merlinlikethewizard / Mastermine

A fully automated strip mining network for ComputerCraft turtles!
MIT License
83 stars 20 forks source link

hiya, slight issue with the turtles mining #22

Closed deepfriedpineapl closed 3 years ago

deepfriedpineapl commented 3 years ago


I'm not a super skilled programmer and I don't know much nor fully understand lua but I do have backgrounds in python, html/css/javascript kinda deal. I'm not super skilled and programing isn't super my thing so I'm a bit rusty but I understand some basic concepts


I'm using Minecraft 1.16.5 with Optifine among other mods including CC:tweaked and advanced utilities for the chunky turtles. I'm on a server I run and have access to the files of said server


I can setup the turtles, edit their home position, the hub; chest; and turtles all function as they're supposed to... until they try to actually mine. every time I toggle the power they go into the mine, start to try to strip mine but the "whosmineisitanyway" tab always crashes and for seemingly different reasons each time.

Let me know if you need any more info or if you want you can try to connect to the server to check the turtles out in person, I'd rather DM you the details on that however

PanGeo-Code commented 3 years ago

i have got the same issue

19 This is my issue.

My turtles all display Null now and wont move.

merlinlikethewizard commented 3 years ago

Interesting issue. I tried with a fresh install of forge & mods and wasn't able to reproduce it. Are you using forge? If not that might be where the difference is (not that you should need to).

It seems like the problem is with the ore-detecting code in the turtles. Right now one of the ways they scan for ore is by checking the "blocktags" on each block to see if they've been tagged as ore. It looks like for whatever reason the data your turtles are retrieving from the blocks doesn't contain a "blocktags" field. I'm not quite sure how they work (that code was added by another user), but a quick band-aid fix is to just ignore the block if it doesn't have a blocktags field. So I updated the code to do that. It's all in the actions.lua file so if you just swap that one in it should fix that particular problem.

If there are still issues I'd be happy to come take a look on the server. I've been traveling recently and haven't had time to visit all the servers I planned to but I'm MerlinLikeTheWizard#9300 on discord if you want to message.

deepfriedpineapl commented 3 years ago

that's perfect, works like a charm (at least in my single player testing world. we'll see how they do on a server). i'll let you know if i have any more issues with the system