merdok / homebridge-miot

Homebridge plugin for devices supporting the Xiaomi miot protocol
MIT License
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Dreame D10 Plus #566

Closed JordanLa89 closed 2 months ago

JordanLa89 commented 5 months ago

Good morning

I have a problem getting my Dreame D10 plus robot to work in homebridge.

I managed to find the id and token, it also adds to Homekit.

But I can't do anything. I tried to add actions via MIOT SPEC but nothing.

I have this as a config, I took audio as an example.

{ "name": "DreameBot D10 Plus", "ip": "192.xxxxxxx6", "token": "78xxxxxxxxxxxxx503379", "deviceId": "72xxxxxxxx1", "model": "dreame.vacuum.r2205", "pollingInterval": 10, "deepDebugLog": false, "buzzerControl": true, "ledControl": true, "childLockControl": true, "modeControl": false, "actionButtons":[ { "action": "audio:position", “name”: “audio” } ] }

Thank you for your help :)

I'm French, sorry for my English...

merdok commented 5 months ago

Hi, you have validate if your token and ip are correct. For that you can easily use the cli command test. Have a look here

JordanLa89 commented 5 months ago

It's a bad start :s

I did the test with my IP and my token in the terminal:

Here is the answer

bash: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'

merdok commented 5 months ago

Then there is your answer, something is not correct with the data which you provide...