49", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 2606, "sensor_id" : 2606, "channel" : "C", "temperature_C" : 15.800, "humidity" : 63, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0000000 {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:38:49", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 2606, "sensor_id" : 2606, "channel" : "C", "temperature_C" : 15.800, "humidity" : 63, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0000000 {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:38:49", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 2606, "sensor_id" : 2606, "channel" : "C", "temperature_C" : 15.800, "humidity" : 63, "battery_low" : 0} pulse_demod_pwm_precise(): Acurite 592TXR Temp/Humidity, 5n1 Weather Station, 6045 Lightning bitbuffer:: Number of rows: 3 [00] {57} 0a 2e 44 3f 09 06 ca 00 [01] {57} 0a 2e 44 3f 09 06 ca 00 [02] {57} 0a 2e 44 3f 09 06 ca 00 acurite_txr Parity: 10000000 Acurite 5n1 raw msg: CE 42 60 1B 90 30 05 50 {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:38:50", "model" : "Acurite 3n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 3650, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 0, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 32, "wind_speed_mph" : 5.000, "temperature_F" : -143.200, "humidity" : 27} acurite_txr Parity: 10000000 Acurite 5n1 raw msg: CE 42 60 1B 90 30 05 50 {"time" : "2019-03-04 18:38:50", "model" : "Acurite 3n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 3650, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 0, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 32, "wind_speed_mph" : 5.000, "temperature_F" : -143.200, "humidity" : 27} Signal caught, exiting! Reattached kernel driver

Registering protocol [1] "Acurite 592TXR Temp/Humidity, 5n1 Weather Station, 6045 Lightning" Registered 1 out of 100 device decoding protocols Found 1 device(s)

trying device 0: Realtek, RTL2838UHIDIR, SN: 00000001 Detached kernel driver Found Rafael Micro R820T tuner Using device 0: Generic RTL2832U OEM Exact sample rate is: 250000.000414 Hz [R82XX] PLL not locked! Sample rate set to 250000. Bit detection level set to 0 (Auto). Tuner gain set to Auto. Reading samples in async mode... Tuned to 433920000 Hz. acurite_txr Parity: 01000000 Acurite 5n1 raw msg: C5 51 78 81 87 AF 21 66 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:12:12", "model" : "Acurite 5n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 1361, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 0, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 56, "wind_speed_mph" : 4.736, "temperature_F" : 54.300, "humidity" : 33} acurite_txr Parity: 11000001 Acurite 5n1 raw msg: D5 51 78 81 87 AF 21 76 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:12:12", "model" : "Acurite 5n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 1361, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 1, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 56, "wind_speed_mph" : 4.736, "temperature_F" : 54.300, "humidity" : 33} acurite_txr Parity: 11000001 Acurite 5n1 raw msg: E5 51 78 81 87 AF 21 86 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:12:12", "model" : "Acurite 5n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 1361, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 2, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 56, "wind_speed_mph" : 4.736, "temperature_F" : 54.300, "humidity" : 33} acurite_txr Parity: 0000000 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:12:14", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 11824, "sensor_id" : 11824, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 20.200, "humidity" : 51, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0000000 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:12:14", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 11824, "sensor_id" : 11824, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 20.200, "humidity" : 51, "battery_low" : 0} pulse_demod_pwm_precise(): Acurite 592TXR Temp/Humidity, 5n1 Weather Station, 6045 Lightning bitbuffer:: Number of rows: 14 [00] {88} 00 30 dd 56 44 b2 2a 34 3b 00 6d [01] {88} 00 30 dd 56 44 b2 2a 34 3b 00 6d [02] {11} 00 20 : 00000000 001 [03] {6} ec : 111011 [04] {1} 80 : 1 [05] {1} 80 : 1 [06] {3} 00 : 000 [07] {4} 40 : 0100 [08] {3} e0 : 111 [09] {15} fa 9e : 11111010 1001111 [10] {4} f0 : 1111 [11] {7} 00 : 0000000 [12] {57} ee 30 44 33 09 b2 50 00 [13] {57} ee 30 44 33 09 b2 50 00 acurite_txr Parity: 0100000 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:12:15", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 15602, "sensor_id" : 15602, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 12.500, "humidity" : 31, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0100000 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:12:15", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 15602, "sensor_id" : 15602, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 12.500, "humidity" : 31, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0100000 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:12:15", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 15602, "sensor_id" : 15602, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 12.500, "humidity" : 31, "battery_low" : 0} pulse_demod_pwm_precise(): Acurite 592TXR Temp/Humidity, 5n1 Weather Station, 6045 Lightning bitbuffer:: Number of rows: 3 [00] {57} fc f2 44 9f 88 65 be 00 [01] {57} fc f2 44 9f 88 65 be 00 [02] {57} fc f2 44 9f 88 65 be 00 acurite_txr Parity: 0000001 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:12:22", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 2606, "sensor_id" : 2606, "channel" : "C", "temperature_C" : 10.600, "humidity" : 59, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0000001 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:12:22", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 2606, "sensor_id" : 2606, "channel" : "C", "temperature_C" : 10.600, "humidity" : 59, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0000001 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:12:22", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 2606, "sensor_id" : 2606, "channel" : "C", "temperature_C" : 10.600, "humidity" : 59, "battery_low" : 0} pulse_demod_pwm_precise(): Acurite 592TXR Temp/Humidity, 5n1 Weather Station, 6045 Lightning bitbuffer:: Number of rows: 3 [00] {57} 0a 2e 44 bb 88 d2 91 00 [01] {57} 0a 2e 44 bb 88 d2 91 00 [02] {57} 0a 2e 44 bb 88 d2 91 00 acurite_txr Parity: 10000011 Acurite 5n1 raw msg: CE 42 60 21 0F EB 01 8C {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:12:27", "model" : "Acurite 3n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 3650, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 0, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 32, "wind_speed_mph" : 1.000, "temperature_F" : 54.700, "humidity" : 33} acurite_txr Parity: 10000011 Acurite 5n1 raw msg: CE 42 60 21 0F EB 01 8C {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:12:27", "model" : "Acurite 3n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 3650, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 0, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 32, "wind_speed_mph" : 1.000, "temperature_F" : 54.700, "humidity" : 33} 2019-03-05 07:12:31 Acurite bad checksum: 0x65 0x51 0x71 0x00 0xcf 0x9f 0xe8 0xfd acurite_txr Parity: 0100000 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:12:32", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 15602, "sensor_id" : 15602, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 12.500, "humidity" : 31, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0100000 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:12:32", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 15602, "sensor_id" : 15602, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 12.500, "humidity" : 31, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0100000 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:12:32", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 15602, "sensor_id" : 15602, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 12.500, "humidity" : 31, "battery_low" : 0} pulse_demod_pwm_precise(): Acurite 592TXR Temp/Humidity, 5n1 Weather Station, 6045 Lightning bitbuffer:: Number of rows: 3 [00] {57} fc f2 44 9f 88 65 be 00 [01] {57} fc f2 44 9f 88 65 be 00 [02] {57} fc f2 44 9f 88 65 be 00 acurite_txr Parity: 0000001 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:12:38", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 2606, "sensor_id" : 2606, "channel" : "C", "temperature_C" : 10.600, "humidity" : 59, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0000001 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:12:38", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 2606, "sensor_id" : 2606, "channel" : "C", "temperature_C" : 10.600, "humidity" : 59, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0000001 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:12:38", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 2606, "sensor_id" : 2606, "channel" : "C", "temperature_C" : 10.600, "humidity" : 59, "battery_low" : 0} pulse_demod_pwm_precise(): Acurite 592TXR Temp/Humidity, 5n1 Weather Station, 6045 Lightning bitbuffer:: Number of rows: 3 [00] {57} 0a 2e 44 bb 88 d2 91 00 [01] {57} 0a 2e 44 bb 88 d2 91 00 [02] {57} 0a 2e 44 bb 88 d2 91 00 acurite_txr Parity: 10000010 Acurite 5n1 raw msg: CE 42 60 21 0F 6A 02 0C {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:12:45", "model" : "Acurite 3n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 3650, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 0, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 32, "wind_speed_mph" : 2.000, "temperature_F" : 54.600, "humidity" : 33} acurite_txr Parity: 10000010 Acurite 5n1 raw msg: CE 42 60 21 0F 6A 02 0C {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:12:45", "model" : "Acurite 3n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 3650, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 0, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 32, "wind_speed_mph" : 2.000, "temperature_F" : 54.600, "humidity" : 33} acurite_txr Parity: 0000000 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:12:47", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 11824, "sensor_id" : 11824, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 20.200, "humidity" : 51, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0000000 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:12:47", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 11824, "sensor_id" : 11824, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 20.200, "humidity" : 51, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0000000 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:12:47", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 11824, "sensor_id" : 11824, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 20.200, "humidity" : 51, "battery_low" : 0} pulse_demod_pwm_precise(): Acurite 592TXR Temp/Humidity, 5n1 Weather Station, 6045 Lightning bitbuffer:: Number of rows: 3 [00] {57} ee 30 44 33 09 b2 50 00 [01] {57} ee 30 44 33 09 b2 50 00 [02] {57} ee 30 44 33 09 b2 50 00 acurite_txr Parity: 0100000 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:12:48", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 15602, "sensor_id" : 15602, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 12.500, "humidity" : 31, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0100000 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:12:48", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 15602, "sensor_id" : 15602, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 12.500, "humidity" : 31, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0100000 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:12:48", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 15602, "sensor_id" : 15602, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 12.500, "humidity" : 31, "battery_low" : 0} pulse_demod_pwm_precise(): Acurite 592TXR Temp/Humidity, 5n1 Weather Station, 6045 Lightning bitbuffer:: Number of rows: 3 [00] {57} fc f2 44 9f 88 65 be 00 [01] {57} fc f2 44 9f 88 65 be 00 [02] {57} fc f2 44 9f 88 65 be 00 acurite_txr Parity: 01000001 Acurite 5n1 raw msg: C5 51 78 00 B7 AF 22 16 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:12:49", "model" : "Acurite 5n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 1361, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 0, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 56, "wind_speed_mph" : 2.164, "temperature_F" : 54.300, "humidity" : 34} acurite_txr Parity: 11000001 Acurite 5n1 raw msg: D5 51 78 00 B7 AF 22 26 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:12:49", "model" : "Acurite 5n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 1361, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 1, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 56, "wind_speed_mph" : 2.164, "temperature_F" : 54.300, "humidity" : 34} acurite_txr Parity: 11000000 Acurite 5n1 raw msg: E5 51 78 00 B7 AF 22 36 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:12:49", "model" : "Acurite 5n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 1361, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 2, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 56, "wind_speed_mph" : 2.164, "temperature_F" : 54.300, "humidity" : 34} acurite_txr Parity: 0000001 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:12:55", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 2606, "sensor_id" : 2606, "channel" : "C", "temperature_C" : 10.600, "humidity" : 59, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0000001 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:12:55", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 2606, "sensor_id" : 2606, "channel" : "C", "temperature_C" : 10.600, "humidity" : 59, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0000001 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:12:55", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 2606, "sensor_id" : 2606, "channel" : "C", "temperature_C" : 10.600, "humidity" : 59, "battery_low" : 0} pulse_demod_pwm_precise(): Acurite 592TXR Temp/Humidity, 5n1 Weather Station, 6045 Lightning bitbuffer:: Number of rows: 3 [00] {57} 0a 2e 44 bb 88 d2 91 00 [01] {57} 0a 2e 44 bb 88 d2 91 00 [02] {57} 0a 2e 44 bb 88 d2 91 00 acurite_txr Parity: 10000000 Acurite 5n1 raw msg: CE 42 60 21 0F 6A 00 0A {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:13:04", "model" : "Acurite 3n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 3650, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 0, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 32, "wind_speed_mph" : 0.000, "temperature_F" : 54.600, "humidity" : 33} acurite_txr Parity: 10000000 Acurite 5n1 raw msg: CE 42 60 21 0F 6A 00 0A {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:13:04", "model" : "Acurite 3n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 3650, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 0, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 32, "wind_speed_mph" : 0.000, "temperature_F" : 54.600, "humidity" : 33} acurite_txr Parity: 0000000 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:13:04", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 11824, "sensor_id" : 11824, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 20.200, "humidity" : 51, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0000000 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:13:04", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 11824, "sensor_id" : 11824, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 20.200, "humidity" : 51, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0000000 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:13:04", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 11824, "sensor_id" : 11824, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 20.200, "humidity" : 51, "battery_low" : 0} pulse_demod_pwm_precise(): Acurite 592TXR Temp/Humidity, 5n1 Weather Station, 6045 Lightning bitbuffer:: Number of rows: 3 [00] {57} ee 30 44 33 09 b2 50 00 [01] {57} ee 30 44 33 09 b2 50 00 [02] {57} ee 30 44 33 09 b2 50 00 acurite_txr Parity: 0100000 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:13:05", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 15602, "sensor_id" : 15602, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 12.500, "humidity" : 31, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0100000 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:13:05", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 15602, "sensor_id" : 15602, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 12.500, "humidity" : 31, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0100000 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:13:05", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 15602, "sensor_id" : 15602, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 12.500, "humidity" : 31, "battery_low" : 0} pulse_demod_pwm_precise(): Acurite 592TXR Temp/Humidity, 5n1 Weather Station, 6045 Lightning bitbuffer:: Number of rows: 3 [00] {57} fc f2 44 9f 88 65 be 00 [01] {57} fc f2 44 9f 88 65 be 00 [02] {57} fc f2 44 9f 88 65 be 00 acurite_txr Parity: 01000001 Acurite 5n1 raw msg: C5 51 71 00 21 9F E8 2F 2019-03-05 07:13:07 Acurite 5n1 sensor 0x0551 Ch A, Total rain fall since last reset: 40.72 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:13:07", "model" : "Acurite 5n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 1361, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 0, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 49, "wind_speed_mph" : 1.650, "wind_dir_deg" : 247.500, "wind_dir" : "WSW", "rainfall_accumulation_inch" : 0.000, "raincounter_raw" : 4072} acurite_txr Parity: 11000000 Acurite 5n1 raw msg: D5 51 71 00 21 9F E8 3F {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:13:07", "model" : "Acurite 5n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 1361, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 1, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 49, "wind_speed_mph" : 1.650, "wind_dir_deg" : 247.500, "wind_dir" : "WSW", "rainfall_accumulation_inch" : 0.000, "raincounter_raw" : 4072} acurite_txr Parity: 11000001 Acurite 5n1 raw msg: E5 51 71 00 21 9F E8 4F {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:13:07", "model" : "Acurite 5n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 1361, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 2, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 49, "wind_speed_mph" : 1.650, "wind_dir_deg" : 247.500, "wind_dir" : "WSW", "rainfall_accumulation_inch" : 0.000, "raincounter_raw" : 4072} acurite_txr Parity: 0000001 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:13:10", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 2606, "sensor_id" : 2606, "channel" : "C", "temperature_C" : 10.600, "humidity" : 59, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0000001 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:13:10", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 2606, "sensor_id" : 2606, "channel" : "C", "temperature_C" : 10.600, "humidity" : 59, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0000001 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:13:10", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 2606, "sensor_id" : 2606, "channel" : "C", "temperature_C" : 10.600, "humidity" : 59, "battery_low" : 0} pulse_demod_pwm_precise(): Acurite 592TXR Temp/Humidity, 5n1 Weather Station, 6045 Lightning bitbuffer:: Number of rows: 3 [00] {57} 0a 2e 44 bb 88 d2 91 00 [01] {57} 0a 2e 44 bb 88 d2 91 00 [02] {57} 0a 2e 44 bb 88 d2 91 00 acurite_txr Parity: 0000000 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:13:21", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 11824, "sensor_id" : 11824, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 20.200, "humidity" : 51, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0000000 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:13:21", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 11824, "sensor_id" : 11824, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 20.200, "humidity" : 51, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0000000 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:13:21", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 11824, "sensor_id" : 11824, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 20.200, "humidity" : 51, "battery_low" : 0} pulse_demod_pwm_precise(): Acurite 592TXR Temp/Humidity, 5n1 Weather Station, 6045 Lightning bitbuffer:: Number of rows: 3 [00] {57} ee 30 44 33 09 b2 50 00 [01] {57} ee 30 44 33 09 b2 50 00 [02] {57} ee 30 44 33 09 b2 50 00 acurite_txr Parity: 