This branch merges changes to the three chapters related to community involvement. The learning objectives from these merges include:
10-Involving the community
Edit a project README and NEWS file to be welcoming to contributors and users
Understand the importance of having an explicit Code of Conduct and how to create one relevant to a project
Understand the purpose of licensing content, choose a license and create a LICENSE file
Understand the importance of contributing guidelines and how to develop them for a project
Create and manage GitHub Issues to track project bugs and improvements
12-Project management of your package development (either solo or in a team)
Use GitHub issues, issue labels, and roadmaps to coordinate project tasks and goals
Create GitHub Projects and GitHub Milestones for long-term project management
Explain the purpose of Projects and Milestones and when to use each
14-Team-based development
Apply tools within GitHub for improving team work and coordinating development of an R package
Explicitly communicate culture and standards for interacting with your team to build a healthy and productive working environment
The proposed rearrangement (note chapters aren't renumbered here, and items in parentheses are concepts covered but not explicitly stated in objectives):
10-Involving the community (a better title may be "Communicating with the community"?)
Edit a project README and NEWS file to be welcoming to users (reprex in README)
Understand the importance of having an explicit Code of Conduct and how to create one relevant to a project
Understand the purpose of licensing content, choose a license and create a LICENSE file
Understand the importance of contributing guidelines and how to develop them for a project
Create and manage GitHub Issues to track project bugs and improvements (issue templates and labels for type of issue)
14 (now 13)-Team-based development
Apply tools within GitHub for improving team work and coordinating development of an R package (GitHub orgs/teams, branch protection)
Create GitHub Projects and GitHub Milestones for long-term project management (issue labels for triage)
Explicitly communicate culture and standards for interacting with your team to build a healthy and productive working environment (enacting CoC, running meetings, governance)
This branch merges changes to the three chapters related to community involvement. The learning objectives from these merges include:
10-Involving the community
12-Project management of your package development (either solo or in a team)
14-Team-based development
The proposed rearrangement (note chapters aren't renumbered here, and items in parentheses are concepts covered but not explicitly stated in objectives):
10-Involving the community (a better title may be "Communicating with the community"?)
14 (now 13)-Team-based development