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upgrading item images #102

Closed esperancaJS closed 8 years ago

esperancaJS commented 9 years ago

What I think we should have in consideration for asking for user images:

My proposed solution: img_20150421_091310

djtanuzzo commented 9 years ago

I honestly don't think that the focal point is necessary. It adds a new layer of complexity to images that has little benefit, given that: 1) People know that when uploading pictures the focal point will be the center. 2) People that crop the image do so with the focal point in the center.

The real problem is that people want control over the way their products are displayed, and if we crop the images without them having control over it, then it will cause frustration where it matters most. Having a focal point does not solve this problem.

If there really is no way for us not crop the user's images, then a notice in the image section is definitely required, something saying: "note that your image may be slightly cropped when displayed in certain places". Additionally a preview of how the cropped image is going to look like could help.

esperancaJS commented 9 years ago

Maybe when moving the focal point we could have a section under the image open up with previews of the various ratios we are currently using in the platform

esperancaJS commented 9 years ago

here's how VK does it img_20150421_130444

djtanuzzo commented 9 years ago

Maybe there is a difficulty in discussing this because we are talking about 2 types of cropping: 1 - Users cropping their images in an editor on merkasu 2 - Merkatsu cropping the user's images when they are displayed

Nr.1 is something that would be nice to have. Not everyone has an image editor or knows how to use one, and we would offer them a simple solution to have a better looking store.

Nr.2 is where the problem lies. Whenever merkatsu crops the user's image without his control, we are introducing possible errors and frustration. Since stores are the backbone of merkatsu, we have to ensure that people have control over them so that they can confidently join the platform.

esperancaJS commented 9 years ago

A note for nr. 2 Merkatsu is planed to scale to a point where we will have user made layouts, but many made by us also.