10000011 Acurite 5n1 raw msg: CE 42 60 21 0F 6A 01 0B {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:13:21", "model" : "Acurite 3n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 3650, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 0, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 32, "wind_speed_mph" : 1.000, "temperature_F" : 54.600, "humidity" : 33} acurite_txr Parity: 10000011 Acurite 5n1 raw msg: CE 42 60 21 0F 6A 01 0B {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:13:21", "model" : "Acurite 3n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 3650, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 0, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 32, "wind_speed_mph" : 1.000, "temperature_F" : 54.600, "humidity" : 33} acurite_txr Parity: 0100000 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:13:22", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 15602, "sensor_id" : 15602, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 12.500, "humidity" : 31, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0100000 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:13:22", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 15602, "sensor_id" : 15602, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 12.500, "humidity" : 31, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0100000 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:13:22", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 15602, "sensor_id" : 15602, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 12.500, "humidity" : 31, "battery_low" : 0} pulse_demod_pwm_precise(): Acurite 592TXR Temp/Humidity, 5n1 Weather Station, 6045 Lightning bitbuffer:: Number of rows: 3 [00] {57} fc f2 44 9f 88 65 be 00 [01] {57} fc f2 44 9f 88 65 be 00 [02] {57} fc f2 44 9f 88 65 be 00 acurite_txr Parity: 01000001 Acurite 5n1 raw msg: C5 51 78 00 87 AF 22 E6 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:13:26", "model" : "Acurite 5n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 1361, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 0, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 56, "wind_speed_mph" : 0.000, "temperature_F" : 54.300, "humidity" : 34} acurite_txr Parity: 11000000 Acurite 5n1 raw msg: D5 51 78 00 87 AF 22 F6 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:13:26", "model" : "Acurite 5n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 1361, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 1, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 56, "wind_speed_mph" : 0.000, "temperature_F" : 54.300, "humidity" : 34} acurite_txr Parity: 11000000 Acurite 5n1 raw msg: E5 51 78 00 87 AF 22 06 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:13:26", "model" : "Acurite 5n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 1361, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 2, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 56, "wind_speed_mph" : 0.000, "temperature_F" : 54.300, "humidity" : 34} acurite_txr Parity: 0000001 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:13:27", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 2606, "sensor_id" : 2606, "channel" : "C", "temperature_C" : 10.600, "humidity" : 59, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0000001 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:13:27", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 2606, "sensor_id" : 2606, "channel" : "C", "temperature_C" : 10.600, "humidity" : 59, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0000001 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:13:27", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 2606, "sensor_id" : 2606, "channel" : "C", "temperature_C" : 10.600, "humidity" : 59, "battery_low" : 0} pulse_demod_pwm_precise(): Acurite 592TXR Temp/Humidity, 5n1 Weather Station, 6045 Lightning bitbuffer:: Number of rows: 3 [00] {57} 0a 2e 44 bb 88 d2 91 00 [01] {57} 0a 2e 44 bb 88 d2 91 00 [02] {57} 0a 2e 44 bb 88 d2 91 00 acurite_txr Parity: 0000000 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:13:38", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 11824, "sensor_id" : 11824, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 20.200, "humidity" : 51, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0000000 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:13:38", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 11824, "sensor_id" : 11824, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 20.200, "humidity" : 51, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0000000 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:13:38", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 11824, "sensor_id" : 11824, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 20.200, "humidity" : 51, "battery_low" : 0} pulse_demod_pwm_precise(): Acurite 592TXR Temp/Humidity, 5n1 Weather Station, 6045 Lightning bitbuffer:: Number of rows: 3 [00] {57} ee 30 44 33 09 b2 50 00 [01] {57} ee 30 44 33 09 b2 50 00 [02] {57} ee 30 44 33 09 b2 50 00 acurite_txr Parity: 0100000 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:13:39", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 15602, "sensor_id" : 