merbanan / rtl_433

Program to decode radio transmissions from devices on the ISM bands (and other frequencies)
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Add Alecto WS-1200 support #973

Closed untergasser closed 5 years ago

untergasser commented 5 years ago

Hi, with having the Alecto WS-1200 data at would it be possible to add to crtl_433?

I would suggest to decode all 3 possible signals:

  1. Version 1.0: rtl_433 -X 'n=Alecto-WS-1200-v1.0,m=OOK_PWM,s=450,l=1450,r=37000,g=1100,t=400' {63} fe 72 25 0a 00 01 fe 20 PRE: 7b Type: 4b ID: 8h BATTERY: 1b ?:1b T: 10d R:<16d ?: 8h CRC: 8h Type must be 0011 Temp value must be (value - 400) / 10 Rain must be value * 0.3

Output could be: Model: Alecto WS-1200 v1.0 ID: hex Battery: OK Checksum: OK Temperature: xx.x C Rainfall: xxx.x mm

  1. Version 2.0 sensor data: [00] {95} fe 78 84 da 00 01 ff d5 a8 69 d3 10 PRE: 7b Type: 4b ID: 8b BATTERY: 1b ?:1b T: 10d R:<16d ?: 8h CRC: 8h MAC: 8h DATEKEY: 24h Type must be 0011 Temp value must be (value - 400) / 10 Rain must be value * 0.3 The Date Part I would give as hex string

Output could be: Model: Alecto WS-1200 v2.0 ID: hex Battery: OK Checksum: OK Temperature: xx.x C Rainfall: xxx.x mm Date Key: hex

  1. Version 2.0 time data: [00] {95} fe a5 88 20 32 02 02 0c 46 8d bb 1a PRE: 7b Type: 8b ID: 8b BATT: 1b ?: 1b ?: ??: 6b YY: 4d YY:4d MM: 4d MM: 4d DD: 4d DD: 4d HH: 4d HH: 4d MM: 4d MM: 4d SS: 4d SS: 4d ? 16b Type must be 01010010 The time is assembled from single digits. I would also give the last 24 as hex as Date Key, it is sent in the #2 Signals.

Output could be: Model: Alecto WS-1200 v2.0 ID: hex Battery: OK Checksum: OK Date: 14.02.2019 Time: 02:45:36 Date Key: hex

There is more information in the readme in the folders:

I fail implementing it myself, as it is hard to see were to add the information. I assume that once added, I could do maintenance and enhancements like summer time on my own.

Thank you for considering this enhancement!



curlyel commented 5 years ago

Thanks Andreas for raising this and providing the test data. As I said yet - I'm keen on having them supported too :-)

I fail implementing it myself, as it is hard to see were to add the information

Exactly the same here. I've had a look at the source code too but did not understand enough for providing some useful add :-(

Nevertheless: I do have currently access to two units WS-1200 - one is outdoor and a second one is here on my desk. If some additional tests are required I'm happy doing it and share the outcome.

zuckschwerdt commented 5 years ago

The documentation is good. I'll draft a decoder in the next days.

curlyel commented 5 years ago

Hi Christian, just noticed, that rtl_433 is already decoding something of my two WS-1200 units. It automatically chooses a decoder for "Fine Offset Electronics WH0530".

First sensor outdoor: time : 2019-02-04 12:33:53 model : Fine Offset Electronics, WH0530 Temperature/Rain sensor ID : 38 Temperature: 7.3 C Rain : 250.8 mm Battery : OK Integrity : CRC

Second sensor indoor: time : 2019-02-04 12:34:03 model : Fine Offset Electronics, WH0530 Temperature/Rain sensor ID : 62 Temperature: 21.5 C Rain : 8.1 mm Battery : OK Integrity : CRC

The values are valid. Sure, the DCF stuff is missing... So probably less work than expected?

btw.: Does the light blue "CRC" output mean, that the CRC is checked and valid or does the blue indicates that it is not evaluated yet?

zuckschwerdt commented 5 years ago

If you see CRC it means checked and valid. The colors don't encode data, just to make things easier to see.

curlyel commented 5 years ago

Good to know ;-) Thanks a lot!

untergasser commented 5 years ago

Hi, my Alecto WS-1200 signals are not picked up as "Fine Offset Electronics WH0530". rtl_433 completely ignores them. So maybe there are even more versions. Best, Andreas

zuckschwerdt commented 5 years ago

Looks like the Fine Offset WH0530 protocol matches close enough.

If you remove the Validate package check then it should mostly work. The V1.0 test sample are shown as Fine Offset WH3080 though. Either some sanity checks need to be added to remove those false positives or we need to confirm that they are (mostly) the same.

curlyel commented 5 years ago

Mmh. I've checked my units again. It seems, that both are V.1.0, see: alecto-ws-1200-v1 0

zuckschwerdt commented 5 years ago

Does the V1.0 also have a time packet (maybe only once a night)? It seems to suggest that on the package (or perhaps the DCF receiver is built into the indoor unit for 1.0?).

curlyel commented 5 years ago

I'd expect the latter (DCF in the indoor display unit). I'm going to check it...

curlyel commented 5 years ago

It's hard to block the rf-signal from the outdoor unit. I wanted to avoid climbing to the roof to pull out the batteries just to find out if it is receiving DCF without an outdoor unit powered on.

So I've decided to disassemble the indoor unit. Well ... it's broken now ... (just kidding ;-))

I can confirm: It's definitely receiving the DCF in the indoor display unit. There are two antennas inside - one simple wire antenna for the 433MHz and a ferrite antenna for the longwave 77kHz DCF receiption. See: ws-1200-inside

untergasser commented 5 years ago

I deassembled both, v1.0 and v2.0. Version 1.0 has the ferrite antenna in the display, Version 2.0 in the sensor. The "time" information gets a seperate signal with v2.0 and a stamp is attached to the old signal type.

Is it difficult to add the three signals? It would be great to have them in rtl_433!!!

Best, Andreas

zuckschwerdt commented 5 years ago

Thanks for all the great info! It's not difficult, just the issue with overlapping (false positive) Fine Offset devices was confusing me. I'll add a branch for the decoder in a few days now.

zuckschwerdt commented 5 years ago

Just a quick preview, but there is some test code at #975 now.

zuckschwerdt commented 5 years ago

The PR now has the DCF77 decoding.

zuckschwerdt commented 5 years ago

Did you have a chance to test the code? Closing this, report back in #975 when you have time to test.