mercurius-js / auth

Mercurius Auth Plugin
MIT License
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Is there a way to make schema filtering work with external policy? #126

Open Mike-Van opened 10 months ago

Mike-Van commented 10 months ago

Hi i'm fairly new to Fastify and Mercurius, I'm trying to setup a graphql api project for 1 of my side project. I saw there's a documentation to filter schema for auth policy directive, n it works great, but for my use case i prefer to use the external auth policy, is there a way to make external policy work for schema filtering, as i might need to expose the graphql playground for potential authenticated users. Here's a minimal snippets of my setup:

const schema = await loadSchema('src/schemas/*.graphql', {
        loaders: [new GraphQLFileLoader()],

const options: MercuriusAuthOptions<any, any, MercuriusContext, TPolicy> = {
    mode: 'external',
    authContext(ctx): TAuthContext {
        const { device, location, role, staff, token, venue } = ctx;
        return { device, location, role, staff, token, venue };
    async applyPolicy(policy, _parent, _args, ctx, _info) {
        const isRolesPolicySatisfied = policy.roles?.length
            ? !!(ctx.auth!.role && policy.roles.includes(ctx.auth!.role.type as USER_ROLE))
            : true;
        const isUserRequiredPolicySatisfied = policy.isUserRequired ? !!ctx.auth!.user : true;
        const isVenueRequiredPolicySatisfied = policy.isVenueRequired ? !!ctx.auth!.venue : true;
        const isRoleRequiredPolicySatisfied = policy.isRoleRequired ? !!ctx.auth!.role : true;
        const isLocationRequiredPolicySatisfied = policy.isLocationRequired ? !!ctx.auth!.location : true;
        const isDeviceRequiredPolicySatisfied = policy.isDeviceRequired ? !!ctx.auth!.device : true;

        const areAllConditionsSatisfied =
            isRolesPolicySatisfied &&
            isUserRequiredPolicySatisfied &&
            isVenueRequiredPolicySatisfied &&
            isRoleRequiredPolicySatisfied &&
            isLocationRequiredPolicySatisfied &&

        return areAllConditionsSatisfied;
    policy: {
        // TODO: Add more policies
        Query: {
            getCurrentMenu: {
                isVenueRequired: true,
        Mutation: {},
        Subscription: {},
        Location: {
            current_orders: {
                roles: AUTHENTICATED_ROLES,
            venue: {
                roles: AUTHENTICATED_ROLES,
        Menu: {
            posCategories: {
                roles: AUTHENTICATED_ROLES,
        Category: {
            posItems: {
                roles: AUTHENTICATED_ROLES,
        Item: {
            posOptions: {
                roles: AUTHENTICATED_ROLES,

type TPolicy = {
    isRoleRequired?: boolean;
    isUserRequired?: boolean;
    isVenueRequired?: boolean;
    isLocationRequired?: boolean;
    isDeviceRequired?: boolean;
    roles?: USER_ROLE[];

    await fastify.register(mercurius, {
        ide: true,
        graphiql: true,
        path: '/graphql',
        allowBatchedQueries: true,
        queryDepth: 10,
        jit: 1,
        context: buildContext,
        subscription: {
            context: buildSubscriptionContext,
        validationRules: isRelease ? [NoSchemaIntrospectionCustomRule] : [],

    await fastify.register(mercuriusAuth, options);
mcollina commented 10 months ago

Does it work? Have you for any issues?

Mike-Van commented 10 months ago

So when i tried to add filterSchema it crashed the app, seems like it doesnt work with external policy:

        mode: 'external',
    authContext(ctx): TAuthContext {
        const { device, location, role, staff, token, venue } = ctx;
        return { device, location, role, staff, token, venue };
    filterSchema: true,
jonnydgreen commented 10 months ago

What error are you seeing? Are you seeing something like this?

Atm, we don't support this, and to be fair this isn't called out in the docs - something we certainly add for sure!

Would you be interested in adding this caveat to the docs and/or potentially adding support for schema filtering with external policy mode?

Bugs5382 commented 9 months ago

@jonnydgreen Let me take this up. I did not think of externalPolicy. 👍