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Discussion: greyscale #605

Closed gvwilson closed 3 years ago

gvwilson commented 3 years ago

Please vote up or down on CRC Press's proposal to print the book in greyscale. (Sample attached.)


joelostblom commented 3 years ago

I would personally prefer color for the syntax highlighting (assuming there will be some applied?). I am OK with grayscale if most others want it, but think it looks less engaging, e.g.:


lwjohnst86 commented 3 years ago

I was originally going to say, yea greyscale is fine... but didn't even check into the syntax highlighting that @joelostblom brought up... So I am going to agree with Joel about colour just for that reason.

Also, partly related... why do some of the images look smaller? We fixed them previously...

k8hertweck commented 3 years ago

Yeah, we need to fix those figure sizes. Sigh.

If we do leave in greyscale, there are a few places we may need to update language-- in particular, the caption for at least one of the GitHub figures includes references to color. There may be references to color in a few other figures, too (I'm thinking of the screen caps from the packaging chapter).

This may be mitigated by explicitly stating that the figures are available online in color? It's a lackluster solution; not sure what the balance is between needing to update text vs color choice at this point.

DamienIrving commented 3 years ago

I agree that syntax highlighting is pretty important - it's hard to parse large sections of code without it. The price differential isn't that large, so I'd be inclined to vote for color printing.

Picking up on @lwjohnst86's comment, the sample manuscript is definitely not the latest version that we sent to them. As well as the miniature figures (which we fixed), there's also a bunch of overflow text (e.g. p 326) that we also fixed previously.

@gvwilson Do we need to check that they're working with the correct version of the manuscript?