mercedes-benz / sechub

SecHub provides a central API to test software with different security tools.
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Concept: False positive handling #23

Closed de-jcup closed 4 years ago

de-jcup commented 4 years ago

We will create an asciidoc file for the concept sechub-doc/src/docs/asciidoc/documents/shared/concepts/false-postitive-handling/false-postitive-handling.adoc

At the moment false positive handling must be done inside the security products

But what happens when somebody switches products or does use two products for same purpose ? => You got false positives again.

Code scan

Mark false positives in code by developers

One thing how this could be handled very smooth by developers could be a single line comment option before the false positive // NOSECHUB:${identifier} E.g. Having a medium finding like:

"description": "\n<br>Location:java/com/daimler/sechub/docgen/ - line:28, column:35\\n<br>For details... "name": "Absolute Path Traversal",

A developer could add a comment before ala // NOSECHUB:Absolute Path Traversal

SecHub would let use scan results from products, but filter the corresponding findings, by mapping with the found NOSECHUB lines.

This has the benefit, that when developers refactor their code and the method comes up at another position or even at another file the false/positive handling would be still working!

Web scan

  1. REST service with filter option for URL + Vulnerability
  2. later: Web UI - using 1.

Infra scan


de-jcup commented 4 years ago

Concept of Analyzer Application

de-jcup commented 4 years ago

Additional fields in report

de-jcup commented 4 years ago

Idea: using of #204 product delegation server for the REST api, calling mechanism etc.

sechub-analyzer-cli is the cli part which will introspect zip file content and return json result created issue for cli analyzer

de-jcup commented 4 years ago

We will create an asciidoc file for the concept sechub-doc/src/docs/asciidoc/documents/shared/concepts/false-postitive-handling/false-postitive-handling.adoc

de-jcup commented 4 years ago

Last commit, generated diagram look like this: image

de-jcup commented 4 years ago

API centric concept parts can be now read at

JSON example: