mercenaruss / uzg-firmware

Firmware for ZigStar UZG-01
GNU General Public License v3.0
74 stars 11 forks source link

upgrade firmware 0.2.0 -> 0.2.3 not working #25

Closed saintfrater closed 8 months ago

saintfrater commented 8 months ago


The web interface notify about new ESP32 update available (v0.2.3).

I've tryed to upgrade via System and Tools -> Firmware Upgrade -> Install later from github

the text change to Github download starting... but nothing change...

I've also tryed via the manual procedure "choose file..." and click to "ESP32 file update" without other success.

here is the hardware/software information:

Zig-Star model: UZG-01 ESP32 fw ver: 0.2.0 (prod-solo) ESP32 hw version: ESP32-D0WDQ6 CC2652P hw version: CC2652PXX CC2652P fw rev: 20230507

the UZG is connected via ethernet (static IP)

browser's console:

18:30:13,931 Cette page est en mode de compatibilité (quirks). La mise en page peut en être affectée. Pour le mode standard, utilisez « <!DOCTYPE html> ».

18:30:13,986 La feuille de style a été chargée comme CSS même si son type MIME, « text/javascript », n’est pas « text/css ».

18:30:14,243 [loadPage] url: / functions.js:204:10

18:30:15,560 [apiGetPage] starting parse values functions.js:369:12

18:30:16,809 [modalConstructor] start functions.js:597:10

18:30:16,812 New firmware (v0.2.3) was found on GitHub. It was downloaded 64 times. Go -> System and Tools -> Firmware update page to get more info. functions.js:1156:13

18:30:20,050 [loadPage] url: /sys-tools functions.js:204:10

18:30:20,152 L’utilisation d’XMLHttpRequest de façon synchrone sur le fil d’exécution principal est obsolète à cause de son impact négatif sur la navigation de l’utilisateur final. Consulter pour plus d’informations. jquery-min.js:2:79717

18:30:20,174 [apiGetPage] starting parse values functions.js:369:12

18:30:23,884 Propriété « -moz-box-shadow » inconnue.  Déclaration abandonnée. required.css:85:19

18:30:23,884 Jeu de règles ignoré suite à un mauvais sélecteur. required.css:216:9

18:30:23,884 Erreur d’analyse de la valeur pour « -webkit-text-size-adjust ».  Déclaration abandonnée. required.css:319:29

18:30:23,885 Pseudo-classe ou pseudo-élément « -moz-focus-outer » inconnu.  Jeu de règles ignoré suite à un mauvais sélecteur. required.css:2544:13

18:30:23,885 Jeu de règles ignoré suite à un mauvais sélecteur. required.css:2562:35

18:30:31,799 Update from Git started... Just be patient! sys-tools line 2 > injectedScript:110:17

18:30:31,799 Events try functions.js:479:10

18:30:32,314 [flash] start functions.js:472:11

I've left the page "active" for 3 hours, and it did not log anything else.

xyzroe commented 8 months ago

Could you open Developer tools in your browser and then open Console. After that try to update firmware and note any messages in console. And attach them to your message.

saintfrater commented 8 months ago

console log added to first comment.

xyzroe commented 8 months ago

I don't see any errors. Possible causes: error in NTP time set from, inaccessible GitHub from ESP32. I just checked update from 0.2.0 to 0.2.3 from GitHub all works perfect. Video

Something with your network. Also you could try to update manually using and type C cable.

saintfrater commented 8 months ago

Thanks for the reply... I'll try your manual update somewhere this week-end (UZG isn't easy to access/connect from it's production placement :D)

Indeed, I didn't see any request on my DNS servers.... Since I'm in "static IP", I did not find any way to setup the DNS servers, I think that the setting is missing on static IP setup, and so the UZG is unable to resolve any domains... maybe a futur enhancement?

xyzroe commented 8 months ago

Another possible problem is your timezone is very differs from mine, that could make problems with https. In v0.2.4 I added time zone selection.

saintfrater commented 8 months ago

I confirm the upgrade works perfectly in DHCP mode... (UZG perform request on the DNS server in DHCP mode (getting DNS configuration from the DHCP)

Time Type Domain Client Status Reply
2024-03-21 20:23:07 A OK (answered by localhost#5335) IP (16.8ms)
2024-03-21 20:23:07 A OK (answered by localhost#5335) IP (284.8ms)
2024-03-21 20:23:08 A OK (answered by localhost#5335) IP (12.8ms)
2024-03-21 20:23:37 A OK (cache) IP (0.2ms)

I'll open new "issue/request" for adding DNS setting when using "static IP" setting on ethernet.