15602, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 12.500, "humidity" : 31, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0100000 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:13:39", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 15602, "sensor_id" : 15602, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 12.500, "humidity" : 31, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0100000 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:13:39", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 15602, "sensor_id" : 15602, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 12.500, "humidity" : 31, "battery_low" : 0} pulse_demod_pwm_precise(): Acurite 592TXR Temp/Humidity, 5n1 Weather Station, 6045 Lightning bitbuffer:: Number of rows: 3 [00] {57} fc f2 44 9f 88 65 be 00 [01] {57} fc f2 44 9f 88 65 be 00 [02] {57} fc f2 44 9f 88 65 be 00 acurite_txr Parity: 10000011 Acurite 5n1 raw msg: CE 42 60 21 0F 6A 01 0B {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:13:39", "model" : "Acurite 3n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 3650, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 0, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 32, "wind_speed_mph" : 1.000, "temperature_F" : 54.600, "humidity" : 33} acurite_txr Parity: 10000011 Acurite 5n1 raw msg: CE 42 60 21 0F 6A 01 0B {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:13:39", "model" : "Acurite 3n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 3650, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 0, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 32, "wind_speed_mph" : 1.000, "temperature_F" : 54.600, "humidity" : 33} acurite_txr Parity: 0000001 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:13:42", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 2606, "sensor_id" : 2606, "channel" : "C", "temperature_C" : 10.600, "humidity" : 59, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0000001 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:13:42", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 2606, "sensor_id" : 2606, "channel" : "C", "temperature_C" : 10.600, "humidity" : 59, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0000001 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:13:42", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 2606, "sensor_id" : 2606, "channel" : "C", "temperature_C" : 10.600, "humidity" : 59, "battery_low" : 0} pulse_demod_pwm_precise(): Acurite 592TXR Temp/Humidity, 5n1 Weather Station, 6045 Lightning bitbuffer:: Number of rows: 3 [00] {57} 0a 2e 44 bb 88 d2 91 00 [01] {57} 0a 2e 44 bb 88 d2 91 00 [02] {57} 0a 2e 44 bb 88 d2 91 00 acurite_txr Parity: 01000000 Acurite 5n1 raw msg: C5 51 71 00 3F 9F E8 4D {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:13:44", "model" : "Acurite 5n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 1361, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 0, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 49, "wind_speed_mph" : 2.164, "wind_dir_deg" : 180.000, "wind_dir" : "S", "rainfall_accumulation_inch" : 0.000, "raincounter_raw" : 4072} acurite_txr Parity: 0000000 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:13:54", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 11824, "sensor_id" : 11824, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 20.200, "humidity" : 51, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0000000 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:13:54", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 11824, "sensor_id" : 11824, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 20.200, "humidity" : 51, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0000000 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:13:54", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 11824, "sensor_id" : 11824, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 20.200, "humidity" : 51, "battery_low" : 0} pulse_demod_pwm_precise(): Acurite 592TXR Temp/Humidity, 5n1 Weather Station, 6045 Lightning bitbuffer:: Number of rows: 3 [00] {57} ee 30 44 33 09 b2 50 00 [01] {57} ee 30 44 33 09 b2 50 00 [02] {57} ee 30 44 33 09 b2 50 00 acurite_txr Parity: 0100000 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:13:55", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 15602, "sensor_id" : 15602, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 12.500, "humidity" : 31, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0100000 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:13:55", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 15602, "sensor_id" : 15602, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 12.500, "humidity" : 31, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0100000 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:13:55", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 15602, "sensor_id" : 15602, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 12.500, "humidity" : 31, "battery_low" : 0} pulse_demod_pwm_precise(): Acurite 592TXR Temp/Humidity, 5n1 Weather Station, 6045 Lightning bitbuffer:: Number of rows: 3 [00] {57} fc f2 44 9f 88 65 be 00 [01] {57} fc f2 44 9f 88 65 be 00 [02] {57} fc f2 44 9f 88 65 be 00 acurite_txr Parity: 10000011 Acurite 5n1 raw msg: CE 42 60 21 0F 6A 01 0B {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:13:58", "model" : "Acurite 3n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 3650, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 0, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 32, "wind_speed_mph" : 1.000, "temperature_F" : 54.600, "humidity" : 33} acurite_txr Parity: 10000011 Acurite 5n1 raw msg: CE 42 60 21 0F 6A 01 0B {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:13:58", "model" : "Acurite 3n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 3650, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 0, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 32, "wind_speed_mph" : 1.000, "temperature_F" : 54.600, "humidity" : 33} acurite_txr Parity: 0000001 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:13:59", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 2606, "sensor_id" : 2606, "channel" : "C", "temperature_C" : 10.600, "humidity" : 59, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0000001 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:13:59", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 2606, "sensor_id" : 2606, "channel" : "C", "temperature_C" : 10.600, "humidity" : 59, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0000001 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:13:59", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 2606, "sensor_id" : 2606, "channel" : "C", "temperature_C" : 10.600, "humidity" : 59, "battery_low" : 0} pulse_demod_pwm_precise(): Acurite 592TXR Temp/Humidity, 5n1 Weather Station, 6045 Lightning bitbuffer:: Number of rows: 3 [00] {57} 0a 2e 44 bb 88 d2 91 00 [01] {57} 0a 2e 44 bb 88 d2 91 00 [02] {57} 0a 2e 44 bb 88 d2 91 00 acurite_txr Parity: 01000000 Acurite 5n1 raw msg: C5 51 78 00 D7 2D 22 B4 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:14:03", "model" : "Acurite 5n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 1361, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 0, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 56, "wind_speed_mph" : 3.193, "temperature_F" : 54.100, "humidity" : 34} acurite_txr Parity: 0000000 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:14:11", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 11824, "sensor_id" : 11824, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 20.200, "humidity" : 51, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0000000 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:14:11", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 11824, "sensor_id" : 11824, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 20.200, "humidity" : 51, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0000000 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:14:11", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 11824, "sensor_id" : 11824, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 20.200, "humidity" : 51, "battery_low" : 0} pulse_demod_pwm_precise(): Acurite 592TXR Temp/Humidity, 5n1 Weather Station, 6045 Lightning bitbuffer:: Number of rows: 3 [00] {57} ee 30 44 33 09 b2 50 00 [01] {57} ee 30 44 33 09 b2 50 00 [02] {57} ee 30 44 33 09 b2 50 00 acurite_txr Parity: 0100000 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:14:12", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 15602, "sensor_id" : 15602, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 12.500, "humidity" : 31, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0100000 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:14:12", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 15602, "sensor_id" : 15602, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 12.500, "humidity" : 31, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0100000 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:14:12", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 15602, "sensor_id" : 15602, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 12.500, "humidity" : 31, "battery_low" : 0} pulse_demod_pwm_precise(): Acurite 592TXR Temp/Humidity, 5n1 Weather Station, 6045 Lightning bitbuffer:: Number of rows: 3 [00] {57} fc f2 44 9f 88 65 be 00 [01] {57} fc f2 44 9f 88 65 be 00 [02] {57} fc f2 44 9f 88 65 be 00 acurite_txr Parity: 0000001 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:14:14", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 2606, "sensor_id" : 2606, "channel" : "C", "temperature_C" : 10.600, "humidity" : 59, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0000001 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:14:14", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 2606, "sensor_id" : 2606, "channel" : "C", "temperature_C" : 10.600, "humidity" : 59, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0000001 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:14:14", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 2606, "sensor_id" : 2606, "channel" : "C", "temperature_C" : 10.600, "humidity" : 59, "battery_low" : 0} pulse_demod_pwm_precise(): Acurite 592TXR Temp/Humidity, 5n1 Weather Station, 6045 Lightning bitbuffer:: Number of rows: 3 [00] {57} 0a 2e 44 bb 88 d2 91 00 [01] {57} 0a 2e 44 bb 88 d2 91 00 [02] {57} 0a 2e 44 bb 88 d2 91 00 acurite_txr Parity: 10000000 Acurite 5n1 raw msg: CE 42 60 21 0F 6A 00 0A {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:14:15", "model" : "Acurite 3n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 3650, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 0, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 32, "wind_speed_mph" : 0.000, "temperature_F" : 54.600, "humidity" : 33} acurite_txr Parity: 10000000 Acurite 5n1 raw msg: CE 42 60 21 0F 6A 00 0A {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:14:15", "model" : "Acurite 3n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 3650, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 0, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 32, "wind_speed_mph" : 0.000, "temperature_F" : 54.600, "humidity" : 33} acurite_txr Parity: 01000000 Acurite 5n1 raw msg: C5 51 71 00 EB 9F E8 F9 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:14:22", "model" : "Acurite 5n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 1361, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 0, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 49, "wind_speed_mph" : 3.708, "wind_dir_deg" : 112.500, "wind_dir" : "ESE", "rainfall_accumulation_inch" : 0.000, "raincounter_raw" : 4072} acurite_txr Parity: 11000000 Acurite 5n1 raw msg: D5 51 71 00 EB 9F E8 09 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:14:22", "model" : "Acurite 5n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 1361, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 1, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 49, "wind_speed_mph" : 3.708, "wind_dir_deg" : 112.500, "wind_dir" : "ESE", "rainfall_accumulation_inch" : 0.000, "raincounter_raw" : 4072} acurite_txr Parity: 11000001 Acurite 5n1 raw msg: E5 51 71 00 EB 9F E8 19 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:14:22", "model" : "Acurite 5n1 sensor", "sensor_id" : 1361, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 2, "battery" : "OK", "message_type" : 49, "wind_speed_mph" : 3.708, "wind_dir_deg" : 112.500, "wind_dir" : "ESE", "rainfall_accumulation_inch" : 0.000, "raincounter_raw" : 4072} acurite_txr Parity: 0000000 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:14:27", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 11824, "sensor_id" : 11824, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 20.200, "humidity" : 51, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0000000 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:14:27", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 11824, "sensor_id" : 11824, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 20.200, "humidity" : 51, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0000000 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:14:27", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 11824, "sensor_id" : 11824, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 20.200, "humidity" : 51, "battery_low" : 0} pulse_demod_pwm_precise(): Acurite 592TXR Temp/Humidity, 5n1 Weather Station, 6045 Lightning bitbuffer:: Number of rows: 3 [00] {57} ee 30 44 33 09 b2 50 00 [01] {57} ee 30 44 33 09 b2 50 00 [02] {57} ee 30 44 33 09 b2 50 00 acurite_txr Parity: 0100000 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:14:29", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 15602, "sensor_id" : 15602, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 12.500, "humidity" : 31, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0100000 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:14:29", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 15602, "sensor_id" : 15602, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 12.500, "humidity" : 31, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0100000 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:14:29", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 15602, "sensor_id" : 15602, "channel" : "A", "temperature_C" : 12.500, "humidity" : 31, "battery_low" : 0} pulse_demod_pwm_precise(): Acurite 592TXR Temp/Humidity, 5n1 Weather Station, 6045 Lightning bitbuffer:: Number of rows: 3 [00] {57} fc f2 44 9f 88 65 be 00 [01] {57} fc f2 44 9f 88 65 be 00 [02] {57} fc f2 44 9f 88 65 be 00 acurite_txr Parity: 0000001 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:14:31", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 2606, "sensor_id" : 2606, "channel" : "C", "temperature_C" : 10.600, "humidity" : 59, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0000001 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:14:31", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 2606, "sensor_id" : 2606, "channel" : "C", "temperature_C" : 10.600, "humidity" : 59, "battery_low" : 0} acurite_txr Parity: 0000001 {"time" : "2019-03-05 07:14:31", "model" : "Acurite tower sensor", "id" : 2606, "sensor_id" : 2606, "channel" : "C", "temperature_C" : 10.600, "humidity" : 59, "battery_low" : 0} pulse_demod_pwm_precise(): Acurite 592TXR Temp/Humidity, 5n1 Weather Station, 6045 Lightning bitbuffer:: Number of rows: 3 [00] {57} 0a 2e 44 bb 88 d2 91 00 [01] {57} 0a 2e 44 bb 88 d2 91 00 [02] {57} 0a 2e 44 bb 88 d2 91 00 Signal caught, exiting! Reattached kernel driver