Unbranded content for Mercy Corps' Data Protection & Privacy Guides. For more info see https://www.mercycorps.org/research-resources/data-protection-privacy-guides
In the AR Filesharing PDF guide on page 2, the third bullet point under "Risky content requires extra steps" ("يتطلب المحتوى المحفوف بالمخاطر خطوات إضافية") is incorrect; it repeats the second bullet point.
The third bullet point currently reads:
إذا أعتُبِرت المعلومات سرية أو مملوكة لأغراض تجارية، شاركها فقط مع الأطراف المعنيَّة وضع في اعتبارك منح أذونات الوصول المؤقتة. راجع قسمي التشفير وإلغاء تحديد الهوية لمزيد من الأمثلة حول كيفية القيام بذلك.
("If information is considered confidential or proprietary for commercial purposes, share it only with interested parties and consider granting temporary access permissions. See the Encryption and De-identification sections for examples of how to do this.")
The third bullet point should read:
إذا الشخص الذي يتلقى الملف يعمل في مكان غير آمن ، أو إذا المحتويات تتضمن بيانات شخصية ، ففكر في تشفير الملف أو حمايته بحماية كلمة المرور. راجع قسمي التشفير وإلغاء تحديد الهوية لمزيد من الأمثلة حول كيفية القيام بذلك.
("If the person receiving the file works in an insecure location, or if the contents include personal data,
consider encrypting the file or protecting it with password protection. See the Encryption and deidentification sections for examples of how to do this.")
I have made the correction in the AR Github version but the PDF will need to be edited.
Thanks @cheyennelauclair ! This is something Heather and I will have to look into since changing / regenerating PDFs is a pretty big task right now. I'm really glad you were able to change this here, though!
In the AR Filesharing PDF guide on page 2, the third bullet point under "Risky content requires extra steps" ("يتطلب المحتوى المحفوف بالمخاطر خطوات إضافية") is incorrect; it repeats the second bullet point.
The third bullet point currently reads:
("If information is considered confidential or proprietary for commercial purposes, share it only with interested parties and consider granting temporary access permissions. See the Encryption and De-identification sections for examples of how to do this.")
The third bullet point should read:
("If the person receiving the file works in an insecure location, or if the contents include personal data, consider encrypting the file or protecting it with password protection. See the Encryption and deidentification sections for examples of how to do this.")
I have made the correction in the AR Github version but the PDF will need to be edited.