mercedes-benz / sechub

SecHub provides a central API to test software with different security tools.
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Handle PDS network access for systemtests #2712

Open de-jcup opened 7 months ago

de-jcup commented 7 months ago



we introduced automatic PDS stream resolution inside system tests.

It works great with SystemTestFrameworkIntTest and has the wanted output (here the PDS and the SecHub server instance are accessible from localhost).

But for some existing system tests with docker compose the systemtest framework has no access to the solution network, but only to SecHub server instance.


Just call

sdc -f -bpt -syg

This builds the pds tools locally and after this, starts systemtest gosec "sanity-check". The test will not fail, but inside the log output there is an error, that the debug information cannot be fetched.


Change the setup of the existing system tests in a way, that the PDS debug information can be downloaded automatically.


The problem is the missing possibility for the systemtest framework to get access to PDS REST API because of network issues.

Variant A: Change docker compose

PRO: no changes at SecHub side or at systemtest framework necessary

CON: PDS instance available from localhost

Variant B: SecHub as Proxy

SecHub could introduce a way to fetch data from PDS instances. Maybe by executor configuration identifiers and a dedicated admin api.

PRO: PDS not available at localhost

CON: At the moment SecHub does only need the technical PDS user. Here we would change to admin user - without a real need. Also systemtest framework and SecHub server itself would be changed

Variante C: Like A, but dedicated systemtest way

PRO: no changes at SecHub side or at systemtest framework necessary, "normal" docker compose parts not involved, still protected CON: addtitional configuration

de-jcup commented 7 months ago

We have big problems with Variants A + C: The DNS (domain name space)! Means we need something like Variant B!


The current PDS solutions using 05 scripts, connect to an internal sechub network (provided by sechub solution). In our system tests, e.g. for gosec we have an URL like https://pds.gosec:8444.

SystemTest (local machine ) 
         (starts) ---> docker: sechub-solution    ---V
                                                    (creates network "sechub")
(starts) ---> docker: PDS-solution1               ---^ (connects to)

If we would just add local network access to our PDS-solution1 and define https://localhost:8444 inside our system test, this would not long work, because localhost inside sechub-solution would point to sechub-solution itself and sechub could not connect in this case!

Also this is very similar to a remote approach (currently not implement for systemtests, but would be useful as well).

de-jcup commented 7 months ago

Solution: We handle this issue as an "epic" and list here all necessary steps: