mercedes-benz / sechub-plugin-intellij

intellij plugin for sechub
MIT License
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Facilitate code scan and report retrieval directly within plugin #7

Open 4w31ss3 opened 3 years ago

4w31ss3 commented 3 years ago

The plugin could allow to scan code and load reports directly without the intermediate step of using the sechub client first.

Albert Weißert, Daimler TSS GmbH, imprint

de-jcup commented 3 years ago

Just a general information about upcoming features:

It's planned to provide mostly all user REST call features into all sechub plugins (eclipse,intellij, vscode/vscodium/eclipse theia).

At the moment we are working at finalization of openapi3 generation - to have stable, generateable and supported REST clients for java and also for javascript (typescript).

When this has been finished, we will provide step by step the possiblities of the REST API into the plugins. We will handle ALL of the IDEs as first class citizens, so, when we provide one feature of REST into a plugin we will provide the functionality also for the other IDEs and only after this has been done, we concentrate on next implementation.

This will provide each IDE community with same feature sets . At the moment we got the eclipse and intellij plugin in alpha state and ready to import code scan reports. VSCode/VSCodium and Eclipse Theia integration is currently under development.

Albert Tregnaghi, Daimler TSS GmbH, imprint

de-jcup commented 3 years ago

At we provide an overview of features and when they are available inside dedicated IDEs.